Claremont  Exposed: The Surprising Truths Revealed!

Claremont Exposed: The Surprising Truths Revealed!

Joe Porreca

1 год назад

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@michelleporreca - 29.01.2024 01:59

Ooh I just love the Claremont area, such a cozy feel but with tons of amenities and things to do!

@sobiakhan8254 - 26.07.2024 18:31

Great city we love this city

@pyeuneu - 30.08.2024 21:54

Claremont does not have mild climate, it's 15-20 degrees hotter than mild climate place like LA which is only 1 hr away.

@liquidninja6654 - 13.03.2025 18:21

Claremont would be huge if it was 8-9 miles wide. It’s more like 3. Also Mount Baldy is 10,000 feet at its peak

@JoeRealtor - 14.01.2024 04:04

What do you think is the biggest pro and con of living in Claremont and the surrounding area?
