Christians, Watch This Video Before the end of 2025

Christians, Watch This Video Before the end of 2025

Living Waters

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@jonathannell3377 - 20.01.2025 09:50

The premise I disagree with is that if you lie chat steal and look at pornography you are going to hell that is not true if you repent and come unto god you will be saved that is what the gospel says it has always said that.

@pangaute - 20.01.2025 09:58

Modern Israel is not the Israel of the Bible and modern jews are mostly usurper Ashkenazi

@ics.infoadrian - 20.01.2025 10:26

No 1 has Ascended to Heaven John 3:13 . We are living in hell where Satan Dwells

@FinlandBall1944 - 20.01.2025 10:40

just on time

@binitatrew1642 - 20.01.2025 12:59

Harmful, prophecy is demonic, it's not from, a righteous God.

Peter recorded that fact:

2 Peter 1 v 21
For NO SUCH prophecy comes from the staying power, of any nation.

The righteous God, functions by FAITH himself. Who would he be if he functioned not with us, but against us?

His given faith, RESTS UPON his own POWER - 1 Corinthians 2 v 5 / Romans 12 v 3

Acts 2: 17 / Ephesians 4: 30
If you look forward to prophetic war_ it's like wishing harm on all the nations. ( That's wishing us_and the promised Holy Spirit, that was
given to the nations as, a SEAL, for eternal SALVATION, harm too.
Then the Lord is grieving the Holy Spirit, on ALL TRIBES. Why set, a trap, for the Holy Spirit?
We, as nations cannot grieve the Holy Spirit _ we are sealed by him _ from the womb. - 1 Peter 2 v 2 - 3

The righteous God, provided the seed.
We are NOT born, of flesh, and blood, or, of husband will_ but, of the RIGHTEOUSNESS, of God. - John 1 : 13

ANYTHING ( born in that CANNOT SIN. - 1 John 3: 9

You judge by the flesh( mortal manipulation) I judge NO ONE. - John 8: 15

Flesh and Blood is manipulated from dust ( earth )

Adam, means earth:

Genesis 3
19 are DUST... ( 59 ELEMENTS, of the earth crust. )
We are treasures in jars, of ( earth ) CLAY. - 2 Corinthians 4 v 7

@SherryTakhalo505 - 20.01.2025 14:41

Fear mongering is not godly.

@johnmudd6453 - 20.01.2025 15:49

The second coming always happens in America ,depending on what astronomical event is ocurring

@suzannephillips-wooten3103 - 20.01.2025 15:54

It's the AntiChrists inauguration today 😢

@jayedwards1894 - 20.01.2025 16:00

Having only seen a few seconds of the clip, I feel compelled to ask, how many times does humanity get to be wrong about the coming of christ before we stop having to endure this? I understand your bible says it going to happen, but seriously, the end is inevitable and just because someone in the first few centuries decided to tell us we keep saying, "it's coming, be ready"? Let me make a prediction for you, you are going to live as well as you allow yourself, then you are going to die. You count on some sort of sentience in an "afterlife", but then ask yourself, was there any sentience in your "Prelife"? Live well, be kind, have compassion, and the rest will happen.

@JoeBytowner - 20.01.2025 16:01

The Christian faith has to be one of the darkest beliefs humanity has ever had. They are praying for the end of humanity.
Hopefully a religious nut job will never get their hands on nuclear weapons and "fulfill the prophecy".

@markjoslin9912 - 20.01.2025 20:16

Only the father knows the time.

