Black People On Cruise Ships Are A Problem?

Black People On Cruise Ships Are A Problem?

The Shiplife

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@ishish9283 - 04.02.2025 22:47

This man is 10000% right....

@Justone372 - 05.02.2025 18:11


@Justone372 - 05.02.2025 18:14

Insulting? The bro is right though.

@MurakamiTenshi - 05.02.2025 23:38

It's just like airlines, hotels and theme parks. Cheaper tickets = more fatherless hooligan behavior. I have never been in any type of altercation when I travel... I was taught how to behave myself in public! I pay the extra money to avoid it for a reason.

@behonestwitheverythingande6833 - 06.02.2025 15:51

I disagree about grouping people like this and will explain. I think it's anyone that doesn't have "home training" AKA common decency or respect. This is to all people you are vacationing with strangers just behave like you're at your friends home and not a city park or corner store. In other words, behave like someone who is happy to be around happy people. If you're unable to control yourself, family, or friends, cruise alone or with someone who can behave.

@Yvonnepn17 - 07.02.2025 07:29

Most of the time, it's the young people who don't know how to act. It's the I DON'T GIVE A F$@$# generation. There are a lot of young folks that were raised right and know how to have fun.Real grown folks know how to act with class and dignity!

@MichelleakaLonnie - 07.02.2025 23:29

Just cruised Carnival. It may as well have been a nudist cruise. There were kids everywhere and women of all races insisted on walking around in Shein quality swimwear with Ev-er-ry-thing hanging out. On woman has on a footless lingerie number with a two piece bikini underneath.

@aquaqt853 - 08.02.2025 07:45

Why is he lumping all black people together? Does he lump all white people together? Latinos? Bald men? People in purple shirts? I take ZERO responsibility for another persons actions. Their behavior is theirs to own and theirs to own alone.

@bernardhertz8381 - 08.02.2025 19:24

Hey. Im black and was on a cruise. Guess what i did? I kept to myself and my family, and didnt fight anyone, and had sn absolute black. It is my character not my skin

@ClarenceCarder - 09.02.2025 00:31

My wife &I cruise 2 times a year and have a wonderful time. We are almost at the 4th S&S tag and also we do not buy the drink package

@PeartDisicple481 - 09.02.2025 19:30

I’m not a problem

@PeartDisicple481 - 09.02.2025 19:32

Disagree just came off odyssey of the seas, smooth as silk not a problem in the world

@JamesCannon-y5x - 09.02.2025 20:33

What are the statistics?

@lindabourketempleton4040 - 10.02.2025 09:35

Cunard drink package is 15 drinks per day

@mstrwil73 - 10.02.2025 09:42

It's not just Black folks. Like the media, Our misbehavior is always highlighted. It doesn't excuse the matter or behavior, though. They do be out there, but we aren't the only people doing it. The cruise industry does need to restrict them from the rest of the cruise and bar the from cruises in the future.

@nnajj01 - 11.02.2025 02:19

👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾My thoughts exactly!!!!!

@OriAlchemy - 11.02.2025 21:00

The "you guys" as if in the eyes of yt people he isn't included. This is eerily similar to the mexican and hispanic community voting for Trump and thrn thinking his policies didnt include them. Throw this mf 🦝🦝🦝 overboard

@bobzielinski3823 - 13.02.2025 20:39

Denial ain’t just a riverboat tourist attraction in Egypt.

@michaelmcfarland1716 - 14.02.2025 01:41

Might be ancestorial memeories from the last time their ancestors were on boats.

@ducheau100 - 14.02.2025 16:10

You can get problem people of all races on cruise ships. But I do steer clear of Carnival.

@yankeefan8735 - 14.02.2025 19:39

Facts are facts, when the younger black people get in a group , they always are loud and obnoxious.
Look at me mentally .

