Why are these houses allowed to be built on the beach. Elitism. Beaches are for everyone.
Ответитьwhat a fantastic shots. cant believe this all is history .. greetings from the netherlands
ОтветитьAll of it screams "money sink"
ОтветитьThis seems to be before the Franklin fire also. That one happened on Dec 9, 2024.
ОтветитьThis doesnt look like inhabitable land to me.
ОтветитьGodless town, No one can insult God ! You American dont know whats next going to happen . Turn to God before its late
ОтветитьWhen they rebuild , the new houses won't burn down so easily. Someday when we look back to compare the way that these homes look we won't feel this way that we do now, as if it is so bad, we will feel the city is stronger and looks much safer and better.
ОтветитьОчень красиво спосибо 🎉🎉
ОтветитьId lihe to see the Beach Area declared Eminent Domain, and outlaw private ownership. Public Beaches. The state pay Fair Market Value to the owners. Insurance companies payoff the building and contents losses. And, additional living expenses during the process. The beach is being reduced by erosion every day.
ОтветитьThey shouldn't allow these beach hogs to building along the shoreline the shoreline should be for everybody
ОтветитьYou can't even enjoy the beach with all those ugly houses there
ОтветитьHi, May I share the most important thing ever before with you? Abba Father sent His Holy and sinless Son (Jesus/Y'shua) to earth, to be born of a virgin.He grew up and died on the cross for our sins. He was put into a tomb for 3 days.Abba Father raised Him to life, and He appeared to people and went back to heaven. It says in John 1:12
"But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." Will you sincerely receive Jesus today as your Savior and put your genuine faith in His blood and in Him for salvation?
Magnificent video footage. Unfortunately when you don’t have Christ in your life everything else is meaningless. True happiness and peace is through Christ our Lord, not material possessions. As you can see they are only temporary, God is forever.
ОтветитьThe foundations on the ocean front homes must have cost a fortune
ОтветитьOne thing I remember about walking the beach in Malibu was the warning we got from our server at Geoffreys Restaurant in Malibu: "When walking the beach, stay at the waterline, with your feet in the ocean. If you walk on the beach closer to the houses, you could be fined or even arrested for trespassing." I've always loved visiting this part of California. This was the particular part of the state that I always considered to be (in my humble opinion) the most beautiful neighborhood in the most lovely state in the country. However, I certainly wouldn't wanted to have been arrested for disobeying the rules of the community so we walked in the ocean. I guess this edict was designed to keep "the commoners" out. Don't know if anyone has heard of this law before. If so, please comment on this. While driving on the PCH in Malibu we were surprised at how "ordinary" the houses looked from the highway. Comparable to the old New Jersey shore homes from the '50's & 1960's. Then while walking the beach we realized that if you entered those home at their entrances on the Pacific Coast Highway and then walked down to the beach. That's where the multi-million dollar magnificence came into view....the view looking up from the beach.
Ответить😂 🙏🥀
ОтветитьWas a beautiful place.
ОтветитьInteresting is, the cult of climate change lives in those billionaire beach houses, and the billionaire class. 💬
These people build their homes on a beach, and yet, are afraid of rising sea levels. Then when a fire happens, they can't save thier homes on a BEACH! What's wrong with this picture?
The truth is, they don't worry about climate change, they cant while flying around privately and yaughting about privately. They are hypocrites and still dont know when to STFU! That's why no one cares.
so the fire helped ordinary people who want to see the view of the ocean ....
ОтветитьThe beach is not a place I dream of living at, or in a house way up on a hillside.
ОтветитьHow did you get permission to fly here? I would like to capture some nice footage of here like you one day, but didn't the town establish this area a no drone zone, and isn't it within boundaries of the Santa Monica National Recreation Area?
Ответитьberani juga buat rumah di tepi laut mcm tu...x takut kena tsunami ke
ОтветитьFascinating how you can even build on sand!!
Ответитьsorry for the people's loss due to the fire.
here's the silver lining, if the houses are not allowed to be rebuilt for obvious safety concerns, the Malibu beaches will be open to the public instead of being the beach front property of private owners!
Beaches should be for everyone not for the few. This was GODS hand righting a wrong. Houses should never been built.
ОтветитьThey say they had their ride
ОтветитьYea they are packed in there like sardines
ОтветитьLocation location location greedy hostile people
ОтветитьKeep being greedyband build your homes on, not near but on the beach to avoid public access.then continue to build your homes with no control burns. Thrn do not complain and whine abbout your homes burning or being destroyed. No sympathy on my part. Malibu use to be beautiful before you all ruined it by building all those homes.
ОтветитьMalibu is soo overrated. Hate to live there.
ОтветитьWhat I want to know is,what would it entail to desalinate ocean water & pump it to giant reservoirs,to be ready , in case a big fire condition presnts itself to this landscape???
ОтветитьDo you have video after the fire?
ОтветитьDid that pretty house on the hill at the 4 minute mark burn as well?
ОтветитьI never seem to see the Malibu Pier/ Malibu Inn on any of the burnt footage - Did the Malibu Inn burn down?? I stayed there in 2012 - what a gorgeous area - so, so sad to see it all ruined :( <3
ОтветитьIf only some men with🚈🚈🚈🚈 saw the areas needing water or it could start grass fires they surely would have soaked those spots.🌊🌊🌊💧💧💧🏵️💐🌺🍓🫐☮️🛟🙏🇨🇦🙂
ОтветитьCompare Palestina before and after...
ОтветитьBack when all these people loved and supported Newsome 110%
ОтветитьA life I always dreamed of. So sad.
ОтветитьI wonder if that huge, beautiful house on the rocky hill burned in the fires?
ОтветитьSo how does this place looks like after got devastated by wildfire?there should be part 2 for this video
ОтветитьMalibu--one of the tackiest, ugliest sections of the CA coast.
ОтветитьI live in Southern California and I think we have one of the most beautiful coastline in the world so many beautiful mountains so many beautiful beaches and of course some beautiful homes. It’s a wonderful drive on the coast Highway. It’s so sad what happened to this beautiful place of heaven on earththanks for sharing it with us.
ОтветитьAll we have now are memories!!!
ОтветитьTruly breath taking! Take my breath away! That's why we really need to take care and nourish our natural resources. ..when I'm sad , I just watch video like this..and sadness will go away
ОтветитьThe little gurl never ever met them dont even knkw them.personally, but look u cant blame little gurl for the mess they have created