Stellaris Ancient Relics - Relic Overview

Stellaris Ancient Relics - Relic Overview


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@GeoTexans - 01.06.2019 00:03

Lol, you're ridiculous.
"Because who wouldn't want to crank out resources on a whim, for free, for 150 influence."

You're worse than a car salesman! For free? Oh wait, there's a cost? On a whim? But it happens randomly and has a terribly long cooldown? You seriously need to plan out what you're going to say before you say it. You can avoid embarrassingly stupid comments like this. And they happen through EVERY VIDEO I'VE SEEN!! Straighten out your word choice.

The only reason you're huge here is because you're the only one making videos for Stellaris and paradox games regularly. If I had heard this nonsensical rambling from anyone else I would switch to a different channel. You're the only regularly available option in this market.

I guess I'll suffer through your foolish talk. And I don't mean your accent, that doesn't bother me at all. I only mean your obvious lack of any idea of what you're about to say until you're literally saying it. Granted, I used to teach how to effectively teach others as well as effective public speaking, so maybe I'm more critical than the "average" viewer. Either way, your rambling is ridiculous.

I hope you have a great day and I wish you success in your endeavors!

@KaptenAmurika - 01.06.2019 00:42

> Excellent! More slaves.

I laughed for a solid minute.

@Nairat - 01.06.2019 01:29

The entire video, all I could think of was "How is ST:NH going to use this to improve their mod?"

@Tetragramix - 01.06.2019 01:29

Where is my infinity stones

@andromedach - 01.06.2019 02:10

insanely powerful? How about too powerful. hope they can be deactivated for multiplayer

@andrewgoenner120 - 01.06.2019 03:58

Aspec is going to need to recalculate the max speed for a corvet. Now you can move from system to system to another without leaving the entry point.
Finally a use for my influence in the end game.

@thatundeadlegacy2985 - 01.06.2019 05:38

I want to be phsyionic as materalists,
since it's an actual realm and place they should accept it.

@pll3827 - 01.06.2019 05:53

Jovarian pox bombardment = Virus bombs!

@pll3827 - 01.06.2019 06:14

Does the First League have a Relic?

@ErikaWeiss633 - 01.06.2019 07:19

So you're telling me we can have EXTERMINATUS WITH VIRUS BOMBS!?!?? Buys DLC

@romulus2473 - 01.06.2019 07:35

Does the Cybrex story still end up with a ruined ringworld? Because with the relic on top of that, it seems odd that Paradox wouldn't put out a First League relic for the reason that the First League story ends up with a ruined encumenopolis.

@cultistofdarkness1661 - 01.06.2019 16:06

And they are REUSABLE

@JosephJoboLicayan - 01.06.2019 16:51

Thanks for the heads up Aspec, now I know which ones to seek out and abuse. I just wish the more useless Leviathans got relics, the drake gets too much love from the devs tbh.

@Spacew12 - 01.06.2019 18:36

i hope i can set some of these to automatically activate, or notify me when i can activate them again.

@skythefox6401 - 01.06.2019 19:00

Absolutely love the thumbnail. Link to the art/artist?

@Sassy_Witch - 01.06.2019 23:10

Wow, thats it? 20 bucks for some bigger numbers and art? Wew nice "expansion"

@EricLidiak - 02.06.2019 05:43

In the spoilery section, is this all of them, or just the ones we know about?

@shinkicker404 - 03.06.2019 12:11

Oooh, Virus Bombs.

@DerFreiegedanke - 03.06.2019 18:24

Well nothing to call home about. very boring number growing buttons.

@DerFreiegedanke - 03.06.2019 18:56

Paradox should really sit down and make a big think what Stellaris is all about and focus down on that. A Little hint: Building and managing a gigantic Space empire. So get your heads out off your bums and build on that. Implement more Politic mechanics, Senates, Head figures and Miniserts that you need to manage. Much much more Sector Mechanics like Sector AI and Internal Empire Diplomacy. Civil 'industries and Taxation. There are TONS of Features that could build on the Foundation of Stellaris but NO we get stupid gimmicks like Artifacts.

@curtisbrown547 - 04.06.2019 21:34

Ok so my question is for the one that spawns a small fallen empire fleet... does this give you access to fallen empire titans?? Because fallen empire titans are noticeably better than the normal pleb titans

@manuelsebastian1360 - 04.06.2019 23:09

one last question how did you get all the Relics?

@XCerykX - 05.06.2019 01:17

I just found the event chain for the Rubricator. Though +10 unity may not be much, I'm wondering if it is meant to be an early find because right now I'm only generating 24 Unity. An extra 10 this early in the game is a big boost.

@RusakovLA - 05.06.2019 09:51

How do you get the relics screen? I have tons of minor artifacts and First League relic, but no screen for using these.

