Winter VanLife | Driving to warm weather in Tucson, Arizona! (Free Camping for up to 14 days)

Winter VanLife | Driving to warm weather in Tucson, Arizona! (Free Camping for up to 14 days)

My Basic Journey

2 года назад

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@Soulcritic - 18.07.2024 15:18

Weird chic in a van. I hope to meet a weird chic in a van, Indica Flowers! Pro tip in the winter as soon as the sun goes down the temp drops like a rock!

@kathrynwoodard9816 - 04.04.2024 09:02

Are you crazy? Tucson is not safe! I hate it here! This place is a joke 😮!!!

@amandaabraham879 - 15.02.2023 07:52

The place is on the outskirts of 3 points to

@KOOLBadger - 26.01.2023 16:31

You organize like me! 🥰

@KOOLBadger - 26.01.2023 16:28

Do you know about Santana's near Colorado Springs? That food is from Heaven!

@KOOLBadger - 26.01.2023 16:19

I love Joe..😂🤣🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

@JeffeysMom - 13.01.2023 01:14


@Jewelsquiss - 21.12.2022 03:07


@bluelady7 - 19.12.2022 08:22

Hi Chantelle. I'm at In and Out Burger eating my food and watching your video. I needed to get out of my apartment. My best friend passed away Monday. I was feeling so sad and I decided to get out so here I am. Watching your videos is so interesting and relaxing. Thank You for sharing. I really enjoy watching.

@tripletgirl2484 - 19.12.2022 02:33

It's awesome that there are places to fill up your water and avoid getting more plastic bottles. Hope you enjoy your winter travels

@amyallison9479 - 18.12.2022 12:17

Cutest dog ever!!!

@gemsoftheheart - 18.12.2022 09:34

You are FANTASTIC at cinematography, my God!!

@patriciatomlinson.7 - 17.12.2022 23:49

I live in Tucson you’ll be warmer but it’s been pretty cold this week.

@donnapfeffer3659 - 17.12.2022 22:58

Beautiful sunrise

@Gloriasgreenhouse - 17.12.2022 19:21

Hi Chantelle ! I love the beautiful music you choose for your videos and your great panning of the gorgeous sunsets. Your videos i watch them 2 and 3 times apiece and cluck like in all of them. They are great for meditation time especially because if the music you choose. Big virtual hug.

@andreaduprey4116 - 16.12.2022 21:40

I loved that Sunrise !! Your a great camera person & Joey is just loving sitting up so high , he can see everything 😂 ( so sweet)
I live vicariously through you !! So Thank You from the bottom of my 💜 heart .. Maybe soon 🔜 will be on the road myself 🤷🏻‍♀️ 😀 Stay safe and keep sharing !! You & Joey And your Tiny house on wheels ROCK ✌️😎

@chrissymack3175 - 16.12.2022 18:10

Ur right around the corner from my house ❤

@JaykGallagher - 16.12.2022 13:35

Well-wishes on the road!

@FloraBamaGoneWild - 16.12.2022 06:53

Be careful at that spot in Tucson. It’s sketchy AF. Not really safe. The last time I was there I decided never to go back. Been stopping there since 2018.

@FloraBamaGoneWild - 16.12.2022 06:46

I wanna know that camp spot!!

@LD-lddh - 16.12.2022 06:22

So happy to hear that you love Tucson. We do too. We lived in the foothills not far from where you are camping. We have lived in a lot of different cities in AZ. It is a great state with such a variation of landscapes and beauty. Loved your video of the area as it brought back lovely memories. Check out the Tohono Chul | Gardens, Galleries, and Bistro. it isn't free entrance but it is a lovely place to spend time. Looking forward to your next videos of Tucson.👋

@lann2bme7516 - 15.12.2022 06:27

A little bit cold here in Tucson this week! Brrrr! I live in Tucson, was 33° this a m.

@gigigo126 - 15.12.2022 02:34

In the Southwest and especially Arizona, never ever let your little dog wander around. You have no idea how quickly a coyote can come out of the grasses or from behind a rock and carry him away. I lived in Phoenix for a long time and they would even climb over a block wall and into people's yards to grab small dogs and cats. Where you were recently in southern Arizona there are mountain lions also. It is so dangerous for small animals in the desert. Please be careful.

