TOP 5 Best One Handed Keypad [ 2024 Buyer's Guide ]

TOP 5 Best One Handed Keypad [ 2024 Buyer's Guide ]

Techs You Can't Live Without

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@ianvowles - 18.05.2023 07:58

In the review all the keypads shown are commented upon as for the left hand only. Note that the Azeron Cyborg allows you to specify which hand you use at time of order. When your primary decision point is that it is either ambidextrous or for the right hand, as is the case for me, it is important that this detail be mentioned. Now if only I could afford one.

@xpatches13 - 10.09.2023 01:51

I would of preferred a more in-depth review of each one with visual extended use by your and your thoughts/comments after each one. This felt more like a premanufactured commercial of 5 products.

@GremDisaster - 15.10.2023 19:25

It comes down to the Razer Tartarus Pro or the Azeron Cyborg for me.. I want a keypad with an analog stick and these are the only options I can find! I'm conflicted because the RTP I personally think looks better and is cheaper at $130. However, from what I can tell, its stick is just programable buttons so I just map WASD to the stick and I have seen quite a few complaints about that stick not working well after a short time.. (This may also be Tartarus V2 reviews as well, been looking at both). Whereas the AC has a dedicated actual analog stick! But is $220 and looks totally wild. I'll get use to either one I'm sure, but is $90 more really worth the better analog stick.. ugh. I just don't know.

@iyeetsecurity922 - 19.11.2023 04:00

K585 because it's the only wireless one.

@JermVVarfare - 25.12.2023 03:00

I wanted a stick... Went through 3 Tartarus in under a year. Finally broke down and spent the money on an Azeron Cyborg and couldn't be happier with it despite the price.

@L30nHbl - 19.01.2024 19:38

is there a keyboard for left handed players who using the keypad with their right hand? thanks in davance!

@KogakuCZ - 01.03.2024 01:09

useless vid...

@RealButcher - 24.03.2024 22:28

Logitech G13... still nothing better?

@Viperveteran - 29.07.2024 19:47

Tbh if it lacks an analogue stick that is a huge con.

@Setuaro - 07.08.2024 04:24

My dad gave me his RTP (Yes, a hand-me-down but he hardly used it since he got it last month) and I was mostly looking around for videos on how I best utilize itin gaming. Somehow stumbled upon this and now I'm glad he's such an impulse buyer, he could've done worse indeed.

@eyeconaustringer3053 - 18.10.2024 08:44

Why is it expensive though That is the question, you have less material invested making it more affordable less space less cost on every aspect and scale yet it's expensive it's stupid

@7Sergius - 15.11.2024 13:51

Only Cyborg allows to use it without gazing at/looking at it. The rest keypads forced gamers to lose control during the game to choose the correct button.

@NedSpindle - 06.12.2024 23:11

Every review of these devices should say if profiles exist on the device, and can be exported/imported.
