ОтветитьYou got yourself a new subscriber.
ОтветитьThank you for talking about Marilyn bergeron we are still looking for her ❤
Ответить"284 views" how is this possible!? Your editing is great, the naration is awesome. I'm thinking it's a branding issue, your pfp and name can be misleading.
ОтветитьI`m useless at recognising people and If Marilyn asked me the time 5 minutes after watching the video I wouldn't recognise her, for example the woman who has served me in my local corner shop for over 10 years said hi to me in the street and I didnt recognise her without the counter and cash register in front of her but if I was the person who "spotter her several times" he must have had her face in his memory for the missing posters, tv appeals etc so why didnt he follower her ? I`m sure if It was me and I saw some one I know was reported as missing I would do more than just call in days, weeks or months later. It could have then been confirmed if it was or wasn't her, 9 times out of 10 in these "sightings" cases it`s not them, there are 2 people who live near me who are 100% identical to my dad and I always do a double take when and I have a double who lives at the other end of the city near my uncle, he even approached and spoke to thinking it was me.
ОтветитьI live in Ogden Utah. Some of my friends were close friends with them. I remember when this happened, when I seen the house I knew I recognized it but didn’t realize it until you said south Ogden.
ОтветитьMarilyn had the exact same story and circumstances as other girls around the same age all over. I have heard the same story with a different name girls amongst the stories of other missing stories.
ОтветитьThat Chinese girl in California that turned up in the water holder of the hotel she stayed at on the top of the building. Same weird behavior, same disappearance and there are many others. The the young men that go missing with the smiling face that marks their deaths and ending in waters somewhere near by the bar or restaurant they where taken from.
ОтветитьWhy are people only talking about marilyn. Why not koecher. He was a good person, but no one on the comments talk about him. Just because she is a female, I guess. Sad, disgusting people.
ОтветитьIt took 35 sightings of Marilyn to convince police to investigate? THIRTY FIVE?! And their conclusion was that these sightings were... mistaken? THIRTY FIVE. All mistaken. Uh huh.
ОтветитьI guarantee the guys living in the house in the first story were selling weed. People coming and going all the time, targeted robbery, the robbers were obviously on a mission since they showed up 3 deep armed and masked up. Police say it wasn’t random as well. Explains why the old neighbor was hanging out there frequently as well.
ОтветитьFor Marilyn what could she have experienced that’s wayyyy worse than seeing a murder or being raped??
ОтветитьThis narrator pronounces the letter "i" like an "e" and "e" like "a". wtf?
ОтветитьIn the Stevens case was there a river near there or big body of water
ОтветитьWhy didn't anyone talk to his ex's parents? Why not ask THEM why Stephen visited them?
ОтветитьI have a feeling that either Steven Koecher offed himself or he's still alive as homeless staying in those 600 miles worth of underground Henderson Nevada tunnels. There's roughly 1500 people living in them. I think he was too proud of himself to ever admit that he could fall back on family for financial assistance, but chose not to. He thought, "I have a degree, yet I'm handing out flyers." It only enraged him further when he discovered that his father knew about his missed payments, and it plunged him even further wanting to disappear from the world.
To me, those places he visited wasn't random. I get the impression that he visited his ex girlfriends parents and those places for one FINAL trip before departing. He just settled for his ex's parents instead of his ex, then bragging or trying to impress them on his story about visiting Sacramento.
Please nobody jump down my throat for this but the third case sounds like he intentionally disappeared. The trip to see his ex was a goodbye. He lied about having family in Sac to make it seem like he was "just in town." Also, maybe he wanted his car found was to make sure his nephews got their presents. Of course there being a less convultated way of doing so.
ОтветитьMontreal looks suspiciously like Hong Kong?
ОтветитьKevin Nelson looks like “The Dude”
ОтветитьBe sure to wait until the final 10 seconds of the first case to tell us it’s unsolved. That’s not at all frustrating to watch, especially as the tone of the story and having CCTV footage implies a conclusion will be revealed. Oh well, the main thing is you get your clicks.
ОтветитьI live in Utah and I’ve never heard of the first one, or if I have I don’t remember.
ОтветитьMy ex wife who had untreated bipolar experienced a nearly three year long delusional breakdown, during this time she always kept what she referred to as her "suicide bag" hidden nearby. She too disappeared from her loved ones for a while but eventually was able to get proper treatment and recovered.
ОтветитьIt just goes to show that you should never miss church!❤
ОтветитьAwesome video!!
ОтветитьMaybe Stephen was couriering things for someone on the low. Maybe that's why he was driving all around. Maybe he had a second phone... And they got him.
ОтветитьIt seems clear to me that Marilyn had undiagnosed schizophrenia. The onset normally happens at about the age she was. All the things saying what was doing on was worse than witnessing a murder or whatever else but not saying one definitely fits that diagnosis
ОтветитьWhen I arrived in the police in Hochelaga, the case of Marlyne Bergeron was known. Collegues talked to me about this case. It has haunted me ever since. Her parents and sister did an amazing investigation on their own. Bless them, I hope they find answer one day soon ❤
ОтветитьDid you change to an AI voiceover for since your original 2 videos??
Sounds worse…
i think the bag was put on her for a tracking device thats why when she got to the cafe she disappeared
she was nervous
she kept looking left not at the ATM machine
because if she didn't walk there then someone else could have gave her the bag as a decoy to trap her to go out there.
methamphetamine use as a recreational drug will run you as little as $10.00 to as much as $400.00 for a gram of meth.
The next question is "what was Marilyn doing on the day she disappeared?" Marilyn appearing on camera wearing an unknown rucksack is one of the most puzzling aspects of the case. Did she stash it somewhere? Did someone else give it to her? What was in it? Marilyn attempted to withdraw CAD$60, more than she needed for the coffee she purchased. What were the consequences of not being able to withdraw it? The contents of her bank account weren't enough to start a new life on but she may have been trying to pay for a bus or cab. The credible identifications of her in Hawkesbury also suggest that she may have disappeared intentionally.
I already got college tommorow on both topics maths and english.
ОтветитьMy both teachers good
ОтветитьI think it was kinda dumb that Bergeron’s family let her go on the walk by herself - obviously, given the highly abnormal state of mind she was in, there was a chance that she could have done something bad if left alone and away from home. I realize that they prob couldn’t secretly follow her without her discovering them, and something unpleasant happening as a result, but I just…..don’t think they should have just let her go alone like that so easily.
ОтветитьI used to life just off Ogden Ave. Naperville IL
ОтветитьSorry guys but the first one is obvious. If your going to make bad decisions involving bad people, make sure you pay your debts.
ОтветитьGreat videos. Not a huge fan of the AI voiceover tho tbh.
ОтветитьSteven more than likely killed himself bc he was depressed due to his life circumstances. As a young man, I would have probably visited my ex’s before I unalived myself.
Ответить“Is there light at the end of this tunnel” sounds more internal than external. It just simply doesn’t seem like it would be what you say if you’re being trafficked. I do feel there could be two VERY different meanings to that question, though. Does the “light” signify afterlife? Or does she mean, “will life get better someday?”
I’ve followed this case for years and still hold out hope for a safe return. I believe her mother 100% when she says Marilyn looked “helpless” 😢