I am really excited that you are going to take on the Book of Enoch with your channel. I have been wanting to read it for a year or so. I look forward to your perspective. Humanity is starting to be shaken more and more, and I believe more people will wake up to the fact that we have all been living a lie.
ОтветитьAt 10.10 "I read all the books". Have you ever read book titled The Quran which some people say verses from satan? Wish to get your honest opinion!
ОтветитьWhen we are courageous enough to take a hard look at where we fail. It is the beginnings of truth, through Jesus Christ. . . .
ОтветитьJesus came for the sinners 😅 Praise GOD for giving us eyes to see.
ОтветитьDan Duval books and monistry can put it in perspective in reality
ОтветитьRoger, I don't know if can can answer this question, but I'm curious 🤔
From the DNA test you ran from the blood you got out of the stone, was there a blood type result?
Ive listened to you for years Roger and you are not a bad guy. You just keep up doing what youre do because i am a believer.thank you for showing me
ОтветитьThank you
ОтветитьYou are wise Rodger not arrogant.
ОтветитьDon't let negative people / words get to you Roger. You are so loved and I look forward to every video you put out. Plus I also agree with your observations. You are an excellent teacher, and I can't tell you how much I appreciate all the effort you give to get to the truth. Thanks so much over and over and over again. 🤠🙏❤
ОтветитьYehoshua BOUGHT us back unto the Fathers Kingdom, because this world was only to consume our very Angelic Essence.
LIX=59. consider this interesting numerical ‘thing’: G59 Agora(to buy or shop or purchase, H 59 Havel(Abel son of Adam)
Saving Abel? Hmmm it is a very strange‘coincidence’, if that’s all that it may be, that I find superb and convincing in some manner.
I found a gold mine. This channel. Ive been watching off and on for about four years. Seriously fascinating ! Thankyou! 😉🧐🤯
ОтветитьEnoch was removed from the Bible by jews. Why? Because it would prove Gods existence that fallen angels and nephlam existed pre flood. The fact that they're trying to infect humans today with luciferian DNA from these giants proves the level of evil as the Bible stated that near the end the world would return to the days of Noah. What does this mean? We will live to see horrors beyond imagination, people will return to great evil in sexual and in horrific violence. The old ones will return and their hunger with them. It's on its way...
ОтветитьIt's a parasitical system, it's ingenious yet sick... It appears to have been done with malicious intent. An invisible man isn't saving anyone, the truth is within. An external force that parasites for our collective attention has distorted reality and stolen away our own divinity, anyway good work.
Ответить'Crazy books are not crazy, and that's crazy.' ha 😂 good one.
ОтветитьIf you were arrogant and over-confident, that would be grating on me continuously till i would have to give up watching- but you certainly don't, and i have always found your presentation to hit just the right note to keep me glued to the screen! It really helps to project some enthusiasm for your subject, as this can be 'infectious' and transfer to your audience. Just keep doing what you do- as i've found to my cost, to try please everyone, you can actually end up pleasing no-one! I can relate so much to what you say here, and here i still am after many years of watching your very interesting channel. My conclusion is that the 'middle of the road' is the best path to take, not one extreme or another. Yes, arrogance is indeed an undesirable characteristic and we have nothing to be proud of anyway, as you point out. But on the other hand, it doesn't work either to allow others to 'walk all over us', like the proverbial doormat- neither extreme is desirable. As i have understood from the pre 1977 teachings of A C Bhaktivedanta Swami explaining the philosophy of the timeless Vedic scriptures- which are also compatible with the Bible and other religious writings-in fact many believe it is where all bona fide teachings originate we are free to chose between living in the spiritual world or this one, the material world, where material possessions are worshipped above God as the centre of everything. So birth after birth we return here to experience living in one out of 8,400,000 species- playing out all our desires- until gaining the rare and highly intelligent human body which allows us the chance to be guided back to our original and natural conciousness as eternal, loving servants of the Supreme, where we can live in blissful eternality with Him and the sane souls- no more suffering, loss, sickness or death and rebirth. This doctrine appears to be at the root of all religious teachings, just adjusted to time, place and circumstance of the presiding culture.
ОтветитьIf I was to judge you for anything you think that would be the pot called the kettle black because you wouldn’t believe what I’m seeing in the sycamore tree trunk, and the Indian, Ohio Flint, and some of the ancient old rocks around here
ОтветитьI think DNA has a whole lot more power than we realize when it’s on the ground I think bones are a signature of who we are and I think you’re seeing the truth. That’s what I think.
ОтветитьOh my God, he did say that he said even the rocks would cry out and boy they are and the DNA is crying out from the ground too from where there was blood spilled and I think that the Indians here in the United States have always been sacrifices for Egypt and for Rome long before Christopher Columbus was here
ОтветитьGo to some of the places with your researching and look at the ground there and have you done DNA research on any of the rocks?
