All of them -total crap.
Ответить1 of the 17 clips is vaguely interesting and I might go and watch it at the cinema if it was raining and I had nothing better to do, the rest I wouldn't even bother watching for free on TV. Why is Hollywood producing such crap these days?
Ответитьthank you. I been looking for movies that is worth watching and I find it here. Thanks again.
ОтветитьThanks for making an exciting & epic movie like this that sets an example for the current generation, the hero with good ethics, the importance of the family unit, forgiveness, reconciliation, humor, team players, & so much more! What a fantastic movie, I could see it again & again accept for those awful creatures! I pray I don't see them in my dreams, LOL. The critics do not give it justice. My 2nd oldest watched it & told me how great it was & so he watched again with me & two of my other sons. We will share with all we know! Thank you again & am expecting more & more!! MommyJustice - Armour of God Prison Ministry
Ответитьthe 90 % of movies are dumb with no scense, H,I,P HOLLYWOOD
Ответитьwhat an original script wow!!
ОтветитьSad to see Scarlett go out like that.
Ответитьthey like Johnny Cash for theme songs....... good taste...
ОтветитьSo, the usual blood, gore, violence and guns from the US then?
ОтветитьOne giant pile of merde. I wish Hollywood would disappear.
ОтветитьThe best Jason Statham is the one in bed. but COME ON.... all the movies are the same.
ОтветитьBang Bang guns guns kill bang bang over the top - just awful trash for the masses - Watched "Worth, The Duke, Coda, Pig, Minamata - oh, you need a brain to watch those great great movies - BANG USA love their guns - die die die
ОтветитьNoihing but shit... sad times for the cinematography :/
ОтветитьI saw everyone of these & YES my suspicions are CONFIRMED !!! These types of ‘channels’ that use click bait like - BEST UPCOMING MOVIES OD 2021 are nothing more than studio / industry propaganda tactics to get the audience to engage. Paid millions by the STUDIO system to promote & LIE…. Not one single film in this line up was worth paying a ticket for. NOT ONE. So where does an audience look to for honest reviews & suggestions. I recommend you start looking at SWOON / Korean films , Polish & Ukrainian TV shows & films. These are really coming up to scratch with Scandinavian dramas. Brilliantly shot, original stories & more. This kind of ‘shove it down your throat’ EPIC bonanza of noise & glamour with A listers attached is just a total YAWN. Stop listening to this type of rhetoric & do yourself a favour. JUDGE for yourself & look further afield. As Bong Joon Ho said about Parasite when he collected his Oscar. ‘Once you get past the subtitles you’ll find a whole new world of Cinema & storytelling.’ ….TRUTH.
ОтветитьThe Night house is one of best horors of the year.
Ответить"those who wish me dead" looking like retelling FireWatch videogame plot. its atmosperic tho.
ОтветитьCruella is the best
ОтветитьRoger manda un poco más a los demás
Ответитьis 2021 and still there a movies about blond guys and girls going to a trip and there a haunted things wanna kill them is 2021 resort we already watch like 10000 resort movies from 1980 till now stop this cliche
ОтветитьI dont know why people find these movies interesting. Almost all of them are trash.
ОтветитьThe Hero: one shots without aiming all the time
The evil guys: hundrets of shots not hitting jack shit while aiming and prepared
im really not a fan of those types of movies
Wish those armored car thieves would have killed Statham
ОтветитьVanquish =))))))))))) lord jesus hahaahha
ОтветитьKickass the adult version looks like its to kiddie
ОтветитьLa casa de la Noche es uno de los mejores horrores del año.
ОтветитьThe WORST movies ever not the best wtf
ОтветитьAll the movies in this video are primitive.. try more
ОтветитьHollywood is done, maybe 1 in 50 movies coming out now worth watching
ОтветитьThe Best!
ОтветитьSeriously, a shark.
Ответить2022 LATEST MOVIES
ОтветитьAll these woke bull shit movies ruined film industry.
ОтветитьThese terrorists Lukini Shainurovi from Perm Samsonovi Mitini from Moscow Ahmatnurovi Ahmetov from Alicante Zenkovi from Perm Morozovi from Moscow band stole digital copy of my body and my voice for making easy movies and songs to feed their terrorists group. Never attach their heads to my body. I never gave them any right to use digital copy of my body and my voice for making their movies or music. They are terromrasi and must be in jaiL. I want their brain to be heated in tomography in high voltage before they are gone. I want everyone saw in news how their brain were heated in tomography. Noone must equip brains with spy head equipment. The message must be clear.
Aberrant gold and Angelina Jolie yummy
ОтветитьIs the postmalon
ОтветитьThe Night House damn is amazing Concept with some ghost portals love it damn how could I missed this movie❤
ОтветитьWhat if Saw is the same story reported for replacing the deleted liberal organization regarding how they showed it was a good business.
Dol lab
Deleting organizations of liberals liberal arts business.
i want expendables origins galgo story and stonebanks story
ОтветитьWrath of Man was awful. They never go deep into any character especially his son which is the whole reason he was on this path. So many plot holes, so many directions that made no sense and you are left asking what happened to so many of the other security drivers.