Animal Flow by Equinox

Animal Flow by Equinox

Furthermore from Equinox

12 лет назад

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@dadeskr - 23.06.2013 11:57

Whilst it's probably good exercise I can't help thinking two things: first I have never seen any animal move like that and secondly you are going to get hands that are full of splinters and covered in crap, lovely.

@spedgren22 - 29.06.2013 05:37

look like animal flow.

@richd901 - 17.07.2013 20:43

Great Video. but kind of intimidating. Maybe an Animal Flow Light?

@MrThatonebitch - 25.07.2013 14:13

This is kinda sexy

@Filosofuerza - 04.08.2013 06:26

Lots of critics and few doers. These are great moves and require practice and some technique. Good for you if you are a martial artist, a circus employee or an actual monkey that can do "better" than the athlete in the video. But if you are healthy, sitting on your chair and your last workout was more than 24 hours should STFU and start flowing like an animal.

@wickidgrrl - 27.08.2013 17:44

Good morning America brought me here! Amazing and sexy workout!

@LOSERSreadTHIS - 29.08.2013 07:26

Parkour isn't a specific style like capoeira and the video's "animal flow"

@Shnordle - 08.09.2013 02:50

the idea is good. but he is not. there are trainers who are way beyond this. ido portal for example.

@jaus112n - 14.09.2013 19:49

Animal Flow hey... BULLSHIT!!! This is a tremendous ROBBERY! Stealing ideas from a true source and then making a name of it to sell for the fitness world. The real name of it is BIOGINASTICA or GINASTICA NATURAL!!! Created by the Great Master ORLANDO CANI, from RIO DE JANEIRO / BRASIL!!! Go there (preferably), or Google it to drink from the genuine and original fountain of this knowledge, NAMASTE! And yes, CAPOEIRA, the noble inspirational art is also there! AXE!

@yfz450rider39 - 15.09.2013 17:17

It's not supposed to be either, it's training like an animal! Although i do agree with you it does feel like Capoeira and parkour.

@joazer8720 - 05.10.2013 20:21

After a long term and serious research on the subject 'who 'created'' 'ginastica natural' animal flow etc etc meeting people who made lots of money and listening to voices like 'i invented and they robbed from me'' and so on...i ran in to completely divided and no

@joazer8720 - 05.10.2013 20:21

end streets to get serious info from serious sources on its origins,it costed me a few years..but I finally found all about it... if you care and have patience take a look at these all started with a mysterious individual who very few people manage to understand well..he introduced an indian system totally based on true animal movements in which himself showed by going in to cages with wild animals and establishing a form of communication using his own body..since he cared not for

@joazer8720 - 06.10.2013 00:48


@10millionuser - 18.11.2013 18:32

Very primal . Like capoiera

@operachild - 17.12.2013 04:55

Omg... Love this....  It's like a gay porn version of Bambi.

@justaDude-007 - 27.12.2013 23:37

Reminds me of Shadezlat :)

@mausoleul14 - 30.12.2013 23:02

Nice flow, but if you want to see real forest action and sport toghether then search for "Forest jump" on Shadezlat's channel. Although this video has a nice and calming essence . Inspiring.

@zaobody1965 - 08.04.2014 23:42

were you a Budokon student at some point? dancing lion, leaping leopard, rolling wave... :)

@Thensolomonsaid - 19.07.2014 10:11

I run,weight train,cycle,swim alot.Tried this.Killed me.

@pangajackterhor - 13.09.2014 18:04

So much capoeira right there! but i wish it could have been done properly... hehehe im not a good capoerista but they could have hired a better stunt person for that :) I like the fact that is out doors. what happened to that??? (in general)

@zenwarrior2421 - 08.10.2014 06:47

Total Liar and cheat!!! He should tell the truth as he didn't invent the techniques in animal flow. It's been around for over 25 years from the combination of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and yoga by professor Romano and the Gracie Family. It is called Ginastica Natural. You tube the old videos. Rickson Gracie should knock on is door and give him a good ass whooping.!!

