THE LURE RIGS YOU NEED TO KNOW! How to fish drop shot, jig and texas rig lure fishing tutorial.

THE LURE RIGS YOU NEED TO KNOW! How to fish drop shot, jig and texas rig lure fishing tutorial.

Fox Rage TV

4 года назад

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@sylwestermatuszak9311 - 18.01.2021 12:50

On this place just dropshot. meyby pear for perch

@sylwestermatuszak9311 - 18.01.2021 13:04

If not problem tell more about net how you kep on your bed

@steveplows9996 - 18.01.2021 15:39

Haven't tried the texas yet but just bought some of your 'kwik change weights' for that purpose, certainly give it a go with creature baits, think thats the first time I've seen what I assume was a native crawfish not a signal. Good explanitary vid though thanks

@andyrandall289 - 18.01.2021 19:23

It's been a poor die-back this winter. I found myself wanting for a cheb or weedless system on a recent trip to a new spot that I had never fished before (as we are restricted to local angling atm), I will update my armoury appropriately - thanks for the easy walk-thru vid guys :)

@garylawlor2288 - 19.01.2021 04:11

In the video it is recommended that, ideally 2 rods, drop shot and jigging rod, should be taking out, but if only one then use a jigging rod for drop shotting. I personally do not agree with this advice. I would recommend a slightly heavier drop shot rod for its intended purpose plus light jigging. I believe this is more versatile. Drop shot fishing is very difficult and not so effective is you cannot keep in contact with the bottom.

@GodofThunder1919 - 19.01.2021 08:56

Love the vid, thank you. Just taken up Lure fishing so this is a great help. I love Dropshotting and its super easy. Even bought my 12yrs daughter a dropshot set up and just after a quick 10min lesson with her she was in to a Perch and one of 5 in just 1 hour. Superb gear from Fox and would recommend to any lure fisherman or fishergirls 😉

@Oltegens_fishing - 19.01.2021 14:37

Great video as always. Learning alot from your videos. Must say that you on fox rage have the nices lures on the soft bait market. To bad all the swedish shops dosent have the hole range that you show in the videos. Can i order from your homepage? Nice cap by the way👍

@markgreen4946 - 24.01.2021 04:16

Did you no its against the law to put crayfish back into the water,as they are a invasive species, plus they make good eating,

@Cingrasin - 16.09.2021 14:31

I agree in saying this is an incredibly informative video. As a beginner, I'm wondering if you're tying each leader directly to your main line or are you using a snap & swivel to connect the leader to the main line? I actually have that question after watching a few of your videos.

@robregist - 07.01.2022 19:22

Very clear and informative. 👍

@robertdean3800 - 07.01.2022 19:29

Very informative thank you

@RuachEden - 09.01.2022 23:44

Good, straight forward explaination of the basics. Might you have included the Cheb rig? As good as drop shot in cold winter water!

@philiprowe7452 - 14.04.2022 11:19

Brilliant vid, it answered so many questions, well done

@firstnamelastname9013 - 14.09.2022 22:10


@garysimpson8860 - 10.10.2022 18:39

Won’t it be nice to see all these videos filmed on rivers with lots off weed etc which makes it very hard to get the lures through to fish and not all on canals where it’s easy to fish with lures and all techniques work relatively anyway ,, and don’t say just use weed less lure rigs ,, I’ve fished my local river for years and it holds some very very big perch and a lot off pike but it has so much weed it can break you sometimes trying to get through and forget about getting a rig on the bottom 👍 good video though thanks 🙏

@billbob7170 - 20.11.2022 04:56

big help

@hjevs152 - 30.12.2022 22:50

Straight to the point 👍🏼 about everything

@forbiddenforest5327 - 09.03.2023 11:37

needed close-up shots on a desk for weedles lure setting and dropshot hook knot. can't see a thing on riverbank.
10 mins work at home with yellow line and large hook to demo
dropshot knot is crucial to learn correct orientation

@Mantas.N - 27.06.2023 11:18

I feel like I've just been re-educated on soft lure fishing. Great vid, thanks.

@nospoon4799 - 25.09.2023 16:44

Paddles are great on the dropshot. Especially if you let them drop. They want a heavy head though.

@northernmotion090 - 03.10.2023 21:54

Excellent video, thanks for a very clear explanation of the different techniques!

@theflossingfisherman7925 - 15.04.2024 08:53

Great video, I find the Drop Shot a great rig. The canal local to me is full of broken branches and trees, the drop-shot weight slides over the debris.

@jamiebrewster8823 - 19.10.2024 10:18

Crystal clear information 👌 thank you fox rage for this informative video,as new new angler to jigging this will help me massively.

@オールマイト-y1f - 17.01.2025 10:33

Straight up murdered that crayfish.
