Get your AI to scientifically algorithm (Daily 'Exposure Exposure : Longevity) over n years? There will be one. That is what James Blunt suffered from before he slowly left, almost without much notice. But? I am so relieved he is back. Authenticity might finally be returning.
ОтветитьHe has an almost uncanny way of relating others' pain through his storytelling. Clever, but beautiful and welcomed. Utmost; it feels authentic. Humanity has been aching for authentic; he delivers what we have all been missing for too long. Thank you James.
ОтветитьWe lost a little girl before we had our precious daughter and thus song just hits hard as F
ОтветитьWhat singer James Blunt is.
ОтветитьFrom Germany .🫣😭😭😭😭
ОтветитьHe doesn’t just sing songs,he tells stories❤ Even the most difficult ones❤
ОтветитьA perda de um filho é algo que marca para a vida toda, não importa quantos, dias, anos ou décadas se passem, o tempo não cura tais feridas, talvez amenizam ou nem isso, a dor é eterna, a lembrança sempre está lá, a cada dia, a cada momento, a cada segundo de nossos dias, a tristeza acompanha cada momento mesmo que buscamos mostrar que estamos forte, que podemos continuar, mas será que podemos? será que algum dia essa dor irá amenizar? Lembrar dos momentos felizes é o que impulsiona a continuar e a esperança de um dia reencontra-la.
Ответитьwe lost a son, Paul Benjamin, 6 months into the pregnancy... all 4 of our now 30-something kids still talk about baby Paul, even the 2 kids born after him.... he is still very much a part of our family
ОтветитьJames é um dos maiores cantores de língua inglesa. Uma verdadeiro poeta!
ОтветитьMost faces, after seeing the monster song, and starting to listen to this song saying "oh shit, here we go again"!
ОтветитьI like how the big dude was like "Oh no"....right before the water works....damn you James Blunt you did it again
ОтветитьAngels touch moments between thoughts just like our twin who left us looking back sometimes I feel that presence of a love and so I still will I love little one forever
ОтветитьHe is trying the best to hide the sorrow in mid upbeat tempo type of music but the song itself speak and relate for itself and that's the beauty! Such a powerful song after the dad song.
ОтветитьWhat kills me is you’re trying to take the blame….that kills me….how do you get around that!!
ОтветитьMy sister and her husband had a miscarriage before they had they had their they had their two boys but my brother-in-law was insisted their first who didn't make it was a girl so this song tears flow when ever I hear it
ОтветитьThis happened, this is how JB deals with trauma... he shares it. "Monsters"... omg. And they now have 2 healthy sons.
ОтветитьThis man is increasing the stock in kléenix stock with his songs...😢
ОтветитьMy mother had a miscarriage and a few years later I was born. She once told me, they wanted to name my older brother Max. So guess what my sons middle name is. Never knew my brother, but now I feel a part of him as reached the surface of earth.
ОтветитьMarch 13, 2000, my beloved wife underwent an emergency caesarian with our precious Tiny PREMATUER TWINS Bonn 16 weeks prem.
MY PRECIOUS BABY BOY was born March 13, 2000, along with his twin baby sister, sadly my precious baby boy; lost his will to live my baby boy survived 21SHORT DAYS OF HIS VERY PRECIOUS LIFE, On April 3rd, 2000, TO ME it is clear as yesterday, his baby sister lives on for the both of them. This beautiful song is about JAMES BLUNT LOSING HIS PRECIOUS BABY GIRL. His beautiful song sure resonates with me!!! JAMES BLUNT is an earth angel, healing us all with the voice of his heart!!! THANK YOU FOR SHARING THIS BEAUTIFUL VIDEO
LOVE.LIGHT. BLESSINGS from Sydney Australia, 💜💜💜💜💜💜💖💖💖💖💖💖
ОтветитьIf he's a believer he'll see her again.
ОтветитьIts like he knows my sorrows. 😢
ОтветитьA million words never take away the pain.
Ответитьour little girl lived for 3 days. she would be 42 now. think of her all the time
ОтветитьShouldn’t have watched this suddenly and unexpectedly lost my 20yo neice suddenly on 23rd Dec 24😢
ОтветитьBe proud to cry, it’s our most important thing we do
ОтветитьWhy don't people praise this man?
ОтветитьNobody .......and I mean nobody can make you cry like James the very best way ........... :)
ОтветитьWonderful edit! Well done!
ОтветитьI hope somebody doesn’t sing this on some talent show trying to get Katie Perry to give them a thumbs up.
Ответитьffs we lost 3 kids thro miscarriage and yeah we were pissed off about it but didnt carry on like that-IT HAPPENS
ОтветитьJames blunt is so underrated. Anyone who is a parent can not fail to be touched by this. Very emotional
ОтветитьWtf is that false girl in the red doing? So over the top 😅
ОтветитьI wish it were longer with more reactors.
ОтветитьWow that hit home 😢, to all the people out there who have lost an angel I’m sorry xxx