Tesla Smart TVs Are Real... and Not What You Think

Tesla Smart TVs Are Real... and Not What You Think

Digital Trends

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@AsmrFuns1 - 28.02.2025 03:17

Why’d you change the thumbnail?

@sethmunoz3608 - 28.02.2025 03:44

In the words of @ComputerClan, from the words of Ken himself, "More inconsistencies equals more red flags".

@barthennin6088 - 28.02.2025 04:04

So how does Elon Musk let this go on? Why is there not a hugely publicized lawsuit or series of lawsuits going on?

@contagionillusion - 28.02.2025 04:52

Likely overhyped! They drive themselves.

@Butcherbg - 28.02.2025 04:52

Yep... I have personally sold people Tesla appliances... namely a Washing Machine... and it does state "made in Serbia"... It is a close match in pricing with it`s Chinese Counter Parts (actually assembled in Turkey for what I know, not much)... The guy said and I quote "Best choice for living spaces I'd be renting out of everything in front of my eyes..." (namely Whirlpool, That Chinese Brand which I randomly will not commerce, LG and Samsung, obviously the last 2 were not for ~regular renting places price range)... There are also refrigerators I have seen as physical units. I can`t wait for the TVs to eventually arrive... When customers ask I'd tell them I practically saw Elon Musk himself driving the truck that drop them... even if I don`t actually work the receiving of the goods of the "unloading docks" for lack of better words due to English not being my native language... 2nd best I can come up with is "platz dram" (LoL, I am either horribly misspelling that or no one in existence uses that "term" at this point, to the point where it isn`t coherently present when googled). Even thou I did browse to this video`s comments and there is spoiler alert... apparently they are assembled in China for the Serbian brand... so technically still all the import fees and such me guesses. I also came up with another good one... If you physically touch Tesla Tv + Tesla Appliances to Tesla Car... they will merge into Optimus Prime relative right there and than... o_0.

@Arun43647 - 28.02.2025 06:25

OMG! That was one lengthy video! I totally get it, Elon Musk don't make tv's! 🤔

@glenthegoalsguy - 28.02.2025 07:34

I feel that Musk is damaging the Tesla brand with his political and government involvement...

@anthonyfurtado1009 - 28.02.2025 08:08

Thank You I almost bought a new Tesla T V

@markoaleksic2491 - 28.02.2025 10:27

I am for Serbia. I own one. Entry level tv no bells and whistles . Good tv for the price and comes with 5 years warranty. For example its better than similary priced TCL and JVC tvs which i returned because of horrible DSE and colours..

@Drayonis - 28.02.2025 13:18

Anything associated with Musk is trash. Not a dime id spend in their direction

@TheBing65 - 28.02.2025 14:24

Tesla tv's are the best televisions in the world, powered by the most modern and advanced Serbian 24-core 'SuperLIAR' Munchausen AI architecture processors, the most fake in the known universe. Recommendation! not...

@didickcheeseburger - 28.02.2025 14:53

i heard that tesla tvs had an ai so the tv can watch itself so you dont have to

@Redmonsterracing - 28.02.2025 16:25

Actually have one of those heaters and they work pretty well. We use it to heat our small bathroom in winter. Absolutely unsafe in some follks’ hands, but works for us.

@bobwilson4195 - 28.02.2025 17:02

I could see it was a scam! Why? They say it’s a 16 K TV . THEY HARDLY have 8 K content,never mind 16 K.

@patrikkondic83 - 28.02.2025 17:13

First of all, very good video. Listen to Caleb and only buy from trusted dealers. Second, I want to clarify some information I think are missing in the video. I'm Serbian living in Switzerland and I know Tesla (the Serbian Distribution company) well from ads, using their products and so on. The Serbian distribution company Tesla and Tesla the US Car Manufacturer are NOT THE SAME company as stated in the video. But, those TVs that are listed on Amazon are real products from the Serbian company and they exist and are a good option for Serbian people who can go to a store and buy them for less money than other TVs would cost. However, it's not the Serbian company making those fake videos and trying to scam people! This information is missing in the video and is very important because it could cause harm to the reputation of Tesla, the Serbian distribution company. A 55 inch Tesla Series 9 TV costs around 1200 USD in Serbia and is far more expensive than the TVs mentioned in those scam ads. 

Caleb, there are two options. The first is, you could reach out to Tesla, the Serbian distribution company and ask for a legit review unit and properly test it. It could be surprisingly good and offers a lot of specs well known premium TV makers offer.

The second option is, you buy a fake Tesla TV from one of those fake sites which are most likely either dropshippers from china or straight up scams and test this one as well, if you get it.

Or you could do both and compare them because I'm pretty sure Tesla, a legitimate and big company from Serbia, has a TV that will blow the fake tv out of the water.

I'm writing this comment because it seems that this video confused even more of your viewers and they now believe that the Serbian company Tesla is scamming people, which they're not. I've seen plenty of ads for their TVs on Serbian TV channels and they never even mentioned Elon Musk let alone shown deep fake videos of him promoting their products.