@PanzerIV88 - 07.02.2015 19:50

That's something that would look terribly dumb for sure without the "cool music" and all the video effects, angles, etc.

@emirabennani1034 - 13.06.2015 12:37

OMG! you make the best videos ever! I always feel motivated after watching them <3 <3

@orionlynx.7592 - 19.12.2015 01:07

Cant do it. No wilderness in proximity. Oh well.

@PowerAndMight1984 - 22.09.2016 01:46

This is one of the most inspiring videos for bodyweight fitness and exercise in general. I practice this style from time to time and getting more into it again. I'm not the smoothest with the flows, stretches & combos but it does smoke me within minutes and I love that. Its fun, adventurous and full of exploration of the human body. Yes the moves are similar to Ginastica Natural & Parkour, I practice Ido Portal moves as well and at my size (5'10 268 lbs.) its tough as hell but not so difficult that its frustrating. It takes practice and its up to an individual to what they want to with the exercises when they get the basics down. Mike is very good at what he does and is a very unique athlete. If it inspires you awesome, if you're gonna be an asshole than don't do it or give it shit because YOU can't do it. Enjoy what you love and have fun with it, that's the true ideal thing to look for in your fitness. There's nothing new but interpreted styles of exercise mixed together but in the end, its all suggestive to what's possible.

@MaharlikaAWA - 11.10.2016 22:12

Why not just do Kung Fu? And why not just do BJJ? This looks like another MMA trend workouts like the Movement guy Ido Portal.

@youyouooxx - 18.10.2016 22:50


@DanGarzaCrispyBacon - 17.11.2016 11:19

This man is an animal, some cheetah or tiger stripe tattoos would be fitting :)

@МаринаЭнова - 21.03.2017 08:15

удивительно красиво!)

@JStompinado - 27.09.2017 22:32

Silly ass shit

@Talimav00 - 17.11.2017 05:36

I see capoeira and yoga in there!

@DiablitoKawaii - 16.08.2018 04:51

Im interested on learn berserker flow so i can go high on the woods an be a fucking savage

@Anna-fd1nx - 25.06.2019 21:45

Cool! Jaguar should be his totem....

@sicilianbeddu123 - 19.07.2019 23:30

You know, that whole time he was crawling on that trail...... he just coulda walked

@andreabalce2784 - 04.08.2019 19:45

For the first timer ofcourse it is hard... But now im loving it! 😍

@paltrum - 29.11.2019 02:39

It's great stuff, even if he does take himself very seriously (attending an Animal Flow workshop this weekend)

@malineck - 05.03.2020 09:55

Cool Exercise for Breakdance

@MariekaJackson - 25.03.2020 06:12

This is parkour. Way to once again butcher and/or rip off something already in existence and call it your own.

@annberry8149 - 31.07.2020 03:16

i think this animal was better looking without those tattoos.

@张亚伟-t6t - 27.11.2020 15:20


@pleka - 28.01.2021 19:22

Laughing at this is the best exercise.

@jphuwae4505 - 27.03.2021 06:15

Wow what a beautiful man

@taiyukuo5791 - 28.11.2021 06:32


@TheAuthenticYou-s7k - 03.12.2021 06:35

Let me know If guys need one guy to do , gymnastics, handstands, jumping and diving rolls.

@zentrucker - 12.01.2022 07:44

It looks pretty stupid to me. The workout may be ok but the video is out of context. Its not functional in this setting. What? you are going to run out into the forest, get chases by a lion and do a hand stand to escape? getting a clear idea of why someone would pay to practice animal flow is pretty difficult grasp from watching these videos.

@allmarketinfoco472 - 03.07.2022 17:23

Вспомнила Сдохни или умри Лапенко и не смогла досмотреть от смеха. А парень красивый!

@vladcymac5933 - 20.12.2023 05:48

Человек самое совершенное животное.