ОтветитьPick up your cross
ОтветитьI think Rome came through the Arctic circle here long ago and Egypt was here even before then that’s why there was no famine in Egypt. They had corn and I never heard of a band only two times I heard of a band our government wild Indian band in the Bible Egypt would put their people in a band and then I realized Ezekiel and the band and the Indians and I know now what they have done. God showed me in the rock and their Flint.
ОтветитьNo, I don’t tell too many people what I saw because it’s very spiritual and very hard to describe very sad and I only wrote this down for you and a few other times just to get it straight in my mind and threw it out there and into this realm because this realm is aliveand I’m a spiritual person but I know what I saw and I have eyes to see with the years to here with and so do you so let’s just don’t care ourselves anymore OK
ОтветитьYeah, God was in the fire when they burnt their children and he got them out of there. The Holy Spirit attached to the body God had to do his righteous creative light God is the light That was their light light can come from places, but the light is righteous. God who knew what we were going to do before we did it, and to lose him to lose the righteous light of God, would be to lose mankind to the devil and we’re not gonna do that because we know how to love and we know that good overpower evil, so hang in there and speak your truth and pray to God and talk to God about it if they don’t believe you, you talk to God you don’t even have to say it to God and he’ll show you. I
Choose God to create for me because I know he’s the only righteous creator that there will ever be and we are blessed to have God they can keep AI. I choose God.
And look at this, I’ll leave you with one more thing. If you can see that, can you imagine what God can see now and one more thing I got limes disease from being in rocks and stuff you be careful. The ticks are very small and limes. disease is awful. My face got policy in it. I had to take big huge pills antibiotics and they didn’t even have enough because so many people in West Virginia have limes disease so be careful of the rocks please
Ответитьmaybe they came in from a other dimension, and were killed here maybe during the flood
Ответитьu may please some of the people some of the time but u will never please all the people all the time
ОтветитьRoger ur humble Tell trolls the bling bling off . They r making the rounds to the truthers . Roger u r the best
ОтветитьHello Roger, knowing the size of the titans, the dinosaurs were not bigger than lizzards to them. Knowing that, don't you think that the lizards from nowadays are simply the dinausaurs from the antedeluvian time ? Aside those lizards, we are as big as titans !
ОтветитьI think the demons feed on our emotions so they keep us in constant fear, and when we die, if we don't ascend, we just return back to earth to do it all over again and it can be for an eternity if we don't learn how to ascend. And since the devil is the ruler of this place, and we can be stuck in a never ending loop, then that makes earth hell. Hence the name hell on earth
ОтветитьI think you should just keep doing what you feel like you need to do and ignore the comments
Ответитьlove your videos.. brilliant
ОтветитьEarth and Mars were once 1, and the same the things were happening their, its was a worse outcome because mars lost its magnetic field, literally, beyond earth ancient planetary evil, theres less gravity on mars, so with less gravity and scaling things up could grow taller faster, theres pyramids on mars and even weireder fossils on there as well.
ОтветитьTHANK you Mr. Roger, Literally when I was younger, I didnt think things were matching up in my youth, and you have brought me Solace, in you being older and really than myself, Im glad you live not to be a fool of what society tells to be a fact is often times a stone cold lie, its important to know our History so We dont have any involvement in habing things like this ever happen again...
ОтветитьGod took Enoch Enoch never died
ОтветитьI believe you Roger about what you seen on the screen that this is a test for others. I've been with you for most of your journey thru mud fossil and I believe in you Roger my brother
ОтветитьI've always wondered how this was made of or how did that get that way, and then you popped on screen I hit on it and then everything just fell in place thank you Roger got me thinking, hanging on your shirt tail still :-)
ОтветитьPlease watch Michelle Gibson's newest video secrets of Scotland. The dude she is interviewing has interesting things to say about seeing meat... Dragon head
... He walked leyline and that's what they are talking about. Perhaps this is a connect for you to explore!! This guy lives there and went over hundreds miles of the same road. He had visions and downloads and this is what he described
You're not alone brother, Apostle Paul spoke of his unworthiness of the mission and yet Jesus made him responsible for the majority of the Gospel spreading to the gentiles. You only answer to Jesus, brother. Shalom
ОтветитьRoger is the light in the darkness
ОтветитьDon't find you arrogant at all, bro.
ОтветитьThank you for a more honest education. Much better than textbook idiocy and toilet paper diplomas
ОтветитьSir..I take mu hat off to you in RESPECT!!
ОтветитьEgads, I have great respect for you.
Ответить8000 to 700 hundreds of years. Èarth is hell Roger
ОтветитьThe regal hand of the triple 8