@imperialexplorer3412 - 05.06.2019 19:30

Something funny about the Baol quest line is that mine started on the first planet I surveyed in my current game

@MachineMan-mj4gj - 19.06.2019 04:22

Relic Unlocked: Ark of The Covenant

@danyalchowdhury2833 - 19.06.2019 08:37

Sees prethoryn relic:

@DrLongWang - 24.06.2019 08:28

Got the first league precursors for the first time in forever playing as a tall empire. Was ecstatic, free ecumonopolis within a century. Found a relic world instead, got real salty.

This is why you read patch notes.

@Zerpderp0 - 27.06.2019 14:50

They belong in a museum!!

@brokeneveningsunset9098 - 27.06.2019 21:25

Just a little idea of mine

A mod that got inspired by the Attack On Titan series and Dead Space

As you explore, you will come across the Barren world (planet appearance) and will be a Class 6 Anomaly event Chain that will give you large rewards or end in Devastation, creating a mini endgame crisis

The Anomaly is about a alien message which says "Warning to all ships, do not approach the planet and avoid it at all costs, the world has fallen under a Category 5 Infestation" and you will have to research the Anomaly

After researching the Anomaly, the Planet will reveal itself as a Size 25 Infested World which was encased in a Camoflage System and if you go to surface view, you will see mulitple city ruin tile blockers and mulitple organic Flesh structures known as Titan Holes, Tile Resources will be empty for now. Thousands of lifeforms are present on the planet but is hard to detect due to large amounts of toxic gas

The second event will take place after the planet is revealed,
Your science ship that is in orbit will detect a floating satellite that contains mulitple data cores and you have to recover the data, after finish the second event, half of the data will reveal that the Planet was originally a Military Black Site belonging to a extinct precursor race and the Black Site was researching on weapons in the field of Bio Warfare and that the Titan Holes are originally Research Facilities that has now been encased entirely in organic flesh, the Science Ship sents down a Drone, the drone will be destroyed by a unseen creature and that will promt the third event

The Third event, the science ship will come up with a plan to carefully scan the planet with advanced sensors and will need a construction ship, and after the Construction Ship is done researching, the Planet will reveal the Resource Tiles, 30 Physics and Bio and Engineering, but to thier shock the planet is filled with large wandering Titanic lifeforms and that will promt the fourth event

The Fourth event, the science ship will then decode the other half of the Data while a small crew in environment suits will be sent down to the planet, after data is decoded, the ship will reveal the the half of the data which contains a personal memoir of a soldierand will tell the origins of the Creatures and why the planet was sealed off, the Titans were a bio Warfare Experiment using Ancient Artifacts found in the planet, the Experiment was runned by the Special Warfare Branch of extinct Species's Armed Forces but the Experiment when wrong and it became airborne and that resulted in the transformation of the entire planet population, the memoir of the soldier reveals that, subsequent reclamation efforts failed as the Titans were able to regenerate from the worst of injuries and even survive unscathed and continue thier lethargic death Walk while under heavy orbital fire, the sight of the Titans rained down fear on the many soldiers. In massive horror the science ship tried to recall the expedition crew but was too late as they were devoured, but they managed to send back data of the Titans which will promt the Fifth which will be the final depending on choice

Fifth event, Defending the Planet is 5 massive mindless Titan Armies
3 are named "Mindless Terror" and will have 50.00 damage and 180.00 morale damage and is immune to morale based attacks and is also heavily resistant to Orbital Bombardments the other 2 will be named as "Deviant Horror" and will have 120.00 damage and 250.00 morale damage and is also Heavily resistant to Orbital Bombardments, there will be 2 choices abandon the Planet or reclaim the planet

Sixth Event will take place if you choose to reclaim the planet, the (your species) Council will approve the Military's idea of sending a Asteroid to wipe out the Titans and the operation will commence (1 minute) the aftermath will be a failure and the Titans are unscathed which promts the Seventh Event

Seventh Event will take place after the Sixth, the Military will attempt to create a network of solar mirrors which will create intense burning rays of light to Scorch the planet using a construction ship (2 minutes) the result ends in failure as the Titans are unscathed and the planet becomes a Molten World but regenerates back to a Infested World, to the Horror of your species which promts the Eighth Event

Eight Event the Science Ship will scan the planet after it has regenrated as the planet has multiple deep Ravines (2 minutes) the ship will make a horrifying discovery, the Planet itself is a Dormant Creature dubbed as a Brethren Moon, a Planet Titan, and the Artifacts that the Extinct Species used are actually the body parts of the Brethren Moon, the most horrifying discovery is the Brethren Moon will awake from it's hibernation in 10 years time which will promt the final 2 Event

