Is this Liverpool, England ? ☀️
ОтветитьHey dude, awesome video to watch you unedited and hear your thoughts whilst trouble hooting etc.
Im only around 23 mins in so forgive me if you already know what im about to say!
In my opinion i cant see anthing majorily wrong/different to what ive seen when yy were shootng more often, the only comments id make are 1) you dont seem to look at the target before you raise the bow often, but your head movement is minimal 2) youre just a little out of shooting shape with regards to control in your expansion/timing. But thats an easy fix with drills and bow training as you already know.
I hope that helps even if it just reaffirms what youre already thinkng 😁.
Keep posting, i love your style and attitude to shooting. For a futre video idea itd be awesome to list what equipment you use, sizes, poundages etc .
All the best mate 👍🏻
Do they offer beginner classes? I’m around western Sydney
ОтветитьThe Giorgio alarm
ОтветитьI also have a problem but it is reversed. My horizontal spread is very narrow but I have a lot of variance vertically, the spread is larger. Any recommendation on how to fix that? I'm thinking it might be coming from putting too much weight on my front stabilizer, I don't think.
ОтветитьWhat's up man! Been watching some of your vids here and there. Your channel is interesting, because I don't really see too many people posting casual 70m shooting, or more casual videos like this one. I just grab some snacks and come enjoy some archery while you shoot and talk through it. Love your Shorts as well, great editing, dude!! 👍
Idk if this is gonna help you, but I'm going to try anyways:
1- I felt like your expansion was kinda "too strong", maybe forcing it a little bit? On end 5, if you look closely, you can see your whole right arm moving through expansion, it is visible. Have you tried putting your clicker like... half (yes, half) a milimeter to the front, and "calming yourself" into expansion? I don't know if this is helpful to your specific shot cycle, through. In my case, I like to focus on pushing and pulling, and just letting my body do the thing through continuity, and it flows.
Edit: Yeah, overbowed, maybe ignore this first topic, idk
2- Still on end 5, there are some visible cases of collapsing. Your front shoulder gives, and your front arm seems to be moving to the right (as you release). I have been struggling with this as well, many of my arrows would impact to the right. Then I found out I was collapsing inwards and started forcing too much through the clicker, and my arrows would impact to the left. I went back to the basics, just trying to push and pull straight forwards and backwards, instead of thinking about expanding. It's kinda helping me! Maybe something like that could help you as well?
3- That arrow that went high on end 6, maybe your anchoring had too much upwards pressure, towards the chin? Your whole hand went down after the shot. Also, I kinda noticed your hand releasing from the ring finger up to the index, instead of all releasing in complete unison. That could be the culprit as well.
Keep in mind I'm not at your skill level, I've been shooting 30m and I have a group the size of yours at 50m, maybe even bigger 😅 By the way, that water bottle is so overkill 🤣but it's damn nice!
(About bowhunting, I have zero interest in hunting overrall, but you should just do your thing man, plus it is archery afterall!)