Should We MOVE to PLAYA DEL CARMEN!? Mexico 2023 - Better than TULUM

Should We MOVE to PLAYA DEL CARMEN!? Mexico 2023 - Better than TULUM

Should We Live Here

1 год назад

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@laflor8720 - 27.04.2023 10:34

beautiful playa del carmen 🏝🏝🏝🏝🏝

@jessemartinez1105 - 28.04.2023 19:48

I recommend visiting Puerto Vallarta Mexico

@wilhelmbonelli6966 - 07.05.2023 07:19

There were 647 mass shootings in the United States in 2022 which involves four or more people being shot or killed in one incident. This is not counting the regular murders of 1 to 3 people which occurs daily. The news in the U.S. does not want the regular citizens to know this information. The'd rather cause a diversion and try to focus on another country’s statistics to hide the real violence in the United States which is staggering. Homelessness is rapid, tents growing in Beverly Hills and the rest of the country, violence is everywhere, an increase of cops getting shot and killed, food and department stores are closing due to criminal activity, rising housing market and gas prices are out of control including the political system (remember the January 6, 2020 Capitol riot etc. etc. etc?) The U.S. is not what is used to be, it is marred with increasing lawlessness, violence and political upheaval. The problem with Mexico is that most of the violence is caused by the Drug Cartels who are killing themselves due to the Americans who want the drugs. Some might find it hard to believe but there are over 5.3 million Americans who have moved to Mexico due to all this mayhem and increasing every day. May the Lord help us all!!!

@jean-charlesalvarez3063 - 14.06.2023 14:12

Awesome video! Thanks for sharing

@greggdiggins2943 - 18.07.2023 00:49

But this is the same vlogger that said live in Detroit!….haha

@loumota68 - 15.09.2023 07:25

I believe the bar and crime referenced in the video is locate at the far west end of the city which realistically is pretty far from the downtown tourist area. This doesn’t excuse what the tragedy that occurred, but it is somewhat deceptive to paint the entire city with a broad brush and call the entire city unsafe. My wife and I have had many late night dinners and strolls on the east side of the city and have never felt unsafe.

@bdawg333 - 03.11.2023 17:55

Loved PC! Quinta Avenida was amazing on Halloween night, packed with families and all the stores and restaurants handing out candy, such a fun community spirit here. Can’t wait to come back.

@Cisco0615 - 04.11.2023 19:49

2.25 for a street tamale? Things aren't as cheap as I imagine

@jayman48044 - 23.12.2023 15:26

If you want larger than Puerto Morelos, but smaller than Playa del Carmen, while still having all the amenities of a larger town, might I recommend Bahías de Huatulco in Oaxaca state?

30+ Stunning beaches located in 9 bays, direct flights from Toronto, Chicago, etc.

Great restaurants, but not much night life. But also zero sargassum on the beaches. Walkable corridor from the beaches to the town of La Crucecita.

Hot. Hot all year hot. It’s often too much for a lot of people.

Give it a visit, we were there in the fall scouting from Detroit . It’s really lovely.

@Carolinapetroska - 30.01.2024 17:01

Unfortunately too touristic , too many Canadians and Americans., Sad

@garzapedroa - 28.03.2024 15:55

Its a beautiful city? Come on😂😂😂 it's a dirty-stinky overrated town, i give a 2 out of 10 stars😂😂😂

@garzapedroa - 28.03.2024 15:57

There are just expensive and very commercial restaurants

@drmouse1234 - 05.06.2024 07:36

We have a condo right on the beach Mamitas, and enjoy going there every 3 months.

@cosasbuenas-x2u - 16.07.2024 16:47

Crime is no worse than most cities in the US.
If there’s a CON it’s the corruption of the police. I’ve been told by locals that the police in PDC are not as corrupt as other parts of the country, but I still do all I can t avoid contact with the police. Good video, thanks

@marinemarine5226 - 25.08.2024 01:13

Nope stay out of México. First you trash it in your videos then why are you visiting? Stay out 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

@AllentheBeloved - 27.08.2024 20:58

Playa del Crimen, its all going to fall apart, drug cartels, extortion, seaweed, real estate bubble, extreme weather, no thanks

@condor5150 - 25.09.2024 21:05

If you think that the liv golf tournament is a Pro? Then your ooblivious and belong in trashy Florida!

@TheAdventuresofSnickersandMinn - 05.10.2024 00:09

@markc1310 - 08.11.2024 07:08

Great video, thank you! We love our winter home in Playa Del Carmen. It’s about 5 km north towards Cancun just outside of Playa. It’s a gated community with a gated HOA a 400 yard river style pool that you and your neighbors’s great. Most are retirees so rarely see people using it but it’s cleaned daily.
When not using we rent it. It’s booming down there and in another 5-15 years it’ll be little America. With all the fuel they found down there and the manufacturing going on. It’s slowly bringing life into the poor areas. Don’t get me wrong. It is very overpriced buying normal things we take for granted here in the United States like lightbulbs or things you need from Home Depot buying them in the tourist area is double. But if you drive 30 minutes outside of the tourist areas, everything‘s about half the price, including food and groceries and alcohol. Otherwise some of the best fishing, nicest beaches, nicest people live in playa. You still have to watch your back like anywhere in Mexico or the United States but overall we are very happy we invested in a home in Playa Del Carmen. We plan to retire there eventually.

Ps: the seaweed is seasonal. Sometimes it’s better sometimes it’s worse. But it’s pretty normal down there anywhere along the riviera Maya. Most areas and resorts are quick to clean it up.

@cookbeats8730 - 13.12.2024 18:28

You didn't visit the cenotes buddy!!