Ninth Event, the Science Ship discovers that the Titans are converging on a Massive Object which is revealed to be one of the many body parts of the Brethren Moon and also the most Sensitive part that allows the Brethren Moon to wake up or sleep, the Military will bombard the Planet (2 minutes) with Incendiary Bombs that will weaken the Titans and that will promt the Tenth Final Event

The Final Event is a Invasion Event, the Military has authorized a full scale assault to fight the Titans while the Science Ship will excavte the Object safely from orbit. You will have to amass a very extremely large army to win, if you win, the Object will be excavated and the Brethren Moon will be Forever Dormant and the Titans defeated and the Planet is yours

Invasion Failure Consequence
If the Invasion fails the Brethren Moon will Awake and that will result in the total Destruction of your entire army and the Titans, the Brethren Moon is a Leviathan Boss with 100K Fleet Power and it will go on a massive killing spree across the Galaxy and will stop on Habitable worlds and consuming the planet which will heal the Moon and also enhances the Moon and turning the planet into a Molten World

Build configuration of the Moon
(All tier 6)
Bio Drive
Core Bio Thrusters
Core Bio Sensor
Core Artillery tactics

12 Bio Armor (equivalent to Dragonscale Armor)
6 Bio Hull (equivalent to Crystaline Hull)
2 Hull Regenration tissue

6 Large Acid Blast
6 Large Scourge Missile
8 Swarm Strikers

Flat 30,000 HP
For each planet destroyed the Moon gets a 2X Boost to everything accept for Sublight Speed

Counter will be Hard Armor and Hull and Laser and Plasma and neutron weapons

Let the nonsense begin!

@parrib1488 - 21.07.2019 06:46

There is an Infinity Gauntlet mod

@smokinggnu6584 - 12.08.2019 00:26

The Last Baol relic is also pretty damn overpowered when combined with the Horizon Signal event chain, assuming you have a capital system with a lot of unsettleable non-gas giant planets. Those will all turn into Tomb Worlds which you can all settle one by one and then instantly (with the activation cooldown timer in mind) turn into a gaia world with 4 extra pop. Last time i got the two together i had a home system with 10 settled gaia planets/moons.

Yes, you can terraform them all into gaias yourself using energy, or w/e planet type you want if you don't have the ascension perk to do gaias. But that would cost a lot of energy, and wouldn't result in an instant boost in pop.

@polari6196 - 10.10.2019 16:54

You know when you get that crystal on your first run with ancient relics as MACHINE EMPIRE...

@nplt8263 - 30.03.2020 17:15

I remember that one time I got the head of Zarqlan as a machine empire ( driven assimilator ) and I always found it funny that the spiritualist fallen empire, who for the whole game had second to worst relations with me, and suddenly we were best buddies

@brendannyman7788 - 01.05.2020 04:52

Where the FUCK IS THE TAB FOR RELICS ???????? it doesn't fucking exist I fucking guess

@kaiserslavaniaashur1623 - 02.10.2020 11:07

They need to add new war goals. To capture relics from ohter empires

@robertbaker4186 - 06.10.2020 16:39

This needs to hurry up and come out on ps4 ffs

@zurango3373 - 18.12.2020 06:23

How do you get the cybrex warforge

@foxmcqwerty608 - 28.12.2020 11:09

irassians have my favourite relic.

@fatbasterd5195 - 02.01.2021 14:57

Maybe make a video on how to get these... We can all read the tooltips, I assume.

@michaelkeeping8040 - 10.03.2021 22:25

I played one game and managed to get 3 relics on that playthrough. But then the xenomorph horde took me out lol

@michaelkeeping8040 - 10.03.2021 22:32

The one I found I forget the name but it gave me 10k alloys but took 10k minerals to activate

@NikkyElso - 26.04.2021 10:29

Got cybrex on my first go round as a machine hive mind, I managed to purge most of the organic life from the galaxy before the crisis arrived 😅

@scrubzero1735 - 14.05.2021 16:08

I just wanna say I killed the ether drake with a 16k fleet of corvettes and destroyers with blue lasers Aspec kind of overhypes it

@MrKmillatime21 - 30.09.2021 14:01

Just wanna say, youre awesome

@vexcine - 16.10.2021 09:50

Just played a game tonight with a couple friends. One of them is new and got the Zarglon head after we fought a spiritualist fallen empire. Is killing one of their fleets the only way of getting the head or is it tied to some other event chain?

@panther2906 - 26.11.2021 20:12

i got the head of zarqlan as i was killing the fallen empire that liked it

@Akitorbenov - 03.01.2022 12:37

I can find a relic per game, how do i look for more relics? Even because if i play vertical, i risk to have too few digsites. Any suggestion?
