Behind the Bars TV

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@DismasGoodthief-ic8nr - 02.03.2025 18:37

I was sent to prison for five years as an'innocent. It is nothing like these guys say. It's easy really if you are not a wimp. The hard talk comes from cell criers once they get out. Ali is a joke who can't do his time. Like Bronson, that idiot nly got about six year couldn't do it and still there.i lived with these people. They talk shite.

@mikes4721 - 02.03.2025 18:45

Is this guy real? Genuine NE of England Gent. (great part of the world and lovely people!) and he's so articulate yet with such a basic message. Surely not a con.?

@RossDawson-s6h - 02.03.2025 19:10

Most folk in prison can’t fight but they are good at spotting people who appear weaker.

@stevecunningham6537 - 02.03.2025 19:20

It's pretty simple then.
Dont be a dik.
Dont end up sharing a HM facility with life time losers.
Sorted 😂

@James1984X - 02.03.2025 20:07

Here's an idea don't get in trouble in the first place that way you won't go to prison. And won't have to worry.. Lol 😂

@joeegg124 - 02.03.2025 20:26

Back in the 80s my brother went straight up to Aki and offered him a fight.. and guess what Aki did.. shit himself and shook his hand. Aki was lucky that day, because if he would have took him up on his offer, he would have been destroyed.

@JohnFletcher-hz1mp - 02.03.2025 20:36

My 1st time in,i was on induction with a good dude,Alvin.
I must have been a nightmare pad mate for him who had spent most of his 37 years inside.
He shared the bid of burn he had with me.
Plop lawyer never told me to take cigs in with me.
I got bail after a week.
1st thing i did was put a twenty in his account.
Spotted him again when i was on sentace while going to gym 8 mths later.
Top dude.
An Armley regular seemingly.

@HotScones-3231c - 02.03.2025 20:42

I was in Walton when Purple Aki was in there, and he kept himself to himself.

@josephstoddart8732 - 02.03.2025 21:05

when i was jail many many moons ago i tried to g ive my dinnner away,and no cunt wanted it lol

@WalterSobchak1000 - 02.03.2025 21:06

Greatest thumbnail ever 😂

@williambuchanan77 - 02.03.2025 21:27

Would this still happen if the guards were more numerous and there was the threat of the whole block being punished for it?

@UNDERGROUNDOG - 02.03.2025 23:37

You got bummed then....

@numpty7750 - 03.03.2025 00:25

I punched Purple Aki in the jaw in Wigan when i was 15 because he was “feeling my friend’s muscles” (groping him).
Then me and my mate ran away as fast as we could.

@shineyrow9001 - 03.03.2025 01:15

Please, I don't want to be bummed by a big black guy!

@challyho2u244 - 03.03.2025 01:23

Watch out for the donut punchers

@NeilJohnson-v3t - 03.03.2025 02:17

That thumbnail 😂

@red84icj - 03.03.2025 02:43

If you don't owe anyone money and you keep your head down you will be absolutely fine.

@johnjtplastering6991 - 03.03.2025 02:48

Bit of a tit this guy

@lordprotector3367 - 03.03.2025 02:51

People act like that in normal life too. You 'lend' them some money then they want more and more and more.

@Robert-f1g4i - 03.03.2025 03:13

Why do these tossers think there is any kind of tearing. By his own words he's the very sort of person who should still be in prison 'normal prisoners' he means thiefs and drug dealers. Scumbags in other words. Drug dealers are the worst not only do they cause missery to individuals but cause a cancer in society creating missery for all.

@DeanBaylis-fb3fs - 03.03.2025 05:12

The purple 🥓 bacon 😊

@billyrattlesticks6949 - 03.03.2025 14:24

What's a bacon? lol Obviously a prison slang term but I've never heard it used before.

@DARKSTAR-mn8ee - 03.03.2025 15:07

Do Disabled people fight with others with disabilities?..

@David-vx4mx - 03.03.2025 15:33

So the lesson here is,stay the hell away from prison.

@Leitros-kj4qb - 03.03.2025 16:57

Is this ahole incapable of speaking English?

@CaptainSteveVPT - 03.03.2025 18:30

What will happen to Axel ?

@JonathanPearson-io7wt - 03.03.2025 18:54

Does he give u a reach round ,

@benhoughton7894 - 03.03.2025 19:26

Bollocks, keep your head down and you'll be left alone in most cases, keep out of jail you div.

@AdamGordon1 - 03.03.2025 23:20

I'm not a criminal but am constantly concerned I'm half a step away from doing time so I watch these videos so I am prepared! 😂

@James-l9j8z - 03.03.2025 23:51

Fully does happen I did 9 months in nots saw it all the time

@James-l9j8z - 03.03.2025 23:51

Fully does happen I did 9 months in nots saw it all the time

@10beanz - 04.03.2025 00:54

So, the first thing prisoners think when a new prisoner enters is 'What's his bottom like cos I wanna bum him?'
Give us some of your biscuits, which means give me your bottom, cos I wanna bum you?
What happens if a prisoner can handle himself but wants to get a bumming?

