I find the title "reformed" very arrogant. To assign the reformation to only Calvin & his followers. Staggering.
But mostly I find those who call themselves reformed, are only partially reformed. They usually need to reform more of their Roman Catholic dogma.
26min guy on right says very little in bible about end times/2nd coming. He was so badly taught it was almost child abuse. At least 10% (I'm being conservative with this %) of the bible is eschatological. More is written in Scripture about future times than was written about the times Jesus walked the earth. Literally many hundreds of verses are eschatological. Many many dozens of chapters.
ОтветитьWhat a surprise. An Amil Calvinist at 29min trying to claim sole ownership of the sufficiency of Christ's death & resurrection
ОтветитьYou complicate things. Please listen to Gary DeMar. He gets to the point and makes it crystal clear.
Ответитьthe dispensational view and especially the rapture today is going the way of the dinosaur.
ОтветитьThere is no scripture in Revelation that says there will be a 3rd temple.
ОтветитьI'm having trouble finding a church that is not a dispensational "pre wrath" pre trib church. I found one but they seem to add burdens on men that seem very legalistic. Is there a way i can reach out to you guys that i can know you will get my message. I dont want to give out my location on here. I am several cities away from Springhill.
ОтветитьNew subscriber here. Thanks for the help with this and reformed theology in general.
ОтветитьThis was not a very good discussion of eschatology, perhaps they wanted to be brief and superficial. Many amills believe the millennium is the church age, Christ is reining now. Not much on postmill or preterism which many in the postmill position hold. You need to do your own research. R C Sproul has a short 8 part series on utube. Bruce Gore has a 60 part lesson on the book of revelation that is excellent. Thanks guys for your discussion.
Ответитьif the 1000 is literal then the 10 days in prison must be as well.
Ответить@2330 however never a time in history when the whole world wondered after the medical system to get jabbed in order to be part of that system=buying or selling unless you got the jab. in the 1st century the whole world was the roman empire. today its the whole world=5billion have gotten the 1st jab as they say. the who as they keep pushing the boosters. what will be next to come that they will fear monger us with? well the banks collapsing may very well bring in the one world currency as we have the one world religious system which is trust the science. the one world government as the who has power over the nations to implement new regulations regarding the new variants that they pass onto society with their fear mongering. the last is the one world currency. the coming new digital wallet? hum how many more billions will bow to this in order not to starve? rev13:8? keep close to christ because if no rapture then maybe lots of pain through hungr, torture, etc.
ОтветитьNo new temple needed. Seven year trib is bogus.
ОтветитьOne of the key things that Jesus taught about who transitions into the Kingdom is, "YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN!"
ОтветитьIn John 3 Jesus explained to Nicodemus that He was the fulfillment of the Abrahamic Covenant. Paul explained that more in Galatians.
ОтветитьI agree that one's eschatology colors their view of Scripture (we see that in the OT hope of the saints), but you guys need to read/think more of what has been said in the Old that in the New says HAS been fulfilled. The book of Revelation isn't so much about what is to come but what CAME and was done through Christ. Israel - which was God's bride, became such a whore that she urged the murder of the Son in the Vineyard. We're presently enjoying the marriage supper of the Lamb in communion 🍷🍞 and that will last into eternity.
P.S. I'd love to hear you explain how Christ will return JUST LIKE he was taken up so that EVERY EYE can physically see Him around the entire world? 🤔
Great discussion.
ОтветитьGreat Great Grandfather's Letter
Through your rummaging around inside the old family home place, you come across an old letter from your great great grandfather back when he was in WW1. The year is 1917 in the waning years of that terrible war. And he writes to his sweetheart from somewhere in Europe; “When the war is over, we will start our family.” So, to whom does the personal pronoun “we” directly apply to? Him and his sweetheart! Very clear. Right?
So why is it when the Apostle Paul writes to his “children” in the Lord and says: “We who are alive and remain,” suddenly means generations and thousands of others that he is not even writing to, nor are even alive yet, nor that he even has any yet knowledge of? Based on what authority do you do that? And why isn't that an unbiblical and a false doctrine? Well, it is! Ya got to have some kind of biblical authority to do such a thing!
Thank you🙏🏼
ОтветитьI'm not going to go out and purposely incur Or pull-down. Abuse on myself. In some sick masochistic form.of flogging Just to prove that I'm righteous and I'm living for God. I understand In the Christian Life Christ gives us victories and there will be persecutions.
When the victory's come, I'm going to enjoy them They are my strength. And when the Persecutions come I'm going to consider.
It for the cause of Christ. I think this should have been the distinction you made. But I was surprised you didn't make that distinction 😮 . It was Expect no comfort, & All loss,,😮.
Where can i email or adk a question
ОтветитьId like to see Arnold Fruchtenbaum and theocast on the same stage.
ОтветитьSo all those numbers and measurements, details about the temple in Ezekiel are for nothing? They remind me of the details of the tabernacle.
