Raising the Bar 2 - Workout partners

Raising the Bar 2 - Workout partners

Mike Pulcinella

18 лет назад

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@Gregzs - 15.01.2007 22:06

Good stuff! I'm waiting for it. Do you have a release date?

@leberdesign - 20.01.2008 22:15

I agree with you man comletely, slow controlled reps are better , the only way that guys is as big as he is is from his drug use, naturals wouldn't make good gains training that way they have to train heavy and controlled not heavy and sloppy

@mikepulcinella - 21.04.2008 16:40

Neither does this Golds. These guys make one by putting a curling bar across a chest machine.

@firepanda282 - 09.09.2008 23:19

sprinters dont train slow and controlled and have you seen their legs? point being, he knows what works for him

@CR250RidR - 09.11.2008 11:26

this guys badass who cares how bad his form is hes still on time with everything and his diet is flawless. Thats hard enough as it is. its especially hard to resist sweet and fatty foods like he does every single day.

@IDMWEIGHTSIDM - 18.11.2008 13:50

i wonder what his gear use is like

@teenbodybuilder3 - 11.05.2009 01:13

Holy fuck this guy's form is terrible. Yea different rep speeds have their benefits and i'm by no means an advocate for text book form but he's hardly getting anything out of those movements with the form he's using

@bearshaman0 - 28.10.2009 23:09

i train for endurance / strength and the longer life that ill live because of it...and it helps me look lean and sexy ;) lol.i work out at a golds gym and there are a bunch of body builders that work out there, i have so much respect for them. anyone that has a dream of any kind and does something to see that dream come true gets my respect.

@456bluebird - 08.05.2010 04:26

worst form ive ever seen

@pineapples7890 - 04.06.2010 19:57

his lifting form IS shit, but to be fair he is fucking massive so who are we to judge really?

@bh9g08 - 23.06.2010 02:51

anyone know where i can download or stream this?

@saturnfan - 03.08.2010 03:27

I like how he does a full body workout on the lat-pull down machine. wow.

@saturnfan - 03.08.2010 03:30

by the way, might i add...your form is T O T A L shit...pete's sake. lessen the weight and actually get something out of it.

@mistergeorge01 - 30.08.2010 21:24

i wish i could trainwith dave my day is equaly calculate and precise i strongly agre with an hour lat is as good as a day late , if only my fmily understood

@MrGahan1234 - 23.01.2011 17:55

his form is TERRIBLE!!!!

@magichands1988 - 31.03.2011 09:54

@LeonD111 OMG. Thank you bro. I wish I could meet you, just to shake your hand. My form doesn't have as much motion as his, but my whole body isn't static as I go through my ROM. But people kill me with this form shit. He is jacked as fuck. STFU.

@sidhucer00789 - 30.05.2011 09:50

@MrGahan1234 But his gear is number 1!!! lol

@excop360 - 13.06.2011 10:27

my training partner is my invisible friend. i just wish he was better at spotting : /

@zibtihaj3213 - 07.07.2011 06:58

2.18 What is he drinking? Anyone please

@FuckTheLawBitches - 14.07.2011 15:07

There's something really awesome and really depressing about bodybuilding...

@zibtihaj3213 - 16.07.2011 03:22

@gatomjp that is a lot plus why does it look that way. I thought it was suppose to be had immediately so it does not loose its flavor - its foamy quality !!

@SR4LosersIsMYBITCH - 13.09.2011 19:50

@AIMANALI Looks like protein powder mixed into cooked oatmeal or dry oatmeal

@zibtihaj3213 - 14.09.2011 18:28

@SR4LosersIsMYBITCH your name LOLLLL

@ewnjr - 23.09.2011 05:06

his vascularity is insane

@rutherd313 - 01.04.2012 03:27

Where can i see the whole entire thing? please answer! thanks

@MikePulcinellaVideo - 18.11.2012 23:27

Click the link under the video window to purchase the DVD.

@Gus589 - 18.02.2013 05:43

workout partners blow big time. They are a distraction instead of helping

@karlosmalone11 - 12.03.2013 05:41

can you imagine his physique if his form was in any way right/safe!

@MrJohnnyNitro111 - 29.03.2013 11:27

Form not the best but the dude trains with high intensity. He is driven and determined to be the best and I respect that. Every single person must learn to be goal-oriented in life because only then will you get places.

@fallen7107 - 23.07.2013 20:12

I wana train with Dave! He doesn't fuck around.

@jessevaughn8265 - 29.08.2013 02:49

I agree form is real fucked up. I'm surprised he didn't snap some shit up.

@CR250RidR - 17.11.2013 08:18

I talked to dave today he say he does, "controlled cheating and it works" cant really argue against that lol. 

@RobSchauland - 09.05.2014 20:09

Lauging out loud at all the people that look like nothing critiquing his form. If you actually "were" something, or someone, you would just keep your mouth shut. Those that can...do. Those that can't, become critics.

@CrackinJacks138 - 09.02.2015 07:35

lol what the fuck was he doing on that leg extension. having a seizure?

@krebbichris818 - 26.06.2015 11:09

"going to the next level" how about going 5 levels back and fix that horrible form ?

@anuragmorang3301 - 10.10.2021 14:24

Was internet even available at that time bruh

@matthew4712 - 24.07.2023 18:56

That's the worst lat pulldown I've ever seen. Pure ego.

@matthew4712 - 24.07.2023 18:58

His form is embarrassing.