@iammimik2763 - 20.01.2025 21:00

The first guy saying He was going to repent brought tears to my eyes. Thanks for this video. 10 years trying to die(alchoholism), because I didn't have purpose. Jesus is ETERNAL Life. <3

@ellenstewart5161 - 20.01.2025 21:03

If we are honest with ourselves, none of us good but One, Only God is truly good because of our fallen nature

@alanlawless9236 - 21.01.2025 01:10

No man better than other all sin. God only judge 1 above all 🎉. Preaching and idols Jesus said dake idols obviously shouldn't gave been changed by powerfull. Think bible not been messed with . Killed new one comes out. Admits no sins talking away . Best things life free

@alanlawless9236 - 21.01.2025 01:11

Why does every generation think important enough see end start of new😂😂❤🎉

@michaelholder3933 - 21.01.2025 01:17

The Bible tells us the trouble we are seeing is only the beginning. Think about this ,the anti-christ will reign 7 years and hasnt even began to take power yet. Things are going to get much worse over the next few years. Much worse. America hasnt seen anything like what some other places have. Food so scarce you eat garbage or the neighbors pet. Earthquakes and floods with no help from anyone , decades of civil war and violence. Gangs that openly worship Satan and are armed to the teeth and high on drugs. America has avoided a lot of this because of our wealth but as the nation turns its back on God the wealth disappears. Im not a prosperity preacher but following God definitely helps a nation to be successful. Just look at what we have done with abortion on demand ,the southern border, legalizing drugs and so called gay marriage and trans rights. God says in the Bible he will not bless that.

@Angel-vx7xk - 21.01.2025 02:49

The reason why there is conflict between the State of Israel and the Palestinians is because Israel has taken land that is not theirs. That land belongs to the true Jews of the bible and not these imposters. YAH will reveal this soon. Read Ezekial and Revelation.....

@badescualexandru6824 - 21.01.2025 03:55

I believe you are lunatics. Christ told us that the end of the world is actually the end of our life. So we should permanenly upgrade ourself and help others until we still have time. Just knowing or believing about the existence of God would not save anyone; the devil know and believe aswell; that doesen't mean anything. The kingdom of God is within us, not in prophecies and conspiracy theories. Not even knowing a lot about truth and God will not save you, that is nothing; most of the time knowledge will bring pride and with pride is the easiest way to hell

Edit:// i rather be friend with a gay or atheist person anytime, than with an indoctrinated rabbit like Trump, Mel Gibson or Putin. That is not christianity, that's a pseudo religion, making fun of Christ and trampling on the Truth. These people are just pharisees and hypocrites

@paulbickley - 21.01.2025 05:34

Israel are the greatest propagandists of all.

@brettbarager9101 - 21.01.2025 08:41

The validity of Christianity hinges on Christians treating others as Jeshua modeled for us. Currently, in my opinion, more Christians are behaving like Secularists (while, hypocritically, preaching Christ). Just look at the televangelists and their influence to see why Christianity has strayed from what Yeshua taught.

@BrianBurns-x4r - 21.01.2025 11:31

He is the King of Kings!

@suranramdass1885 - 21.01.2025 13:19

Jesus is not coming back, now or in another billion years.The bible is allegorical and therefore cannot be taken literally.

@johng.1703 - 21.01.2025 13:43

how many times has the "end times" been due to come and those times have passed?

@erniefabregas2619 - 21.01.2025 16:04

Benjamin Netanyahu need to proclaim that Jesus Christ is his lord and savior or he's going burn in Hell

@obrianmedia - 21.01.2025 18:50

Satan is all out in the comments it seems LOL

@allgood6760 - 22.01.2025 00:08

You are reading between the lines.. Read the Bible think critically and see why normal sane people stop going to church..Porn is legal and educational, lying is normal sometimes you have to, might live in a black and white world but I don't. instead of faith use logic and experience.

@jingmable8548 - 22.01.2025 02:52

Evil men and fake jews of modern israel and wall street

@stevenmetzger5751 - 22.01.2025 08:07

I don’t agree with Ray’s interpretation of Isaiah 17:1, Zechariah 12:3, and Ezekiel 36:24 (among other things), but I do fully support his law and gospel ministry to the lost.

@thomasenright5282 - 22.01.2025 10:13

No one knows the time of the end of the world apart from God himself, this is stated in the Bible itself. I am not a preacher or anything like that just an ordinary person. Yes Jesus will come again like he said in the New Testament, but again no one knows when, but the way I look at it the sooner the better for this entirely sinful world.

