CTA Gates Of Hell Ostfront: Infantry Basic/Advanced Guide

CTA Gates Of Hell Ostfront: Infantry Basic/Advanced Guide


2 года назад

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@davidprice7998 - 26.11.2022 21:10

Thanks! Much need help!

@quicksixhatchofficial2880 - 27.11.2022 12:04

Fancy a 1v1?

@p1nacle80 - 01.12.2022 23:17

nice video, in GOH campaign i seem to be stuck in where i finished all the to dos but it wont go to the next stage, do i still have one more guy to kill or do i need to do something else.

@arnabmondal2412 - 05.12.2022 22:19

How to spread a unit ?

@fluffyusa - 10.12.2022 14:20

Stupid question, how do you use the camera rotation?

@soleillotus5735 - 30.12.2022 01:26

Thank you

@heisenfeis - 08.01.2023 16:59

anyway you can quickly get all of one item??? like if it has KAR98 ammo and i only want the clips i dont want to double click 20 times to get 10 clips ect SHIFT+ XXXX or whatever key?

Should also be a scavenge button, yes i know it takes away from the micro management but would be nice, like after a big battle and the frontlines are pushed back by other fresh troops the "old worn" troops can loot the dead bodies and get their weapons if they have more ammo or even their own friendly bodies.

@RichardJones-rx2iz - 10.01.2023 20:16

Great job! How do you save a game midway and then exit?

@roymatias8568 - 18.01.2023 23:09

Whoever buys me this game, i will play with him and be his buddy!!

@frankfields6283 - 28.04.2023 07:58

Thank You Puggo for a very easy to understand and fun tutorial... I was LOST prior to this video,, You should have been a teacher LOL!

@dakinoytc986 - 05.06.2023 06:27

Hi why do you don't do gameplay video sometime ?

@iwatchyoutubealot - 22.07.2023 19:04

I watch your stuff for battlebrothers, neat to see you doing stuff for goh too, since I'm just now getting into it.

@calumlittle9828 - 04.08.2023 08:36

If you say that's a blimp do you also call airships blips?

@Coka-Rolla - 14.08.2023 18:59

I’ve been playing for 250+ hours. I still learn new things from your videos. I’ve recently gotten a lot better at GOH since I’ve been watching your tutorials.

@gspanie87 - 05.09.2023 08:59

Cant get the direct control option to work please help! Not sure what im doing wrong have tried both e and t keys but nothing working?? Please help thanks!!

@darryndad - 18.09.2023 14:06

Hi, I'm new player here and I need some help and advices. have been playing this game for 11 hours. I played conquest normal difficulty, now on operation days 10 (win 8, lost 1). in the operation days 10 the air strike is wiping all my military. I played germany, what to counter that air strike? what is the anti-air unit name in germany tech tree? and what anti tank unit for germany? I captured 122mm M-30 M1938 from USR,, this unit is good to take down tank. so what germany good unit to counter tank?

@johannr2658 - 18.09.2023 23:15

Thank you for telling me how to make them run. Imalways in this situation where I gotta run from cover to cover and my soldiers just jogg to the next building like they don’t even care there’s an MG-42 aiming at them.

@Why_So_Serious_279 - 22.09.2023 22:54

"There's a lot of micro-management in this game... just a heads up"... yeah, you're NOT kidding. There's more than just a LOT, there's a TON. So, be forewarned, you will most likely spend ALL of your time in a match micro-managing EACH soldier because the A.I. in this game is pretty brain dead. They have hardly ANY initiative and many times won't even react to enemies right in their faces. But I digress... back to the video.

@ego461 - 25.09.2023 04:17

Fantastic starting point for someone just getting into the game. You definitely deserve more subs, quality content man!

@PrimeNPC - 27.09.2023 21:19

Is it possible to quickly switch between units when you've got a group of them selected?

@CMDRFandragon - 07.10.2023 18:07

Mortars and artillery are pretty trash. Oooh, it fires 350m, but it wont fire 350m, even though you have soldiers that can clearly see targets within the range...

I find unless my arty is right up on the frontlines it simply refuses to fire, this goes for MoW, MoWAS and CTA....

@radiantbacon1502 - 23.10.2023 09:10

Ditch the horse and get a star brother!!

@MrKurtank - 25.10.2023 11:50

An extremely helpful tutorial for someone who is about to buy the great looking game. Thank you. Subb'd!

@meesta519 - 01.11.2023 14:15

Tips que nadie pidió y no están en ingles porque me dio flojera traducir: Al seleccionar un grupo de infantería, cuando te sale la imagen fantasma de como quedara la unidad, si mantienes secundario y mueves el ratón hacia algún lado, la infantería se separara y buscara cobertura en toda el área que quieras. Esto es bastante útil a la hora de defender algún lugar.

