The horn sounds are just majestic. I feel like angels are coming down.
Ответитьangela merkel undoubtly is second best german leader all time
ОтветитьYeah, classical music is one of the few things we still do a decent job at.
ОтветитьIf someone asked if I could listen to this piece for hours, I would agree!
ОтветитьLove that anthem
Ответитьlike the old times
ОтветитьWith Merkel as German Chancellor the world was much more peaceful.
ОтветитьThe Germans have always been very good at doing classic music.
ОтветитьWir wollen Fr. Merkel zurück
ОтветитьWho would be suprised? Germany has one of the two best orchestras of the world in Berlin.
ОтветитьNow Putin’s troops will see and hear German panzers coming at them with their Ukrainian crews singing Panzerlied! Great interpretation of Russian national anthem by these German troops by the way with that solo horn taking centre stage.
ОтветитьThe Germans will play your anthem better than even you can 😂😂
ОтветитьIn an alternate universe, this rendition made peace.
ОтветитьWhen the head of the band worked with Putin in East Germany as a case officer trying to pay respects lol
ОтветитьI am incredibly drunk blyat! 😅
ОтветитьI don’t know if some people have no musical hearing, the anthem was totally screwed up.
ОтветитьThey played it so good that Putin had flashbacks of the "good old times".
ОтветитьHow do you like that now?
ОтветитьPutin: this really hits me where i live
Ответитьman germans are the best at everything
ОтветитьI know it's old video, but to be honest, east germany was under warsaw paxt so they had some grasp of soviet anthem
ОтветитьNATO 🇫🇮🇪🇺🇩🇪🇺🇦
ОтветитьNo sé si son 27 o 29 millones de rusos muertos en la SGM.
ОтветитьMusic is divine and unifying
ОтветитьThis is something we'll never see again!
ОтветитьWer wünscht sich auch Merkel zurück?
ОтветитьDa war die Welt noch in Ordnung :D
Ответитьwords “putin” and “putz” are certainly closely related. So I am just wondering: is putin derived from putz, or putz derived from putin?
Ответитьafter hearing this, he had the idea of invading Ukraine and reviving the soviet union
Ответить좋은 일이건...아니건...뭐든지 열심히 하는 독일인...^^
ОтветитьPeople didn't know what they had back then. People insulted and made fun of Merkel 24/7, and NOT ONCE did she snap back or lose her tone. She stood strong and truly represented Germany with pride, strength, passion and compassion. Did she make mistakes? Of course, but so does every single one of us. In the end, she was the one that led Germany to become the strongest nation within Europe; while simultaneously strengthening all other European nations and aiding those who did not have strong leadership, leading to bankruptcy (Greece), even if those receiving the help never appreciated it one bit. She did what she knew was right and never strayed from what it means to be a true democracy and a real democratic leader.
Thank you Merkel... You are dearly missed.
That is something! Germany playing the national anthem of a long-term enemy. I wish this was a true signal for peace!
ОтветитьMost probably the music Chor of the BW is the only thing that didn't had any defunding....
ОтветитьIt's like film music during a happy/sad/melancholic ending..
ОтветитьPutin never in his life heard the Rrssian Imperial Anthem so well played.
Ответитьرفاق شاوشيسكو تحت حصار والإقامة الجبرية ......عشتم وعاش ابناء ورثة عشرة الايام التي هزت العالم .......
Ответитьالشيوعية هي أرقى منظومة الاخلاقية على مر العصور ......
Ответитьرايات الاشتراكية سترفرف مجددا في سماء العالم مواقفنا مواقفنا مواقفنا كالجبال ...عاشت الفيدرالية للشعوب العربية حرصا على وحدة اراضيها والدرجة الأولى اوكرانيا ......
Ответитьخبر عاجل
قمر صناعي بريطاني في الفضاء الان. كروي الشكل سماوي في النهار وفي الليل تظهر كأنه هلال .....
٥/اذار ٢٠٢٥_قرية إبراز __عفرين_
The thing about Putin : He loves Germany, he speaks EXCELLENT German from his time as an intelligence officer in DDR (former east German socialistic part ). US politics after WW2 was : Keep us in , keep Russia out and Germany down. The US nightmare was the coalition between Russia and Germany , that would be the Superpower !
ОтветитьMr Putin is so proud of his country. He loves it.
ОтветитьGermany as not like this anymore ….. its broke and lost ….. no culture and trustworthy behaviour left
ОтветитьMay the anthem be the only legacy of this country.
ОтветитьThis arrangement makes it sound so sad and nostalgic almost. Very lovely. I'll grant the Egyptians that their version was funnier.
ОтветитьI never saw the german flag again and i am german. Only gayflag everywhere...🤡
ОтветитьAngela Merkel destroyed EU and Putin is saving it from extinction!