As a recent former college graduate, I appreciate the thoughts that come from a Gospel lens! I would like to take the centrality of "rebellion against authority" and really hone it on their total rebellion against God. Essentially pride is the root of brokeness for college students (all of mankind in fact). A generation that doesn't fear God and arent taught/MODELED, to pursue God in that way.
I pray that local churches would grow in their desire to reach into college campuses. Parachurch Campus ministries are becoming more and more social gatherings or an autonomous church than outreach ministries or an extension of the local church
College kids are hungrier for the Gospel than most believe. They just need the right servant leaders to preach the uncompromised Gospel to arrogant college students
Thankful for this ministry and what God is continuing to do through each of TGC members
There is a big struggle with self idolatry. I like how you explain it. Its very much a throwing out what your born into and in doing so you also throw out community, family and god. They draft their own life contracts but those contracts had no foundation on the rock. A self idol does crush itself in a sense and becomes self consuming and I think this is were many teens get stuck in pain and anxiety and the imperfections of being human and they hold this idol to such high regard they will inevitably fail to meet the standards and without knowing the mercy of God in our sins and imperfections that his grace and love saves us.
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