La infantería no es buena avanzando toda junta, puedes seleccionar un grupo de infantería, presiona shift + algún numero que quieras, esto hará que cada que presiones ese numero se seleccionara el grupo que elegiste, ahora divide el grupo en dos, deja las unidades antitanque y francotiradores o ingenieros en el segundo grupo y muévelos en forma escalonada, de esta manera el primer grupo de avanzadilla que tiene las unidades mas prescindibles siempre tendrá cobertura por un segundo grupo, y si las cosas se ponen feas, simplemente presionas el numero asignado al grupo y le dices que retrocedan a esconderse (de hecho en este caso es bueno tener algún tanque de cerca cubriendo al grupo un poco mas atrás, no un cazacarros o algún blindado ligero, ya que estos no tienen muchas veces blindaje suficiente, son carentes de torreta y también de poder de fuego, y la artillería no sirve pues se mueve mucho mas lento que la infantería y ese tiempo que tarda en estar montada puede no ser lo suficientemente rápido)

La infantería de reconocimiento tiene un mayor alcance de visión mientras que los francotiradores tienen mayor alcance... prueba poner un francotirador cubriendo a una unidad de reconocimiento, con suficiente ingenio puedes incluso usar varios francotiradores.

cuando vallas a usar unidades que tengan lanzallamas... separa al lanzallamas un poco del resto, en mas de una ocasión causo mas bajas el portador de esta arma que los enemigos...

@2.Panzerdivision - 03.11.2023 09:00

Stupid question: whenever I tell my soldiers to attack incoming infantry, they throw grenades and only throw grenades. It's like their rifles are an ornament. Am I doing something wrong?

@adrianro1238 - 07.12.2023 02:43

Man the infantry is dumb ass hell, the enemy inf atack like kamikase and my infantry dont shoot

@nicokarinti5328 - 25.12.2023 02:42

gr8 atuff u made me buy this game :)

@josephtan2928 - 27.12.2023 17:12

Here's an extra tip not mentioned in this video: you can loot/transfer items a lot faster just by right-clicking once for each item :)

@XX-cv6fq - 29.12.2023 01:00

Nice tutorials and helpfull. so much to understand.

Just some question, anyone experiences with in game freezes that nobody can moce?

@XX-cv6fq - 29.12.2023 14:05

Do you have any mod recommendations? Maybe in relation to blood and gore and corpses and tanks staying in the field?

@XX-cv6fq - 31.12.2023 15:33

btw, maybe you onw , do you know anything about version .36 making save games in conquest unavailable?

@CommanderTavos99 - 01.01.2024 04:16


@VeniVidiVici444 - 01.01.2024 23:56

Will you make a new guide?

@Inkinred - 02.01.2024 03:54

Hey man, wanted to say thank you for making so much content about GoH. I’ve watched other vids but yours are definitely the most comprehensive. It also really helps that you are easy to pay attention to. Other people have literally been annoying to no end. You rock, thanks for making these. I’ve only recently found GoH, I played MoW and was surprised to see how similar the games are. GoH, especially with the first person mod rocks, it’s so fun to go and play whatever soldier or vehicle.

The last time I played a game like this was Heroes and Generals. Was a long time ago. I really loved the concept of that game, sadly it fell apart for various reasons. I can’t wait for a future where we have a top down RTS that has a 1st and 3rd person experience with the playability of games like Battlefield. They’re coming, we just have to wait. Do you know of any games coming up that check all the marks? RTS/3PS/FPS?

@Red_Lion99 - 04.01.2024 09:35

Good video! I learnt a couple things. Thank you!

@Concret3Cowboy - 13.01.2024 21:05

i recongized the picture of Mile High before the flag.... - Broncos fan

@xenondragon1 - 15.01.2024 01:45

Good guide but could do without the video camera blocking some minor elements.

@felixking1072 - 27.01.2024 00:22

It looks cool but ive never played such a buggy game

@tsrorst2792 - 10.02.2024 13:08

My man, I just finished all of your tutorials and I gotta say- thank you for making them!

I've gotten pretty comfortable the last few days since buying the game. About to beat my first conquest despite a pretty devastating defense I had earlier on, all that's to that sweet sweet 10.5cm arty and sneaky infantry scouting!

I began this game just smashing squads into points and walking into MG nests left and right.. learned to be more methodical and daring with my attacks. Infantry casaulties are down about 90% 🤣

@lhng9018 - 18.03.2024 05:06

In the Seige of Sevastopol as an example. Germans unable to pick up Russian MG placed in bunker?. How to take the MG ? Tks

@Steadymobbin711 - 15.05.2024 15:10

You deserve way more subs brother. I've been binging your excellent guides, thank you!

@CristianoErre-sh8kh - 29.06.2024 21:54

Amazing tutorial! next time put your camera in a spot where u don t interfere with the menu please! :D

@barrysworld640 - 02.07.2024 08:25

Awesome job! Now that I finally bought GOH, I am really enjoying and looking forward to viewing more of your tutorial videos! Really appreciate your time and effort with respect to making such videos to help us, the new kids on the block, learn to play and enjoy this amazing game! Many thanks! :)

@JohnSmith-yo3gh - 06.07.2024 06:35

This game looks like micromanagement hell…

@unger53194 - 13.07.2024 14:24

Good video some new things i didnt know like flamers with tanks

@johnelliott7850 - 28.07.2024 18:54

Very informative.

@kooltactic8269 - 14.09.2024 21:02

Is there a way to check if your soldier is skilled with a weapon while in the game, i mean in singleplayer scenarios, if i decide to pick an MG or a AT rifle off an enemy how do i know who should get the gun for best effect?

@MC-nm1bw - 25.10.2024 13:58

While micro managing the infantry my artillery and tanks get picked off.

@loic5883 - 03.11.2024 17:45

Can you micro if they pick their nose or not in this game?