@thedude5144 - 04.03.2025 01:13

No doubt this guy's a tough nut!

@stevenbaldwn4391 - 04.03.2025 06:57

Purple Aki, ten 50 pence pieces 🥒😂😂

@davewalkden7248 - 04.03.2025 17:33

Nobody, who's never been in prison before, is getting 2 years for nicking a car.

@damoncleall3315 - 04.03.2025 19:51

Yea well ard ya muggy jail rats.

@NoName-ql1wk - 04.03.2025 20:00


@Joe_Sheffield - 04.03.2025 23:14

Chattin shite as usual i see pal.

@mynameisGail - 05.03.2025 00:43

I'm a Scottish woman ( wifie as we say here instead oh the word woman lol ) . I'm a God fearing christian , Also I voted Reform and want strong borders and extremely limited immigration into the UK . I want many of them , especially illegal immigrants to be sent back to whence they came from . Regardless of the woke bs , Multiculturaism is NOT our strength . I will only ever recognise the only two biological genders ( male and female ) ,so therefore it won't be long before I probably get sent to a woman's jail for the crime of the false label " right wing " and cancelled for "wrong thought " ! This is Scotland afterall , where someone can be arrested for silently merely just standing there and praying inside their heid , especially anywhere near a hospital where murder of babies aka abortion is happening .

@Daniel-c7w7v - 05.03.2025 02:31

Justice is final. Court rules. Keep off them jaffas.

@benhoughton7894 - 05.03.2025 04:25

Don't listen to this juiced up plastic lads, he's never been too a real nick, probably done 2 weeks in a cat d that fucking clown, nothing happens unless you're in a cat A or a bad b, this Muppet is a clown looking for clicks 🤡🤡🤡

@spike178 - 05.03.2025 08:23

I'm bit of a nutter so will end up deleting someone in prison, and won't care about it.

@ramirezswan7227 - 05.03.2025 14:16

I was put in health wing when I came in . In one of only 2 times they had enough staff to escort us to a small association room - 2 Nasty bastards hanged up and threatened me. After i had been polite and friendly. I picked up a pool queue and changed tack . And said “I don’t take threats lightly - let’s go if you want some. They too changed - looking scared “ Didn’t want no trouble blood”. Ricky your right. I was lucky and have got balls . I too looked out for a guy who was being rinsed of his canteen.
14years later he’s still a loyal mate . I pray for the victims who are good souls and getting preyed on.

@BaNg72983 - 05.03.2025 14:26

Aki in a traki

@Coyrm - 05.03.2025 15:18

Hes in his 60s now

@RS-xx9ve - 05.03.2025 16:54

"If youre a small bacon, at some point the bigger bacons will fry your ass. Muu haaa haaa"


@DRvids630 - 06.03.2025 00:59

I wont go to prison

@Bob-q8i9u - 06.03.2025 01:23

I went to prison for drink driving, I got 6 months, served 4 weeks. I served at wormwood scrubs, nothing happened, I just served my time and left.
Second time I got got caught for drink driving i was given 18 months, again at wormwood scrubs, i got out in 6 weeks, still never had anyone ask me for anything, to be fair im 6foot9' and im punjabi, i weigh nearly 20stone but ive never had a fight in my life. I did have encounters with the Muslims but the black community had my back. The Muslims were the most prolific gay bum boys in the prison, the Muslims will shag their own brothers in prison and when they got released they would pretend they didn't suck off other men.
Anyway i got clean and now im the chair of a charity who helps people with addiction .

@O-o-Azazel-o-O - 06.03.2025 01:23

I got 9 years total for 2 robberies back in 2003, but i got 4 years for the first and 5 years for the second and the judge said the magic word "concurrent" so in real terms i got 5 years and was out in 2.5 years with parole. The first night was nothing major other than i was shitting myself expecting the worst but back then unless you were a nonce or couldn't stand up for yourself then your mostly left alone. You get tested on each wing you move to but if you make it clear they will have to fight you to get your stuff then they move on to a muppet who will give over their shit. I made some good mates inside and got the usual cushy jobs people want like landing cleaner, servery and even wing painter at one point cuz i mentioned to my P.O. i painted on the out. I was 18 when i went in and 21 when i got out and i was as nervous about leaving in all honesty as much as i was going in. It changes you forever and you will see some horrific shit but as i said as long as you aint a nonce or a muppet you will be ok if you keep your head down. The nonces get what they deserve though, their dinner was always pulled out from the drawer under the hot plate if you know what im saying lol
