12. Saving Custom Presets - Epic Guide to FiLMiC Pro

12. Saving Custom Presets - Epic Guide to FiLMiC Pro

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@henryarias1 - 19.08.2016 03:19

Hi...I'm Henry Arias from Cali, Colombia. Are there any Filmic for android? Thanks.

@henryarias1 - 19.08.2016 03:30

Thanks a lot. It' a excelent app.

@henryarias1 - 19.08.2016 03:31


@vvlvmusic - 19.08.2016 12:54

Really liking this series, great job so far!
I do have one question, would be great if you could actually answer it.
When I manually set the shutter to 1/48 (filming at 24 fps) the exposure circle is red and Filmic will not adjust the ISO anymore, so on a sunny day everything is overexposed and blown out.
Can I use manual exposure and still somehow adjust the brightness (because also if I use the third option within the exposure submenu (EV) it'll cancel my shutter setting out.

Hope that made sense, I know the question is a little convoluted.

@schmidtvonhallzig - 20.08.2016 12:06

Thank you so much for making these extremely useful tutorials on FiLMiC PRO. They are so informative at exactly the right pace. They make me dive in to this mighty app in a way I couldn't have figured out on my own.

@dewaldkritzinger9341 - 27.08.2016 02:48

Any chance you can share some of your preset settings - for those of us who are novice still!

@FPV-Rebel - 11.10.2016 15:34

Are you planning on making a DJI Osmo Mobile tutorial?

@JOATMON66 - 07.01.2017 00:07

Odd. I've triple-checked this: My presets do NOT save Hardware settings (e.g. Moondog Anamorphic). Is this normal?

@JoeMurphysGuitarlessons - 19.01.2017 20:34

Good program but full of bugs, I bought filmic remote, then it was withdrawn, so you pay for a product and then they take it away ! Then it was re released bout a year later, thanks !

@nogueiradavi - 14.06.2018 17:38

How to delete presets?

@WINTERMUTE_AI - 21.06.2018 23:07

Presets were the reason I bought this app, got sick of apple camera rolling the dice, but the presets in this app suck, all they do is record frame rate and resolution as far as I can tell.. So if you want white balance, tint, shutter, iso, focus, zoom... not happening.

@jeffsim4290 - 31.10.2018 18:53

I have 2 presets for 4k. One for wide and one for telephoto on my iphone 8plus. However both presets keep getting highlighted at the same time regardless of which one I choose?
