We're at Seattle's Emerald City Comic Con, of course we asked voice actors to do this trend

We're at Seattle's Emerald City Comic Con, of course we asked voice actors to do this trend


55 лет назад

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From Nowhere to the Fire Nation - the legendary voices that have shaped the characters from our most beloved animated TV shows gathered under one roof this past weekend in Seattle's Emerald City Comic Con.

Popverse’s Veronica Valencia and Illianna Gonzalez-Soto had the chance to meet these iconic actors in the hopes that they’d be game to participate in the viral voice actor trend that first began on TikTok.

Jack De Sena (voice of Sokka in Avatar: The Last Airbender), Maile Flanagan (voice of Naruto), Sarah-Nicole Robles (voice of Luz Noceda in The Owl House), Marty Grabstein (Courage the Cowardly Dog), Olivia Olson (voice of Marceline the Vampire in Adventure Time), and Dante Basco (voice of Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender) all spoke their iconic lines from their most famous appearances.

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