Monique Ryan MP, Housing Affordability

Monique Ryan MP, Housing Affordability

Dr Monique Ryan MP

3 месяца назад

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@RebeccaRussell-cc3pf - 05.07.2024 00:42

Its interesting, as a proportion of our population we build more houses than any other country in the world. So how do we end up with a supply shortage? It might be that immigration is too high- but not one politician wants to say maybe we should look after australians first. I agree we now need to fix this issue and do something , raising wages year on tyear 20% per year and limiting banks to lend more than a set wage multiple maybe 10year max loan period. Could fix this eithout the prices going backwards. But we would actually have to do something and i actually think our politivians wont because they have no leadership they only know how to say yes to corporate backers. I hope this changes soon as i want my kids to live in a better world