@ktslittlefaith - 14.12.2022 16:20

Midwesterners always say hi to cows! 🙂❤️

@lauranewell5200 - 14.12.2022 09:18

Beautiful Sunrises and Sunsets in Tucson! MOON Rises as well 🤪😄
Sounds like you've learned of some 😭 great places to stay in the area! I'm just 30 minutes from Snyder Hill and Gilbert Ray! If you ever need another option, I'm on Boondockers Welcome " Lara's Desert Landing" You're welcome here even if you're not a member! 😊 Love Your Vids!
Safe Travels! 😀

@SunFlower-fy5xm - 14.12.2022 08:20

U should definitely put ur volume higher up, when you film. Be safe out there!

@michellemcintosh8761 - 14.12.2022 03:58

Thanks for sharing ,it looks beautiful there. 😍 be safe.

@mommadw2010 - 14.12.2022 02:58

Hi, do you use a heating blanket or heater to stay warm.

@robertsnyder6019 - 14.12.2022 02:27

Thanks for the info on Tucson I'm in flagstaff and I have been looking for a place just a little warmer 😀

@juliecastagnaro2868 - 14.12.2022 02:19

Where did you get Joey from? And how did he get his name?

@vintagevanlife - 14.12.2022 01:47

Watch out. It's cold in Tucson this week!

@debrandw246 - 14.12.2022 01:16

I love your campsite at Tuson. Its gorgeous, and warmer. I remember from last year. The food looks amazing

@julianchavez3372 - 14.12.2022 00:36

You might be warmer down in Tucson but will risk a much higher chance of getting into trouble.

@margaretpulsipher2581 - 13.12.2022 21:51

Looks really good.

@margaretpulsipher2581 - 13.12.2022 21:48

Left Qtown for warmer weather, drove to South Riverside county, big mistake. 5° colder morn or night.

@danielpos9390 - 13.12.2022 20:13

Yo i live in Tucson

@cashstore1 - 13.12.2022 19:42

Make sure you lock up your vehicle when in Tucson. Lots of petty theft in that city. Homeless everywhere and at nearly every busy street light. Another Walgreens just closed there as there was too much shoplifting. Gas was as low as $2.87 a gallon at one of the Costco's. Just came from there 2 days ago and had a good time, but lock everything that you can lock up. Yes, there are a lot of good restaurants there. Enjoy your trip!

@buzzardbombshell3066 - 13.12.2022 18:29

This is five miles from my house ,ride my mini bike out there often nice area.

@sillylala - 13.12.2022 18:16

So cold today in Tucson, though I'm sure you've moved on. Wild that there is camping out there, it's known as quite the party spot, as evidenced by all the broken glass. Next time you are in Tucson, go to Tumerico on 6th Street, you'll weep with delight. Stay warm!

@lauraslanesvanandphototravels - 13.12.2022 17:28

Honestly? I live in Phoenix and yes, while Tucson is a smaller city it is NOT that safe, the parks and stuff seem fine but when I've driven around Tucson I really didn't feel that safe. It is closer to the border so there's a lot of the bad types that go there, along with the border towns...not everyone that comes over here is "just looking for a better life," some ARE actually bad people.

@christophergolding4823 - 13.12.2022 13:51

I feel bad for u I live in Tucson and it's raining and going down to 31 degrees tonight. But should warm back up to the 70's tomorrow

@marcelolney4213 - 13.12.2022 12:31

Groovy ..checked it out & learn huh ??

@TeresaStallings - 13.12.2022 09:56

You may not know about it but not far from where you are there's another free camping place called ironwood national monument. There's also some wild-ish 😜 horses there. I say ish because they'll come right up and eat out of your hand. 🥰

@sandraficarra618 - 13.12.2022 09:16

I lived in tucson from 1978 until 2017. Beautiful cowboy city. Enjoy your stay

@joericca1354 - 13.12.2022 07:57

My wife and I live just off of I-10/Colossal Cave Rd. We used to live in Sierra Vista. Looks like you came up from the Sonoita area. I think you brought the cold weather with you!

@minivanventuring - 13.12.2022 05:49

Maybe you will see Minivan Lee there! I love Arizona

@sandragardner5374 - 13.12.2022 05:44

Becareful over there by your self I use to live on Camino Verde and it's not all it was cracked up to be over there

@adonnaprice9676 - 13.12.2022 04:24

With so many people streaming across the border no money no vehicle, be prepared..

@crazydrummerofdoom - 13.12.2022 04:22

You.poor thing it was 40 degrees this morning in Tucson, it will get warmer soon.

@marksr8784 - 13.12.2022 00:28

Vegan phili cheese steaks??
