Id so much rather have a vaginal birth than caesarean! Experience, the feeling and bond could not be the same with a csection:( especially with twins! Animals, do it daily. It's natural, mother natures way. Unless the mothers health or unborns health at risk..vaginal birth! Vbac:) enjoy motherhood fully.
ОтветитьSo true love this study
ОтветитьThanks doctor
Ответитьbabies need to pass through the birth canal, vaginal birth is natural the way they should be born
ОтветитьVaginal is best unless there are health problems with the baby or mom.
ОтветитьHow I wish I could do vaginal birth with my twins but I've been told we can't and the safest is to do Csection
ОтветитьSo if baby’s are breech it’s not safer ?
ОтветитьI had my twins vaginally with one head down and the other breech. I didn't even tear! IF you're a mama watching this video know it's possible and advocate for yourself and get a good provider who is confident ask them at the first appointment "how many twins have you or do you routinely deliver vaginally?" If you have no other complications there is no reason to push c-section. My recovery was so easy and with a 14 month old at home, I'm so grateful my provider believed in me. Good luck mamas
ОтветитьWhat about acute ttts or baby b not descending? Or placental abruption? I agree Didi twins can be vaginal birthed no problem, but modi or momo twins are way higher risk because they share a placenta. But okay go for it.
ОтветитьIs it safe, after 2 years of c section can we go for vaginal delivery of twins?
ОтветитьIt's so true that birth skills are being lost. Thank you for your honesty in this video!
ОтветитьIs this Sharp memorial?
ОтветитьCould you have a natural birth with twins after a previous C-Section? Or is too risky?
ОтветитьI did deliver my twins with a c- section. I don’t regret at all.