Salvador, Brazil : Top Attractions, Hidden Gems, & Walking Tour!

Salvador, Brazil : Top Attractions, Hidden Gems, & Walking Tour!

TJ & B Traveling

4 дня назад

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@marcodanielmonteirodonasci3636 - 08.03.2025 07:36

Positive vibes from Brasilia again, friends. Since you've been in Brazil for so long and considering the places I've noticed you've visited, I'm going to recommend some Brazilian treasures that all Brazilians love passionately and few foreigners know about. First, my home state, Minas Gerais, our capital Belo Horizonte (3rd largest city in Brazil), with its people, its bars, its culture, this is without a doubt the most hospitable place in Brazil, the historic colonial cities of Minas Gerais are an unmissable tour, speaking of nature, Chapada dos Veadeiros in the state of Goiás, Chapada Diamantina in the state of Bahia are places where you meet God, and lastly and much more important is without a doubt the Amazon rainforest, visiting the Amazon, visiting an indigenous village, traveling the Amazon River by boat, taking ayahuska in a controlled manner in the tribe, seeing God and yourself, and under the effect, staring so powerfully at the jaguar that it will kneel in front of you and ask for a cuddle, every human being should live this experience.

@arturmachado7360 - 09.03.2025 14:18

Instead of going upstairs towards that church you should have gone ahead or, once reaching the church's street, you should have turned to the right, if the intention was visiting Carmo. Unfortunatelly you couldn't see a very interesting and well preserved colonial area (Carmo and Santo Antônio), colourful and touristic, with residences and dozens of restaurants, bars and cafés, most of them with a great view of Todos-os-Santos bay. By the way, those stairs and church (Passo's) are famous also because there they filmed "O Pagador de Promessas" ("The Given Word"), Cannes' festival golden palm winner in 1962.