@1stTrickiwoo - 15.02.2025 21:24

Planning our first cruise for our 50th anniversary, and I'm fearful of alcohol fueled brawls breaking out. We want to see the Caribbean, but we don't want controversy from anyone. I'm seriously considering marking Carnival and Royal Caribbean off our list for consideration. How do I find the calmest, most trouble-free cruise line?

@jandoel - 16.02.2025 02:35

On behalf of white people, unlimited drink packages are a mistake for everyone.

@debbiep99 - 16.02.2025 07:52

Its not just black people. Its the combination of alcohol and stupidity. This affects all cultures. The guy referenced in this video is a self hater.

@Sailing_with_Sabina - 16.02.2025 21:38

Behavior is not race based. Stupid rant. Bad behavior crosses all races and nationalities. I recently sailed on Azamara where drinks are unlimited for all. No fights, no issues.

@Fatpumpumlovah2 - 17.02.2025 21:58

has been from day 1 ... long said the lines need to bring their prices back up to where they used to be.

@Squidward_Tikiland - 18.02.2025 16:05

Every race fights…only one fights to the death at the drop of a hat against defenseless people. Which race is that???

@4NaturesStory - 18.02.2025 23:48

Our whole family and all cousins stopped going on them for this VERY reason. They act like it’s a rap concert and never know how to act. They are better cruises with less of them and they are much better.

@HelenBrotherton-v5k - 19.02.2025 00:40

There is a certain lack of form on public transport. Cruise liners too .. I've been inconvenienced on a short few days Caribbean cruise due to drunk people trying to hook up in the ship library. Cheap fares out of Miami.

@mariejane1567 - 19.02.2025 06:46

Im almost a diamond member and never seen a fight on Carnival as a black woman with a family....

@ask-mw5hk - 20.02.2025 05:35

What companies are black people not using?

@RC-bv7hw - 21.02.2025 14:36

The world has evolved into a very selfish society. With that said, it is not limited to the color of one's skin, the money in one's wallet or location you are from. Behavior is a reflection of your own character and with that said, it is the individual that has to be held accountable. It is up to the cruise lines to take a zero tolerance stance on bad behavior and put profits second to getting these bad actors off of the ships and banned for life.

@mycupoverflows7811 - 24.02.2025 06:00

Drinking on a cruise is nice because no one has to drive home. I can't imagine drinking so much that I get in a fight or do something I wouldn't normally do. We've met lots of different types on cruises, and almost everyone seems relaxed and happy, thankfully.

@Roadrun100 - 25.02.2025 13:03

Goodbye Spring breaks. Goodbye discounted airlines. Goodbye affordable cruise ships.

@ashleyarmonie9439 - 25.02.2025 22:04

Its your CHARACTER, not just color! Plus how the cruise going to control Adults? Please.....
I cruise often NO ISSUES

@charlenewalker126 - 04.03.2025 20:37

He sounds very ignorant I’ve been cruising for decades I’ve even been to Europe,Dubai Italy and so on no matter what cruise line. I agree with you on being personally responsible for how you act when you aren’t home it a personal choice. That first dude is a person of self hate in my opinion.

@JMc1125 - 04.03.2025 22:52

Its not black people per sey...It more black WOMEN 99% of the time.

@sean4672 - 04.03.2025 23:09

I agree to a point that the cruise line shouldn't be responsible. But Cruise lines are ALL slowing turning away from a destination vacation, to short party sailings. More sea days where ppl feel there nothing to do but drink all day. The bartenders should, like any bartender on land, realize when someone has had to many and stop serving. Give that person a break, because drinking doesn't turn ppl into strong zombies, but it does make them act and do things that they wouldn't normally do. It impairs you.

@happypolish1 - 05.03.2025 15:36

Simple comment. If you go the chineese buffet and you eat like a pig (because you pay a "forfait") and you vomit?You will blame chineese restaurant??😂Everybody are responsible for their decissiins.I worked on the cruise ships and teouble makers are in all skin tones and nationalities.

