Halo 1 - The Secret Room On Two Betrayals

Halo 1 - The Secret Room On Two Betrayals


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@bennybwood - 26.10.2018 21:06

Why did they update the graphics in that room?

@kuyans3889 - 26.10.2018 21:42

Please let it be different than the other rooms.

@walteralvarez1408 - 26.10.2018 21:44

I pray to Jim Pickens you don't stop the Puns!!

@randomvideoguy9336 - 26.10.2018 21:47

One more pun for you all.

What do you call a starfish that's obsessed with sex?

A porn star ;)

@cadetkonki2687 - 26.10.2018 21:54

lol such bad puns, but thats what makes heed himself lmao, keep up the good work fam 🔥

@The_Future_isnt_so_Bright - 26.10.2018 22:25

Awesome video. What about the door atop the tower you flew over at the end of the video? Does that open?

@robertnrobretual2749 - 26.10.2018 22:26

You're not allowed in there

@legendarymasterchief7620 - 26.10.2018 22:30

Please, find the secret active camo.

@joshuashkopiak8644 - 26.10.2018 22:48

It think there was originally going to be 4 but they cut it

@JKhyway - 26.10.2018 23:42

Not sure if anyone has talked about this but on halo 3 floodgate when you go into the crashed ship the second dead elite is half jaw aka shipmaster, he only has 2 mouth pieces, not sure if this is just a bug or just on my game but thought it was worth mentioning. Please respond I have a photo if no one else has this bug.

@TheXeroLink - 27.10.2018 00:24

Halo 1 Anniversary irks the hell out of me. There are so many places with Anniversary mode where walls aren't visible or things dont seem right...
H2A is just as bad in some places...I just dont get it....

@wearsjorge55 - 27.10.2018 00:27

Ayeee that's a good pun

@SiXiam - 27.10.2018 01:07

You don't need mods to get through those doors. It takes a while, but you can use a ghost or a banshee to push yourself through the door driving backwards against the door.

@Nova-Pixel-6 - 27.10.2018 01:18

yeah, i agree with the 4th generator theory, there's a chance they thought it might have been too difficult to make the return trip and scrapped it

@spartanajax1831 - 27.10.2018 02:02

Nah, it's just attention to detail.

@arielkozak - 27.10.2018 02:05

Is this your gamer tag?

@mossthatrules77 - 27.10.2018 02:17

I remember doing a glitch with the banshee to get through the door a long time ago, good times.

@user-eg5dd3mk3e - 27.10.2018 03:41

Hey GeneralKidd! Can you do a Video to see if the Space Banshees in Halo Reach are vehicles that can be Used.

@TheChadPad - 27.10.2018 05:06

Can you explore what's behind the locked door to my crush's heart?

@gaakura6036 - 27.10.2018 05:14

I just played this level a few days ago

@iZeroGravityGaming - 27.10.2018 07:48

Also if it's not too much trouble can you make a playlist for halo 3 only or halo 2 ext

@JacobBite - 27.10.2018 12:31

YES!!1 thank you so much for covering this, I tried MythicTyrant but no response. I found this myself on Anniversary by flying through the terrain (it's different) but had no way of seeing what was in there.

@jake_halo - 27.10.2018 16:04

Yay I was always curious about this xD

@Alex20114 - 27.10.2018 18:26

That hallway in the locked room with the phase pulse generator looks very similar to one used in Assault On The Control Room. I'm thinking it actually is used, but just not in this mission, and that the snowy area is loaded in full for both missions, since taking it out would be extra work. In that case, because you never see these cliff side landing pads in the other mission due to not getting banshee access until Two Betrayals, that would explain why the door is locked.

@Turtle3000 - 27.10.2018 18:56

What happens if you go into the pulse generator rooms but on “Assault on the Control Room?”

@MACERstudios - 27.10.2018 23:06

Maybe this was going to be a generator or you would initially have to head over there to get to or away from the generator..

@nikiradio - 28.10.2018 07:43

Learn news things everyday

@AfterAllWeAreHuman - 28.10.2018 09:32

There is left over map from the assault on the control room in two betrayals. And vice versa

@butternubzz459 - 28.10.2018 10:29

Why do spartan 2’s use flashlights when they already have night vision from augmentation ?

@theia1653 - 28.10.2018 11:12

There should be more secret areas on Halo. You really wonder what mysteries are behind the locked doors, like the ones in the underwater section of Delta Halo where the doors have a glyph of the human eye.

@invertedgames7993 - 28.10.2018 11:57

I need an entire video dedicated to puns

@thisiskt9210 - 28.10.2018 14:03

I rather think this was supposed to be the original generator #2 , but they scrapped the additional sections? Does the room exist on AotCR as well?

@stijnVDA1994 - 28.10.2018 15:22

are there more secret rooms in h1?

@OBXsaltLife - 30.10.2018 22:22

Love Halo 1!

@o_o-037 - 31.10.2018 00:54

Can you revisit the unnamed skull from Halo 2?

@Bootloaders - 31.10.2018 06:07

What ig theres another secret room behind the other door 🤔

@Zapzap3132jarek - 01.11.2018 17:19

Halo Ce is full of mystery

@kleog8633 - 01.11.2018 17:36

There's a door and a small cliff side opening near the end of the scarab part of The Great Journey mission in halo 2, always wondered what's up there but there's an invisible barrier that stops ya banshee from getting up there

@jamesspartin117 - 02.11.2018 04:16

That room is assault on the controll room mission. they are the same mission map arnt they?

@Hunterbennink - 04.11.2018 18:00

I almost disliked because of the jokes

@jeffersonsteelflex3056 - 05.11.2018 00:07

Wow, I actually thought this was gonna be something interesting. Disliked. Unsubbed. And just for the puns, reported.

@sourcerer5929 - 06.11.2018 03:00

Halo CE still lives on well after it's release.

@fazejay8533 - 11.11.2018 01:49

The intro is like halo music 🎶

@sonnyvo7024 - 22.11.2018 20:29

In halo 2 in the last mission when you punch Johnson in the Tartarus boss battle Johnson spawns plasma grenades next to him

@Deprived_Dolphin - 02.05.2019 01:53

It seemed like it was supposed to be an extended version and decided to lock it because it would have been too repetitive

@bannedbycommieyoutube5time920 - 06.02.2022 05:24

My favorite halo mission of all time, particularly when you look at it in a vacuum. Giant level, Outdoor, indoor, tunnels, verticality, all different types of enemies, ground and flying vehicles, sniping, rocket launchers, shotguns, etc.

It has everything you could ever want.

@rm25088 - 25.02.2024 02:14

Don't use the new stupid graphics please.

@dustinechoes122 - 22.03.2024 04:02

This was cut content from the halo CE beta (1749) Vengful Vadam mentioned this in his analysis of the 1749 build. The layout of this secret area is actually a mirrored version of what the second pulse generator area originally looked like. They obviously thought this area was not needed so cut it. They changed the design of the second generator section to what we have today, but never changed this area since it was unused. What’s quite odd is that it was never removed from this mission, but was removed from assault on the control room. It’s also interesting that this unused area is completely rendered in both graphics.
