SIAM PARAGON shopping mall in Bangkok, GOOD FOR EVERYONE

SIAM PARAGON shopping mall in Bangkok, GOOD FOR EVERYONE

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@myrajoy1437 - 18.10.2022 18:05

Thanks for sharing your amazing impormision

@iluvmeeting - 18.10.2022 18:30

Sawadee Krug P’Chon. You have done a great and nice presentation. Just one question: where do you recommend to find Thai paintings? Can you also do a chapter on Museum? I had visited MOCA some years ago and I think it’s a nice place to re-visit. Wish you all the best.

@dinoyuan1574 - 18.10.2022 18:43

Great video! Do make another one for Luk KaiThong! And do more food/restaurant videos. I really look forward to Thai food for my upcoming trip in two weeks time! Your videos have been super duper helpful Chon.

@bennychewDev - 18.10.2022 18:57

Love this, thanks for sharing Chon! Paragon was the first mall I visited in Bangkok and I love it. It is my favorite! Especially Gourmet Market and food court. I cannot wait to visit again in Dec 2022. Feel free to make more mall videos, I will watch them all.

@antoniopasquarelli5337 - 18.10.2022 20:48

Very impressive....i will arrive in Bangkok by the end of january and i will visit Siam Paragon for sure. Thank you

@Cyberoverdose888 - 18.10.2022 22:40

Very good vlog, thank you for your time showing around Siam Paragon. If you would consider doing a vlog on Emporium. I have not seen any vloggers doing a good video of Emporium mall. Thank you 👍

@csoongc - 19.10.2022 09:13

Nice vlog, really enjoy watching it..
Hope future you will show us the open house in central embassy.. it look like nice place to pay a visit, chill relax .. TQ

@kazihaque9536 - 27.10.2022 03:41

Hi mate, I have been watching your vlog for the last couple of months. Your presentation is great and very much informative. Could you please tell me what is the best place in Bangkok to exchange money in terms of exchange rates. Thanks heaps. And all the best to your hard work.

@shabajohnson1406 - 05.11.2022 20:39

@neo1322 - 09.11.2022 13:30

Wow simple but good guidance bro.. we r BR lover too... From🇧🇳

@MG-mp5kv - 15.11.2022 16:28

Ohh there's this Thai movie I wanted to see while I'm there in Bangkok in Dec. Until what time are cinemas open at Siam Paragon?

@lynychan18 - 17.11.2022 10:56

Thanks for your time.

@amsterdamederotterdame - 21.11.2022 16:38

~Appreciative "Chon Great recommendations

@doggy5 - 22.11.2022 07:33

I went to the EmQuartier branch of Luk Kai Thong the last time I visited Bangkok. The food was really good but expensive.

@hwangandy - 24.11.2022 03:13

Thank You for your efforr to make a lot of Video. Its really guidance me and other tourist go arround Bangkok. More power to you. Hope can meet you in personal.

@bighuubs - 03.12.2022 07:06

Thank you from Australia. You showed me an area, I did not know existed. Will be in Thailand in January and check it out. Thank you Khun Chon.

@tetzie23 - 05.12.2022 11:50

Is naraya in siam paragon? We are coming to bangkok on Dec 14

@5tr1f3 - 18.12.2022 15:37

Thank you for the tips in Siam paragon :), hope you can make the Central World Shopping Mall video, Thanks :)

@choochooong3708 - 27.12.2022 18:30

Do u know where is the best place to change the thail currency

@steveyoung101 - 18.01.2023 15:05

Apparently, branded goods are expensive in Thailand due to taxes. I visit Thailand just for good Thai food, Thai massage, and meeting my Thai friends.

@ernestodava414 - 22.01.2023 13:57

Watching from philippines

@amawpyae - 26.01.2023 08:12

nice vlog and good information

@TheCharlie1061 - 31.01.2023 09:30

i love your channel. your videos are packed with good info. 👍

@s.t.pebble8018 - 05.02.2023 23:06

Great information

@alwaystravelforeat1024 - 08.02.2023 07:36

thanks for the videos! its help me a lot!

@SyedZainUlHasan - 13.02.2023 17:49

Where can we find Halal food in Bangkok?

@lindachan3115 - 21.02.2023 07:44

Do you give tips at restaurants? If so, what percentage? Thank you 🙏

@cristyang5091 - 28.02.2023 07:45

Hi Chon, how far is Siam Paragon from Holiday Inn Express Siam

@cecilia2737 - 02.04.2023 07:28

Notice that u always dressed so smartly, can u recommend some shops recommendations for custom tailored jackets and pants (good and reasonably priced)? Thank u!

@kicksonfeet2294 - 22.04.2023 16:20

where is the best place to buy Original Shoes like Nike and Adidas in Bangkok ???

@kessyliu76 - 24.04.2023 12:47

Hi, would you do a video telling us where we can get a best money exchange rate?

@eyip8697 - 05.05.2023 23:56

Can anyone please let me know where there are lots of durian to eat?

@rasameekaika397 - 01.06.2023 02:57

Thank you kha!!

@sherleymegahwati7781 - 14.07.2023 12:39

Love your vidio. You describe it in details. It gives me brief long picture of siam. Of course you can not wandering all around in hour. It should take a days...hahaha

@carmenwong7863 - 21.07.2023 17:33

Hi may i know how do we pay for the food in Siam Paragon food court? By cash or by food court reload card?

@lamchia9891 - 17.08.2023 02:39

Enjoyed watching Siam Paragon.. Can do a video about a jewellery mall in Bangkok where one can buy real diamonds. Rubies emeralds and jades. Thanks

@MercyPrich-pw2py - 27.09.2023 07:05

I hope to meet you soon. I am Pilipinos.

@MrSokwe - 04.10.2023 09:06

You didn’t cover the jewelry department

@JadonDurane-ct4ky - 04.10.2023 22:56

Yesterday tgere was a Amok shoot out in this Mall,I will avoide Malls and western Institutions,thailand is not Safe anymore for Tourist

@meedotravel - 08.11.2023 00:20

All items is original or. Copy ?

@halim.25 - 08.01.2024 04:36

Hello Sir. Please do a video of Halal Food in Bangkok. Thanks

@cjinasia9266 - 13.03.2024 12:31

I can't afford to use the water fountain at Paragon. Terminal 21 is more fun and Central Festival has better prices but the real shopping is at the Thai malls.

@melissathieu4483 - 27.05.2024 09:24

Thank you for sharing the great tips! We will visit Thailand in few months. We booked hotel near by Erawan Shrine. Could you let me know if this mall is near by?

@Jdvc-yd5tx - 16.06.2024 13:33

Can I get 30% off luxury loudspeakers?

@Jdvc-yd5tx - 16.06.2024 13:39

How much are those washing machines?

@BoonieDocks - 23.09.2024 07:13

Thank you from USA

@kiranmajid9577 - 24.10.2024 21:55

In which mall i can buy art stuff?

@stevemorse108 - 26.12.2024 03:48

Whem I am in Bangkok I aways end up here to buy potatoes which after a certain time one craves instead of rice.We got ripped off by a cab driver on drugs who took us on a wild goose chase for almost two hours one morning and there is a tourism Office in Siam Paragon and when I told my story with no expectations I was offered to be driven home with my girlfriend from France at the end up the day and it was sheer luxury and much appreciated.
