Unboxing CNC Stepper motor kit

Unboxing CNC Stepper motor kit


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@rkgwala7458 - 12.08.2023 06:39

Stepper motor 5vdc 10w haydon switch and intrument. Inc mil sakti hai kya

@RixtronixLAB - 01.07.2023 05:34

Nice video shot, keep it up, thank you for sharing it:)

@عاشقاللغةالعربية-ق1ش - 09.06.2023 14:12

Do you know the name of an integrated circuit that gradually increases the frequency, which means acceleration?

@mdsharook894 - 23.03.2023 06:39

how to choose watt for stepper drivers (4 stepper motor) rated curent 4A

@useruseruser535 - 27.01.2023 19:47

Do you mind connecting the drives separately instead of connecting them to a single power source?

@dominikgamper7941 - 08.01.2023 15:20

do you have the links for the products? I cant find them on ALI

@kojomensah7474 - 03.01.2023 18:03

Where did you by the kits pls

@pramodjalgaonkar1221 - 13.08.2022 22:13

SMPS can handle 3X Nema 34 Stepper motor ? Advance thanks for ans 😘

@ekambaramvenkatesan7609 - 27.04.2022 20:08

OK sir excellent
How much this kit and this model available

@andresrodascassagne8911 - 19.09.2021 21:31

How much it cost the kit?

@snipe685 - 18.01.2021 19:19

I have recently purchased this kit. Has anyone got the UCNCV4 controller drivers to work with Windows 10 operating system ?

@umargul5644 - 05.01.2021 16:00

Well done

@patelmanish4232 - 21.12.2020 06:10

Good video

@alanmcdowell977 - 22.10.2020 23:33


I need help on the hardware parts.
and wiring the hardware up .
and what software to use
to operate my CNC machine
Here is my list of the parts
i'am using can you help me

1] Stepper Motor Drivers power step PSD8079-2P
2] steppers motor Nema 34
3] controler
4] power supply mean well SP-320-48
5] Hardware and Software
6] CNC Breakout Board/Interface Board
7] Cable Connector
8] Limit Switches
9] Emergeney STOP BUTTON
10] Software

@brabant066 - 03.10.2020 00:51

Ik heb dezelfde set binnen gekregen, aangesloten volgens de video, het PDF'je, maar de motor reageert niet.. ik kan de as dan ook niet draaien, zodra de stroom eraf is wel.. als ik zonder de stroom er op de as met de hand draai, gaat het rode lampje op de driver branden... enige suggesties?

@paulw3101 - 17.09.2020 09:04

Is the power supply connected to both the breakout board controller and the motor driver controller?

@soynarak1738 - 06.08.2020 11:34

you give me link on aliexspress?

@hectorae86 - 12.07.2020 13:10

Ik ga der ook een maken binnenkort, onderdelen zijn reeds besteld.

@UGRTechHowTo - 23.06.2020 00:28

I loved your unboxing video and the knowledge you have on the subject. Gr8 work. Thanks for sharing. Here is your new subscriber 1071. Let help each other and stay connected mate. hope you will return the favour by subscribing to my channel.

@umargul5644 - 05.05.2020 22:12

Well sir

@DCDLaserCNC - 05.04.2020 19:54

Instructions in "Chinglish". Hahahaha! That was great!

@ukaszswiadkowski8202 - 29.03.2020 20:56

Hi i have the same kit (4axis) but my stepper drivers have the Red light all the time, and idk if that matters. Also i have an issue with program crashing ( CNC is stopping and i need to reset the board or unplog it from PW) at some point of g code. Any help?

@suhaillatief2369 - 08.03.2020 13:51

Stepper moter x y note working

@jackvandersluijs5639 - 05.01.2020 18:04

Hallo, ik heb dezelfde set enkel met 4 nema 23 erbij, ik heb dit gedaan omdat mijn x as 2 motoren heeft. Helaas kom ik nu tot de conclusie dat het niet mogelijk is om de a as in slave modus te zetten.
Ik heb rattmotor gecontacteerd, en zei geven ook aan dat het met deze breakout board niet mogelijk is. Weet jij of het mogelijk is om 2 motorcontrolers aan te sluiten op de x as uitgang van het breakoutboard, of brand de boel dan door? Tevens heb ik het probleem dat de z as maar 1 kant op draait, ook met hand bediening z- en z+ draait de stappen motor dezelfde kant op. Ben jij misschien bekend met dit probleem? Graag hoor ik van je, mvg. Jack

@thebeststooge - 02.01.2020 12:15

Where can I get that kit? I tried aliexpress with the search term "UCNCV4 kit" but no luck.

