How Do You Become a Life Coach? And What Do Coaches Do?!

How Do You Become a Life Coach? And What Do Coaches Do?!

IGC Coaching School

5 лет назад

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@rachaelwelsh5899 - 15.08.2019 01:55

so inspiring!!

@LauraEllen - 19.08.2019 17:28

Danielle and Angela are so REAL! I just love that you can see they really love the work they do and the women they help.

@daniellewaldman6946 - 21.08.2019 03:04

Love what Angela said about giving women space to tap back into their intuition. So important for us to listen to what our inner selves are trying to tell us!

@elliehigham4752 - 21.08.2019 03:21

Love this video! In their own unique ways Angela and Danielle totally captured what being a coach is.
