Where to eat, sleep, and play in Lake Havasu

Where to eat, sleep, and play in Lake Havasu

Roam Away From Home

2 года назад

163 Просмотров

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@CozyQueenAdventures - 27.07.2022 05:46

Frozen Margaritas are my favorite! This lake is beautiful and the bridge looks amazing. Hawaii, Arizona and London nice mixture.

@thewanderingshores - 27.07.2022 06:24

Excited to follow your adventures and honor to be subscriber number 500. Found you guys on the under 1K creators page for Facebook. Thanks for the heads up on the Boondocking area near Lake Havasu. I'm going to add it to my Google map

@Live2dayWanderland - 27.07.2022 17:53

Fun video, thanks for sharing.