@michellebrockington7835 - 06.03.2025 01:49

Humans just don’t want to be cause we know how,to be Respectful some of us won’t do it, they let little stuff disrupt their happiness, I’ve never been on a Cruise, but I plan to one day, Nothing will bother me, if and when it does I’ll just go to my cabin, Sip and enjoy the seas from infront of my room, ppl are nuts.

@jaewilliams9443 - 06.03.2025 04:16

I’m Black female platinum on NCL. I have never done a carnival cruise. I don’t like fights and drama. But I do love black people and having a Goood time. My next cruise probably will be NCL(out of my hometown Philly )but more and more especially with Trump as president I think I’d rather take a carnival cruise with my cousins.
I sat next to a white man on a NCL cruise from California. I might have struck up a conversation or he did. But he decided to talk to me about people on food stamps. I don’t know it for a fact but I’m pretty sure that man saw black women and saw a welfare queen. I had to kindly remind this man where we were and that NCL doesn’t take EBT. I’d rather the ratchedness over the racism.
To be honest Black people do have a culture problem. Let’s think about black people as a child of America. How has America treated that child? Black people have been victims of violence our entire time in America. Why is it a shock when faced with an issue some react violently? Also it is easy to walk around with a chip on your shoulder if people are looking at you like you do not belong where you are. Think anti DEI. Like the man who must of thought I sold my stamps to get on the same ship he was on. No I have two degrees I have parlayed my free lunch and Pell grants to a $100,000+ Black job.
I unfollowed this channel because it was too much anti blackness going on. I get a short and decide to see what Jay has going on. Some more anti blackness. Check y’all later.

@julieclingaman1954 - 06.03.2025 05:34

I just got off the cruise. I didn’t see your Black people fighting or anybody fighting. I’m white person and the white people were the problem. They think they’re all entitled and that’s pretty sad.

@julieclingaman1954 - 06.03.2025 05:38

If you get the mixed drinks, there’s not enough alcohol in it to affect you trust me I know I could feel it soon as I drink the first one and I did not feel it. They’re water down some now if you get bottles or cans drinks yeah you’re gonna get drunk and the waiter and the bartender have the right to cut you off and they will if you get too drunk.

@julieclingaman1954 - 06.03.2025 05:40

If you get the mixed drinks, there’s not enough alcohol in it to affect you trust me I know I could feel it soon as I drink the first one and I did not feel it. They’re water down some now if you get bottles or cans drinks yeah you’re gonna get drunk and the waiter and the bartender have the right to cut you off and they will if you get too drunk.

@Americanallday - 06.03.2025 18:37

rudenss knows no color, it comes in all shapes, colors and one is immune to being an A^^ h^^^

@andrealedet9541 - 10.03.2025 03:07

I'm sorry but there's black people🙍🏽‍♀️ 🙎🏿‍♂️ and then there's 🥷🥷🥷🥷 like Chris Rock said in one of his stand up specials 🤷‍♀️

@Lilsexymexyful - 11.03.2025 04:10

This takes place with passengers of all races & in my opinion comes down to “not being raised right” whether you are white, black, brown or purple! Categorizing all black people into one singular category is wrong, this doesn’t happen to white people so why are we as people even allowing this to happen to our black brothers & sisters? We are ALL brothers & sisters in the eyes of Christ & should spend time trying to be more Christ like & people putting all black people into one singular category is the exact opposite of this.

@taronegraves8580 - 11.03.2025 16:40

For one, WE ain't YOUR people. The smartest thing you sad was to take your sorry ass elsewhere that has no black people

@Feefee50 - 11.03.2025 18:41

I cruise once or twice a year & I have never been in a fight or alterations anywhere I go. Im not rich, im a working class person, however I have class & know how to act. This man has self hate, for him to address Black ppl in this way especially bc he's Black is absolute nuts😮.

@JSHIPLIFE - 29.12.2024 04:03

