CREATE EASY No Sew Scrap Samplers For Your Junk Journals

CREATE EASY No Sew Scrap Samplers For Your Junk Journals

Camelia Crafts Designs

4 дня назад

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@nadyneingrassia1479 - 08.03.2025 11:09

I love these fabric scrap bundles. I have plenty of scraps and laces. Etc. TFS❤

@createdesignstudiouk - 08.03.2025 11:35

Thank you for the shoutout!! My finger looks like yours! 😂 Thanks for linking my channels 🥰 Gorgeous selection of fabric you have. Loved the Tim Holtz music score and the gingham at the beginning!

@lynnduerst4107 - 08.03.2025 11:50

😮 All this time I had no idea I was holding my pen the wrong way. 1 more for the Funky Pen Holding Club. 😂
So good to be seeing you on the regular again. Keep it up!❤️

@sandrahodgetts3739 - 08.03.2025 12:34

Julie, look at you, approaching 50k. Honestly, I’ve been with you from the go and enjoyed every video/project that you’ve done. COME ON PEEPS, IF YOUVE NOT SUBSCRIBED YET, PLEASE DO AND GET JULIE UP TO 50K 😊 Thank you Julie, you make me smile every time I see you. I am a lone crafter, let’s face it not many people around us understand what we do, so you are good company. ❤

@rosemareemclure3227 - 08.03.2025 12:51

Oh wow I was thinking that someone may have replaced our Julie getting so many pieces done in a mass make in one video, if only for the waffling and the giggles. Really enjoyed watching this Julie. Glad you finished with ten fingers. ❤

@leeaferrians7607 - 08.03.2025 12:59


@alanaskinner5703 - 08.03.2025 13:47

super great scrap buster. thanks for sharing Hugs from the US Roxanne

@cat3crazy - 08.03.2025 13:52

I also hold my pens the same way. In addition, when writing, I just move my hand instead of my arm. I remember when handwriting was important in school and teachers tried to get me to hold my pencil the "proper" way.
I'm confused (not unusual). You have twins but you talk about them as one being older than the other. Weren't they born the same day?

@fifteenbluebirds - 08.03.2025 14:52

So pretty, and a lovely idea as a reusable gift with a journal. ☺️☺️

@dianesmith4759 - 08.03.2025 15:11

@lizellerossouw378 - 08.03.2025 15:35

Thanks for a lovely video, Julie!

@bettysmith5553 - 08.03.2025 17:45

Look forward to watching you Julie every week : )

@craftnerdcreates - 08.03.2025 17:50

What a great idea for fabric scraps. And I hold my pen similar to you - I just rest the pen on my ring finger, instead of my middle finger. 😁

@roseapple8786 - 08.03.2025 17:52

Miss Julie, you have so many beautiful pieces of material, lace, beads and etc. I love all that you made, and you gave me some ideas on creating like you did but with a twist. Thank you for sharing and God Bless you and your family. 🥰💖😻💖😻💖(🌹🐞🦂🌵)

@pamminevins8097 - 08.03.2025 18:27

❤ good idea to use up some scraps. Your waffling is the B E S T!!!!😊

@smccullou6559 - 08.03.2025 18:49

Thats a great idea and iy looks really pretty

@BeAgainBooks - 08.03.2025 19:23

So fun Julie! I love this idea…thanks for sharing!

@phyllispeterson5800 - 08.03.2025 19:31

You could make Mac and cheese and I'd still watch you julie.❤❤😊

@phyllispeterson5800 - 08.03.2025 19:33

Sit down comedy is what it's all about.

@vickicoatney3062 - 08.03.2025 20:02

I have way too many scraps from making quilts so I need to make some of these. Always looking for ways to use, thanks for sharing.

@poppydaniels9855 - 08.03.2025 20:08

Love them...and so fast.🎉

@barbarawafer94 - 08.03.2025 20:08

These clusters are so cute. I had never seen safety pins like that before. I have been a quilter for years but haven’t really bought new supplies for quite a while. Those pins make sense because the coils sometimes catch the fabric in them and cause a tear. Thank you for the fun! 💜

@wandamclaughlin8405 - 08.03.2025 20:29

What a great idea Julie, I was watching your video and had to put it on pause to run to Michaels (crafting store in the U.S.) and get me some safety pins and pinking shears. These turned out lovely. As I have mentioned multiple time, I wish I was your neighbor. I think we would have a grand time. Well I know I would. I just love your waffling. Love the words you use, and I just heard for the first time, "I like the wonk" Gonna add that one to my white board in the office. 😘😊💖

@LuciaVandenbergh - 08.03.2025 21:10

Again a video full of wonderfull ideas,thank you,❤️

@ronaldagregory4831 - 08.03.2025 22:32

What a fabulous waffly (is that even a word) video. Great idea lovely girl.