@carpenter_tool - 19.11.2019 18:10

Kit price

@dronesvisionsaeriennes - 19.11.2019 14:14

Hello Market Central...i've bought the same CnC UsB set from Aliexpress and i I have the red led on and the Nema 23 works but slowly ... If I change the switches I get to a very fast rotation but the engine starts to skate (so too fast I think) ... I well connected the 36V of the WEHO Power box on the GND and Vin + of the FMD 2740C controller, the 2,3,4 switches are lowered (so on ON), then connected ... SP + / CK + then SP- / CK- then DIR + / DIR + then DIR- / DIR -... Does the GND (of the FMD2740C controller) have to come from the 36V or the WEHO power box ...? In addition the 36V is connected to the pad J1 (15-36 VDC) of my card UCNCV4 (red) ... I also have a problem on the software provides CNC USB because it recognizes my card by indicating for example ... MIGE-JHNF ... (16 digits) but despite the activation key, after validating on "OK" I am still in "test software" ... so it does not register ...
Thank you for your help, this is my first CNC .... Philippe

@nevadahouston4857 - 07.11.2019 05:37

Just got mine today

@zamanraza9635 - 04.11.2019 08:31

link to buy this kit ???

@oussamachiha1859 - 23.03.2019 11:21

hi can you put a link for this kit .thanks

@valcic1993 - 22.03.2019 00:50

Hi, can this function on xy axis, do you se on ebay if have 2 motors kit?

@miatakid2 - 20.03.2019 21:27

Hello i bought this exact kit i am having trouble installing the usb licence can you help?

@kalimullakalim595 - 12.02.2019 15:11

Can I use this 3 stepper motor by using Arduino for industrial machines

@rajchitrashala1912 - 31.01.2019 08:33

Cnc will form thermocol cutting machine

@jeffmusselman5413 - 18.01.2019 02:33

I have this same setup plus a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD). Where does the VFD connect to the UCNC4 breakout board? The instructions are not very clear....

@antonproton - 25.12.2018 18:09

Greetings. What does the red LED on the driver mean? (fmd2740) and what does green mean? I always glows red, but the stepper motor works

@jackstergringo - 03.11.2018 09:48

you have the link to the kit?

@firefighterVI - 26.08.2018 20:16

Hi. I have the same driver and fee. but something is wrong with the connection the warning light on all drivers is lit. but the machine works. can have time to show the full scheme of connection?

@asdasd-nc3mr - 21.05.2018 11:14

This breakout board has issues with radial decceleration. I tried to use it but my machine banged loud on the end of every arch with sharp corner when running 4.5m/ sec. It might be ok for small light cnc low speeds.
Now Im using usbcnc for mach3 and i can go 7m/sec with no problems.

@MULTI-BET - 23.04.2018 09:04

From morocco >>>> think you

@hythamtag5260 - 09.04.2018 20:35

Hi please i want to ask a question i have the same kit but the stepper cant go to a higher speed at 24 volt like in your video even i slowed the acceleration and mad 1/8 micro stepping

@triangle379 - 30.03.2018 18:23

Please silence the unwrapping sound

@jeffshepherd3928 - 16.03.2018 22:14

I have a question if you can help me please
I have the same setup and I cannot get my motor to turn the one thing I dont know for sure is do you have the breakout board supplied with power? The only thing I have in my board is the connections to the driver and the then the usb cable and the keypad cable?
do I need power to the board?

@LearnerBoy - 12.03.2018 15:08

Kindly confirm Solidworks drawing will be support this software

@andreistanescu7961 - 03.03.2018 00:41

Hello, how did you managed to activate it`s software ? Could you please help me with an advice ?

@robertwebb9657 - 17.02.2018 05:28

More a question than a comment. Have you had an opportunity to evaluate and demonstrate the TC55h controllers from topcnc in china?

@abasjabr7573 - 02.02.2018 20:49

Please can u tell methe price. Thnks