Hope this helps :)

@EODHammer - 28.02.2025 18:52

CCP backed...Typical

@ivanpkv - 28.02.2025 19:25

Honestly, you need to do more research before making this kind of video. You presented the brand as if it were fake and that buyers wouldn’t get a TV at all if they purchased it. The point is, Tesla TV is a real brand, but it has no connection to Elon Musk. It’s a cheap, low-quality TV brand. If you buy any Tesla TV, you’ll get exactly what you paid for—a basic TV at an affordable price.

@denisdragisic9759 - 28.02.2025 19:33

Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia

@Docfly62 - 28.02.2025 20:15

Patrice Rushen’s Straight from the Heart album in the background. Reason # 243 why I love this channel😁

@427max - 28.02.2025 20:32

First tip off it’s not really from Tesla is muskrat hasn’t held conferences making false statements and promises on how great it’ll be.

@richrigney4610 - 28.02.2025 20:55

Scam by China.

@dhowting - 28.02.2025 23:13

Lol when the AI generated ads are getting out of control.....can we/they (the CRPC???) maybe put a few quidelines/rules/laws surrounding the use of AI!!??!!?? It feels like it's COMPLETELY UNREGULATED 😂😂😂

They should at least put their "Boring" branding on them so people can buy BORING TVs! 😂😂😂

@MigFlo-i1e - 01.03.2025 01:17

Please don't buy anything Tesla or invest anything from Elon Musk. Must be garbage.

@bubandit06 - 01.03.2025 01:36

You better know that Tesla TV will be watching and listening ALL DAY LONG.
Never entering my home.

@thrasosthrasos7353 - 01.03.2025 01:50

Comtrade Group is a Serbian IT company built on suspicious (read: corrupted) ties to the Serbian goverment in last 20+ years. Tesla TVs is one of their cheap brands, actually made in China with Tesla badge on them. Tesla as a brand has existed in Serbia and neighboring countries (east Europe) from 2014. - in this period they didn't use Elon Musk in their marketing.

@cameron6249 - 01.03.2025 02:24

those heater and a/c scams been going on forever, how could he fall for that? that's like falling prey to "white van scam" speakers 😂

@alfonsoagren414 - 01.03.2025 02:54

Even if they are good I will NEVER buy anything connected to Elon Musk. He is not woth my money. I like democracy too much.

@fredflintstone1485 - 01.03.2025 04:42

I just bought an Albert Einstein TV. The technology is so advanced that it brings you into the future. Of course the price was high but to go into the future it's gotta cost a bundle ; right ?


Clearly the scammers know anyone who likes musk and Trump are gullible fools.

@TeamStevers - 01.03.2025 11:44

They will be sued by the Tesla company in America and be forced to change all branding and pieces of the TV saying Tesla as Elon got the trademark first here. Such a dumb move.

@jasoncurry9879 - 01.03.2025 14:59

Does the TV watch it's self?

@mackmckinnon4407 - 01.03.2025 15:10

tesla really not a change nothing with that name ever

@DireNeeds - 01.03.2025 15:19

Elon Musk is a scam artist. Why stop with cars.

@wwrye929 - 01.03.2025 17:05

If he did make a tv it would be crap.

@BurtTMacklin-fbi - 01.03.2025 21:14

We live in an age where people are anti experts.

@johndemoel2629 - 01.03.2025 22:57

If Musk is involved in this , that would be a hard no for me. Only because he is a con man not his political face.

@willalm830 - 01.03.2025 23:33

Tesla Nazi toxic brand

@indibassi - 02.03.2025 01:56

Disinformation from Elon Musk's on X! is responsible for this.......

@sergiop888 - 02.03.2025 04:53

F illan, even at $25 would not buy one, even if it's a fake one.

@cubinn149 - 02.03.2025 14:39

Thanks for the heads up

@brucethen - 02.03.2025 15:15

Get Steve Burke from Gamers Nexus on the case lol

@aakar88 - 02.03.2025 20:25

Unreal how many people hear about a $200 75" tv and actually believe it!

@zaphodthenth - 03.03.2025 04:25

I saw a video in which Musk was talking about an A.I. wheelchair that would retail for less than a standard medical wheelchair. Yet ANOTHER lie from him.

@JohnMSawyer - 03.03.2025 08:02

So let me get this straight: Nikola Tesla is still alive, and he's making TVs by hand out of a UPS office in Serbia? TAKE MY BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER PLEASE!!!

@leewatson6500 - 03.03.2025 14:19

Listened to your intro then decided you're a knobhead.

@ray-sattler - 04.03.2025 06:32

I wouldn't use something from Elon Musk, even if i would get it for free... He is an absolute scammer always telling everyone about all the stuff he created, that he founded Tesla and so much more BS... He is the king of scams and i hope his company goes bankrupt... He announces so many products that never see the light of day that it is just ridiculous... And the biggest problem is, that so many people believe his bullshit...

@digitaltrends - 26.02.2025 18:46

Have you seen any ads or videos promoting Tesla TVs? What was your first reaction?