ОтветитьEveryone has their views and i think its fine and can see why they think what they think. Personally i still think pretrib rapture. I think we wont see God's wrath poured upon the earth. And the several bride-groom parables show parallels how Christ sees the tribulation. Even down the the not knowing "the day nor hour"
the reason why jesus doesnt know the day nor hour is because he drawing parallels to ancient jewish weddings. After the initial proposal, the bridegroom goes to the fathers house to prepare a place for the couple, when the father feels like the place is prepared, the bridegroom grabs the bride and then they have the wedding and feast for 7 days. Likewise Jesus's proposal was on the Cross to those who believed in him, before he left he said he was going to prepare a place for us, and now we wait and prepare for his return so that the we get our glorified bodies(wedding cermony) and we remain with him for 7 years during the tribulation (7 day feast). Jesus often drew parallels to a wedding and we're still waiting on the father to tell jesus when its time for him to whisk us away. Just a lil fun fact. People like to quote the verse alot to either say Jesus isnt God or to disprove the rapture but context is always important. We dont know the day nor hour but we'll know the season since he left us signs to look for when the time is near. We're not left in the dark because we're children of light. Personally i think we can actually see the stage being set for the tribulation. With everything going on in the world i think its a matter of time that the lord will come for his people. I try not to watch watchmen channels because while i get it gets people excited for the lords return as well as informs people of the madness the world is actually going through, often times people get too hyped about a date and then they day passes and nothing happens. It creates a boy who cried wolf scenario, where when it truely comes people would already stop looking because they exhausted themselves. That being said we can definitely feel like the time is nigh and tribulation Is approaching. Thats enough for me to be excited for the lord. I dont know when hes coming but on the off chance we're all wrong the most important thing is that we focus on getting people saved. So even if we sit though the judgment, we can be assured of our place in the kingdom. So whether i come to christ now or later by sword, i can die knowing that i will be in a glorified body in the kingdom regardless. And im at peace with that. So whether or not we have the rapture right, it doesnt matter. Salvation is the one thing we CANNOT risk getting wrong.
Already returned in AD70. All things fulfilled.
ОтветитьIn light of this, Help me understand Daniel's 70th week.
ОтветитьLove the content, however how do you feel about hell being fear motivation?
ОтветитьYes I noticed there were no scripture mentioned. Revelations talks about the rapture and when it happens
ОтветитьYes. It’s a hope! Not a sight.
A Hope until He comes.
Then it’s no longer a Hope.
We live by faith.
Faith brings Hope.
When faith or hope are not needed when He comes.
Love will last forever.
I didn't even grow up in a Christian home so I am still learning and I often feel confused.
ОтветитьClear as mud.
ОтветитьI have come to realize when people talk on eschatology being so many views it really is a conversation in futility . God has the perfect interpretation
ОтветитьYou are not wrong regarding the fact that many dispensationalist live in fear, but you are equally wrong that a lot of them do. Your overview of them is very basic and if you interacted with them you'd know this. I'm kinda surprised that John didn't interject when Justin is pontificating, but maybe this is because he was on the fringes of Baptist theology? Do you think John MacArthur lives in abject fear? As you say, the vast majority of evangelicals believe this and I can assure you they are not living in fear. I say this as someone who has spent most of my life "premil" and is now an amillennialist. I guess you guys don't know what you don't know, but best to put that out there before you go pontificating about it. You are responsible before God, don't darken counsel with words without knowledge.
ОтветитьListening from Australia 🇦🇺, great expository thanks.
ОтветитьDoug Wilson is not a heretic! Go and have a dialogue with him! And stop with your lies.
ОтветитьSmall or not so small point, three (or four or more) mutually exclusive interpretations can not all be orthodox because all can not be true. We may be confused, but God is not a God of confusion.
ОтветитьDispensationalism is such a disaster to the church. It must be denounced at any cost.
ОтветитьGo back and read what Jesus said, and who he was speaking to, he told them "There be some standing here which shall not taste death till they see him coming in the clouds of heaven," he already came back like he said he would. Then afterward was the 1000-year reign, and now we are in the Little Season of Satan, see if you can debunk this with the bible and you will find the truth. Pretend Jesus was actually talking to them and not us. We are all the great-grandchildren of those who lived till the end of the 1,000 years.
ОтветитьIf Jesus does not rule on earth literally for the last 1000 years of earth then the devil wins.
ОтветитьPre trib is not based fear but on hope of a glorified body.
ОтветитьOne thing I'd like to know: let's say the State of Israel decides to demolish the Al Aqsa Mosque and to build the Third Temple. They demolish the mosque, and a period of construction occurs. Towards the end of this they announce that the temple will be complete on so-and-so hour of so-and-so day...
Does this not conflict with Matthew 24:36? We would then know the hour and the day.
A part of me wants this to actually occur, because then the dispensationalists would be forced to either recant their eschatology, or to resort to increasingly absurd reasoning.
So weary of hearing about the coming tribulation from disp. pastors and how persecution is going to get worse and worse so we need to be ready for that. Then we got a pre-wrath pastor who believes we will go thru the first 3 1/2yrs of the trib. Now I'm really dreading the future.
ОтветитьLeft behind with Cage is just as bad as the original!
ОтветитьBiblically the Premill pretrib is simply NOT biblical!🙏❤️.
The great tribulation of the Olivet Discourse has been fulfilled long long ago in the 1st Century.🙏❤️
You cannot take everything literal. The Bible has many genres and it must be read as such! If you go into Revelation which has some literal things, mostly speaks of prophetic, dramatic, symbolic hyperbole. So if you take everything as literal you will come out with some pure insanity!!
ОтветитьI'm an Amillennialism.