The pros and cons of being a full time fine artist

The pros and cons of being a full time fine artist

Christina Kent Art

4 месяца назад

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@bluedogbluey6742 - 05.05.2024 17:17

thankyou for sharing the pro's and con's of being a full-time artist. I have so much respect for someone that puts themselves out there. I really enjoy watching your videos on here.

@douglasriddle6447 - 05.05.2024 17:42

Great video, and thanks for keeping it real.

What a lot of people don't realize is that being an independent artist is no different than being a small business owner of a store or restaurant. Everyone has heard the stories about parents discouraging their children from going in to art because it isn't a secure career, but half of all restaurants fold in the first 3 years, and they have a much bigger start up debt before encoring their monthly debt to stay in business.

Also, people always say art is subjective....and that isn't completely true. There is good art and their is bad art, and that applies to both realistic art and abstract art. But people think art is subjective because everyone has an opinion on what they like, and we give that opinion validity because everyone thinks they know art because they once owned crayons. But if you took that same subjective opinion rational and applied it to a restaurant, we would not see it the same way......EX. Take a diner who has only eaten fast or frozen food their entire life (sadly too many people) and you take them to a Michelin 5 Star restaurant, and that diner hates all the food. That is their subjective opinion, but it is not a valid review of the food. The same applies to art. Not everyone is going to appreciate a 5 Star restaurant or dine there, and not everyone is qualified to judge art or be willing to buy art.


@JennyGranberry - 05.05.2024 17:52

Teaching art is how I found an art career path that has more human interaction - I get too weird if I'm painting alone for too long

@devernepersonal3636 - 05.05.2024 19:23

art is certainly subjective. You could have the most technically great piece of art and no one wants it. You could have the most expressive piece of art and no one wants it. You could have the best of both worlds and no one wants it. or you could happen to be truly inspired to make art that happens to fit into a popular category and still no one wants it. i saw a comment that says art is not subjective if you really know what you are looking for, but that sounds gate keepy. the truth is that you could have the most technically great and expressive piece and someone could even like it, but still not want it. I have not sold art. But it is objectively hard i know that. Yeah unless you become one of those top artists and become famous its gonna be hard to have a decent income, unless you sell like 2 paintings for a disturbing amount of money. Marketing is why i think i might rather pay to have an assistant or just become famous after death.

@kznsq77 - 06.05.2024 00:29

You are such a bright and kind person, I wish you all the best! Thank you for the video!

@rebeldown771 - 06.05.2024 20:47

I have to wonder, how much do you average for an annual income and how many pieces do you have to produce and sell?

@Montecristo621 - 07.05.2024 04:29

Thank you, Christina for a new, as always, amazing video! You mentioned about marketing for artists, could you go a little deeper on that topic? It would be very interesting to hear about your experience and maybe some advices❤

@bilaljanart - 08.05.2024 20:42

Lovely talk❤

@matthewwatts7333 - 05.06.2024 14:35

HI. thanks you for this honesty and clarity... I've been making art full time for several decades and also selling my work, but I think the nature of a solo practice can lead to a lack of perspective (for want of a better word!) and you mentioned several important things here that had me nodding in agreement. It's challenging but it's worth it.

@adriensmartpaint - 06.06.2024 21:21

Thank you Christina!! Such a great video with honest pros and cons! 🙌🏻

@indigo_diary - 10.06.2024 14:59

Your videos are so interesting