@katharinefletcher466 - 08.03.2025 22:40

Love these Julie, A great way to use little bits of fabric 👏🏻💕👏🏻💕

@wandasinclair3748 - 08.03.2025 22:50

Love watching you every time. U seem like a good friend. God bless you and your family.

@katherinehazard7580 - 09.03.2025 01:28

Julie! Great video! I use a travel hair straightener as well! Works so well! You are about as 50K. Weeeee!!! 😂❤

@lauriedrinkard6063 - 09.03.2025 02:00

Julie, I love your videos and I certainly learned a lot from you today. It was fun to laugh along with you!

@sandypeppers6861 - 09.03.2025 02:16

You’re such a treasure!😊

@momsplanningagain1211 - 09.03.2025 04:31

This video has brought me back to my childhood!! We used to make friendship pins by adding beads to pins the way you are and pin them to our shoelaces!!
I love these so much!! Of course your commentary is hilarious as usual. Love your videos so much!!

@Lyndazigns - 09.03.2025 04:49

Julie, I just love you! And your wonderful ideas,💕

@loriegaskins7679 - 09.03.2025 05:15

Love these! Great use of scraps.❤

@ArtisticAntics75 - 09.03.2025 05:44

These are so cute ❤️😁

@idavera55 - 09.03.2025 08:24

You are too funny; I LOVE watching and listening to you! These fabric clusters are cute, I don't have any fabric scraps, but I will go find some now. Thanks for sharing. Have a good weekend!😊

@cherylemery8594 - 09.03.2025 09:03

Julie, you know a “messy desk “ is a great thing! So much inspiration…. Thank you!

@thejarfancystudios4638 - 09.03.2025 17:37

I’ve lost more pinking shears than I care to even say! Now I’m tempted to go hit Amazon but trying hard to DESTASH SOON! Somebody out there can relate!? 🤣🤣

@MyDjturner - 09.03.2025 21:02

What a great idea! Thanks Julie

@HappyPlaceCrafting - 09.03.2025 22:49

I love this idea. The puns with beads remind me of ones we use to put on out tennis shoes in the 80s!!! Going to have to borrow this! So clever Mrs! Hugs

@NannieStoke - 10.03.2025 00:04

I've completely lost my mojo , it went missing in about October 😢. I've lost all interest in doing any crafting, still enjoying watching others . Any tips on getting back in my craft room

@rebeccakidd129 - 10.03.2025 04:18

What size is that little flat iron plz? Love watching you.

@Grammysplace72 - 10.03.2025 04:31

Thanks for the smiles, laughs and inspiration beautiful Julie ❤❤❤

@junerobbins6871 - 10.03.2025 11:56

These are really pretty. I have loads of fabric scraps too. Ive made many clusters from them.

@junerobbins6871 - 10.03.2025 12:07

These are really pretty. I love all of them. The lace ones are my faviorites. 😊 !!
I fell and sprained my right thumb. It froze stuck to the palm of my hand. I held my pencil, crayons and pens very simular to that. I couldn't write any other way. It was somewhat still frozen like that into my early twenties. I can still hold it like that and write with it in that position to this day !!

@kristinediodati9782 - 10.03.2025 19:31

Enjoyed the video, thank you ❤❤❤

@YvonneCook-gv5pq - 10.03.2025 20:24

Brilliant idea to make non sew fabric clusters, especially as I don't have a sewing machine! Very pretty! 😊❤

@tamarafoley7300 - 10.03.2025 20:39

Julie! I must tell you that I totally live listening to all you talk about and seeing all the gorgeousness you create! Thank you for sharing yourself with us!

@shannonyanes6224 - 10.03.2025 22:46

You are really inspiring me with these scrappy videos. Thank you for sharing.

@addybugs2422 - 11.03.2025 06:41

I have been binge watching your videos. I love your videos! Do you have a video on one sided 12 x 12 paper pad projects? That I haven’t watched yet. I have been hoarding 12 x 12 paper pads for years. Not sure where to start. Thank you for being an inspiration ❤ I look forward to your videos. Paula
Addy is short for Addison my 17 year old daughter that also has autism and is in her punk rock era 😊

@ashley.henry.87 - 12.03.2025 00:24

This is a fantastic idea!
