How to Make Dandelion Wine and Maple Mead (Acerglyn)

How to Make Dandelion Wine and Maple Mead (Acerglyn)

David O'Donnell

1 год назад

77 Просмотров

Making Dandelion wine with blueberries and blackberries and other fruits :) I Also made some Acerglyn. How to make Dandelion Wine, how to brew wine, making beer at home, making Mead at home, homebrew, is it safe? making alcohol, making delicious drinks, healthy fruit drinks, cheap drink for college students, strong alcohol, how do I ferment fruit, how is alcohol made, can I make alcohol with flowers? how much sugar do I need, how much yeast do I need, is this enough water, king drink, Viking drink, ancient beer, Viking beer, honey beer, honey wine, bees, nectar, DIY alcohol, prison alcohol, simple alcohol recipe, simple beer recipe, simple wine recipe, easy to follow, handy, is mead healthy, is wine healthy, can I make beer, is it legal to make wine, is it legal to make beer, making a fun drink for a party, drink ideas, alcohol ideas, cocktail ideas, Ireland, friendly cat, friendly dog, life on my farm


#Dandelion #Wine #Mead #Blueberries #blackberries #Homemade #Poodle #taste #Honey #Maple #Syrup #fermentation #process #alcohol #orange #pettles #Lake #spring #water #yeast #sunshine #gardening
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