Welcome to our jurrasic park 😁
ОтветитьIf I go to this place and those Komodo’s around if I came closer one bite on my leg I will bleed out and die (Do not go to Indonesia)
ОтветитьWonderful! Thank you!
ОтветитьI hate komodo dragons I d like to destroy them
Ответитьjerasic pack rialiti i donesia,.
ОтветитьAmazing dinosaurus
ОтветитьI think,These are big lizards
If this island is unmanned, someone visit here first time.. they can cry.. it’s jurassic world.. back to the long long time ago…lol living dinosaurs.. beautiful creatures..
ОтветитьНадо бы всех этих тварей стереть с лица Земли, самые отвратительные создания во вселенной, даже КТУЛХУ по сравнению с ними - образец ангельской красоты.
А ещё, они убивают моих любимых крокодильчиков.
In my poor mind, I thought there were Komodo dragons walking around all over the island and no one could get by because they are too dangerous.
ОтветитьDrisifudj DICJIWDHS DUWBSIDIC wudzdukb dlm tdk....?
😰Th i
ОтветитьThe ancestors dinasaurs
ОтветитьIts just monitor lizard
ОтветитьHow can we kill monitor lezard?
ОтветитьYou can only find giant lizards in Indonesia
ОтветитьYa komodo
ОтветитьMantap bos😮😮
ОтветитьBisa di bilang cuma pulau ini yang belum terkena virus K(korupsi) di Indonesia
ОтветитьThank you.. love from Bali, Indonesia 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьKomodo Island.. Indonesia 😍😍😍🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьKOMODO ISLAND.. INDONESIA 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩❤❤❤❤
ОтветитьHello friends, visit my channel and enjoy the beautiful historical places of Iran. New videos are coming🙏🙏🌹🌹
Ответитьlike people, like animals
ОтветитьWe are looking at the Komodo dragon from Europe and Belgium. What a monster, thanks for the movie! Guido lives in Belgium.
ОтветитьWelcome to komodo park
Ответитьpermission to take some videos for my school assignment
ОтветитьThat Bird : 🗿
ОтветитьAbsolutely stunning footage. Thank you ❤️
ОтветитьThis animals cute while he isnt eat
ОтветитьCome to Malaysia 🇲🇾. We also have Komodo dragons. We call them "Biawak Melayu".
Ответитьhaloo kak, izin ambil sebagian cuplikan video nya yaa kak untuk tugas, terimakasihhh dan sehat selaluuu
ОтветитьIzizn ambil berberapa potong videonya, nanti saya cantumkan sumbernya
ОтветитьHewan apa itu , saya kurang memahami mengenai itu
ОтветитьItu tokek
ОтветитьYes i am sure that is a gecko
ОтветитьNo tiene sentido tu video compa gracias
ОтветитьWhat the? What are deer doing at a beach with Komodo dragons, it seems as if the deers were imported there, they just don’t fit in the setting.
ОтветитьEs un placer como siempre ver éste video,las imágenes maravillosas, que lugar increíble 💯🌟✨