FW 29 freshwater tropical aquarium by all pond solutions review. Ideal starter or betta tank?

FW 29 freshwater tropical aquarium by all pond solutions review. Ideal starter or betta tank?

Hobbyist Fishkeeper

6 лет назад

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@Athelion123 - 19.11.2018 09:26

I'm thinking about getting this for a betta fish, do you think this will be suitable?

@PlasticGirl65 - 20.12.2018 00:23

Just bought one of these, downsizing from a 50 gallon which I hate because the filter is noisy and hard to clean properly. Going to keep a betta in it and a couple of assassin snails from my other tank.

@theaquapedia6440 - 22.01.2019 00:06


@jamesanderson1500 - 05.02.2019 13:18

I need some help trying to put the filter together, can’t work out how to put it together for the life of me!

@MT-qf7nu - 11.02.2019 23:37

Nice tank thinking of getting this on kitchen side already got a fluval roma 125 litre with sa cichlids. Could I keep a betta, 5 neon tetra and 3 panda Cory's in here, always had big 57 litre plus tanks nothing this small before

@TyrannosaurusBex123 - 12.02.2019 15:14

Is there some way of feeding a heater wire out the lid if I wanted to keep some guppies?

@astronebulee578 - 16.02.2019 11:18

Hi is there a night mode function on the led lights

@spal5599 - 18.02.2019 15:47

Just ordered mine ... can’t wait to arrive ☺️

@natpower1108 - 16.04.2019 15:19

Hi Hobbyist Fishkeeper - thank you for uploading this video!! I think we have fitted the filter together properly, but the current coming out of the left hand side of it seems to be really strong - may I ask you if that is normal, and will it have a harmful impact upon the fish?

@highlandsgirl3920 - 20.06.2019 02:51

Great video. Just purchased this aquarium. How much gravel did you use ? I was looking at either 2kg or 5kg bag.

@danstanford89 - 09.12.2019 23:18

Hi could u give me the dimensions of this tank please as the ones on all pond solutions website are wrong. If u put there dimensions into a volume calculator it says the tank in 39.5 litres not 29 litres .is tank really 38cm long?

@AquascapingLiverpool - 29.08.2020 02:21

Anyone know the dimensions of this tank?

@irishlad7458 - 05.12.2020 16:41

Wat is 29 the ltr

@davidbarnett8199 - 11.03.2021 18:41

What fish would you recommend putting in the tank, apart from a Betta?

@evangelistehoyeteofficial762 - 23.10.2021 14:43

Beautiful, but I’ve a question please can I buy this tank for my tropical goldfish cold water fish’s ? And when they gets big can they still fit on 29L tank ?

@chrishillas890 - 23.03.2022 23:35

How much water do I need to put in it? Should the filter be fully submerged?