@deborahkay3290 - 22.01.2025 10:53

Faith in GOD is the only way to get to heaven. You can be a good person but if you have no faith well you know the answer.

@AlethicAvenger - 22.01.2025 14:18

the video attempts to link current events to biblical prophecies about the end times, but these interpretations are subjective and lack concrete evidence. many of the cited "signs," such as conflict in Jerusalem or increased travel, are not unique to our time and can be explained by other factors. relying on such interpretations to predict the future is notoriously unreliable and conflates religious belief with verifiable fact. therefore, the video's claims about the end times should be viewed with extreme skepticism and not taken as definitive proof of biblical prophecy.

@robmclean135 - 22.01.2025 21:40

What do Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy have to say about all this?

@nor6 - 23.01.2025 05:31

Can't wait till the christians leave earth!! The earth will finally be free from war and greed!!!

@philipnicholls2778 - 23.01.2025 20:34

Did anybody tell you , you shouldent judge people , a very religious way of putting people under pressure , stop preaching the word of God in such a harsch way , I wonder how many super natural things have happens in your life with God ,

I would never never want to be religious, but a believer from the depth of my heart and soul ,

Religion is like being chained on a wall and you live in fear ,freedom from the heart is where you love God and live with God , you repent freely not because someone puts you under pressure .

@StillYHWHs - 25.01.2025 20:08

Yeshua is the Messiah.

@rsmithp51 - 25.01.2025 20:10

Thank you Ray for your ministry

@grouchomarxx2217 - 26.01.2025 02:29

randomly mixing texts and installing them as "Signs of the end" by placing them in "our time" - very ambitious!

@sethb9545 - 26.01.2025 05:56

You can be for given You have to repent for each and every sin you commit , and Yeshua says you will be forgiving .But you can Not bundle them all up in one . and stay forgive me for all my sins if ask to name then you can't. And the end is nearing like birth pains as described in the scriptures . Make certain you know where you are going there will not be any second chances .

@luiz5802 - 28.01.2025 01:56

People that behave like this interviewer are one of the reasons that some people are drifting away from God. A sinner should not point out another sinner's sin. Instead of condemning these young men, you should be showing love and mercy, just as Jesus did for the adulterous woman. You are not in a position to judge anyone, Mr. One More Sinner. Put yourself in your own place and pray to God for the souls you are pushing away from Him.

@jeanniegray5681 - 29.01.2025 02:06


@peterndungu1698 - 05.02.2025 15:40

Please cover a video, of handling most common questions in evangelism.
E.g Why does God allow evil? Why would a good God burn people in hell? What will happen to people who have never heard of Jesus including the people born in other faiths like Hindu/Islam? Another is personal, If Christianity is not about what you do but about what has been done by Christ, how am I supposed to live as a Christian in terms of my actions, sin, temptations etc

@AL-wn2tt - 09.02.2025 04:05

Ironically Samaritans, Palestinian Christians and Palestinians are descendents of the ancient Israelites according to DNA studies . 70 to 90 percent similarities

@vasilyberg7320 - 14.02.2025 09:42


@ebenezerndanyuzwe9292 - 26.02.2025 02:41

Glory to God,let’s go all over the world and make a great commission. Let’s preach the gospel of Christ to unbelievers to believe🙌🏾♥️. Thank you living water

@tw750 - 27.02.2025 19:16

I will pray for the guy with the Mohawk to turn from his sins and become born again!!

@noblethoughts77 - 04.03.2025 08:49

Christians like all religious people are gullible, lost slaves. You have to obey The Lord Your God or else face an eternity of torture. But wait.. isn't that kinda evil? Why.. of course not! He loves you!! 😂 In fact.. He loves you sooo much that If you disobey him, you will suffer forever and ever in burning flames! Yay! But wait.. that doesn't sound like something a Loving Creator would do to his children. Or does it?

@monicasmith1675 - 07.03.2025 11:36

I'm behind biblical Israel but not necessarily political Israel. Disturbing recent trends in policy like the desire to move to digital currency and other globalist agenda. Best wishes to all.
