2025 Appalachian Trail Thru Hike Day 11 - Siler Bald and Wayah Tower

2025 Appalachian Trail Thru Hike Day 11 - Siler Bald and Wayah Tower


3 дня назад

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@KAFKUBA - 07.03.2025 04:02

I'd like to say I remember the beginning but I remember the end. Glad you're enjoying!

@SeniorHiker77 - 07.03.2025 04:10

Glad see you and Metro together again.

@richardross7219 - 07.03.2025 04:31

Nice video and day. Put pocket warmers in your shoes and socks overnight to have warm dry shoes in the morning. Happy Trails. Good Luck, Rick

@atypicalhiker - 07.03.2025 04:41

Swinging DICK gap. The sign is LOW for a reason. I got to see Siler and the view at Wayah here on your video. Beautiful view.

@bestillonthetrail234 - 07.03.2025 04:51

Brrr! That snow and ice looks cold. Hope it warms up a little. A winter wonderland on Siler! Gorgeous views Wayah.

@HikeByFaithAT2025 - 07.03.2025 05:48

Wow, so much snow!!! Absolutely gorgeous. Hope you’re staying warm!

@graymanwalking - 07.03.2025 07:14

Absolutely stunning winterscape. You won't soon forget this day. Thanks for bringing us along. Good luck.

@jodiwoodside4197 - 07.03.2025 17:54

Love seeing the snow on the trees! Beautiful!

@UnboundCrow - 07.03.2025 18:46

Even though that weather isn't the nicest to hike in, it sure is beautiful.
Something I always tell people... there are no bad days on trail, only bad moments, and never let those moments ruin the whole day.
Oh my gosh, you are so funny.. the abominable snowman.

@BrantHikes - 07.03.2025 19:44

Beautiful day! How is Metro that far behind? I was thinking that he should be between Erwin & Damascus by now??

@UnclePaul - 07.03.2025 19:55

Thanks for braving the elements to show gorgeous, icy scenery I can enjoy from my warm recliner.

@HikeCamp - 07.03.2025 19:57

It's spring... No it's winter Geeeeez.

@baskets8429 - 08.03.2025 11:14

Beautiful day ! Love the snow footage 👍
