So powerful message
ОтветитьI hear u my dad
ОтветитьAnointed one
ОтветитьOooh yes dad
Bushri;may be controversial. .but he does a good job with his preparation and sermon delivery. .the prophet is annonted to preach
ОтветитьPapa you are anointed to preach anointed gospel of our lord Jesus Christ. I connect to this anointing
ОтветитьFalse prophet. Acting. May God have mercy on you.
ОтветитьPowerful words
ОтветитьOne my favourite Teachings ♥️
Ответитьhey stop talking nonsense and repent. the anointing is for everyone else that is anointed by God. but Christ means our servitor [ Jesus] because died for our sins. stop teaching innocent people demon teachings and mind you, even your Father [the devil] i do not fear him because he is like a dog on the rope. your time is coming and we will make you suffer and you will regret the day you were created.
ОтветитьI love the wisdom portrayed by the Man of God Major 1 Prophet Shepherd Bushiri. "Kayabandia"; a Spiritual tongue that blessed my spirit. Spiritual impartation from Major 1 is a serious blessing to anyone living on earth today in Jesus Christ's name; Amen.
ОтветитьMy Father Prophet Shepherd Bushiri aka Bazooka aka Major Provovo aka Papa aka Major 1. I RECEIVE 🙏
ОтветитьMay God bless you prophet and may your ministry be done in God's will.
ОтветитьIf you want to follow the man of God 🙏 this is the one people of God
ОтветитьHallelujah 🙏🙏🙏 Jesus
ОтветитьOhhh my God....I love God
ОтветитьStill following your teachings my father major 1
ОтветитьI shall hear the voice
ОтветитьGod bless you
ОтветитьThanks for opening my eyes about prophetic codes my prophet and I receive it!! In Jesus name Amen!
ОтветитьI am connected prophet amenn.
ОтветитьAmennnn powerful. Major1.
ОтветитьPray for my Business
ОтветитьI want walk in the anointing
ОтветитьGod love you Amen Jesus thanks you so much Amen Amen Amen
ОтветитьAmen papa
ОтветитьGod bless
ОтветитьAmen je connecte à la grâce de Jésus Christ pour activer et ouvrir à moi les trensfert des menteaux et onctions du prophète bushiri à moi dont les dons du feu saint esprit de faire les délivrance et guérisons des malades et miracles et géolocalisation spirituelle et sens prophétique et parle en langue de feu du saint esprit et imagination spirituelle et songes et prophéties et ministère des Anges et j'ouvre mes yeux et oreilles spirituels au nom puissant de Jésus Christ amen je reçois la grâce de Jésus Christ amen je reçois 100milliards de Fbu Pour construction des Églises et orphelinats et Élevage industriel au nom puissant de Jésus Christ amen je reçois la visitation de Jésus Christ amen je casse la tête de goriath qui bloque ma destinée je deracine à moi de la prostitution et haine et colère et pauvreté et dettes et malades au nom puissant de Jésus Christ amen je reçois la visitation de Jésus Christ amen
ОтветитьБлагодарю ИИСУС за Твоё СЛОВО в Твоей ЦЕРКВИ !!! Сила и Слава в Тебе !!! Я приняла ПОМАЗАНИЕ ТВОЁ , и благославляю твой народ !
Ответитьuhjnhxhx xbbxbx wcvu heeh
ОтветитьBuenas noches
ОтветитьQuiero hablar con el profeta
ОтветитьI connect in Jesus Christ name
ОтветитьI receive
ОтветитьI receive in Jesus name
ОтветитьI need anointing in Jesus name amen
ОтветитьProphet I need prayer for my marriage
ОтветитьI believe in The Word Of God ☝️ I believe in God of Major 1 💯 I believe I am Lifted through Major 1 teaching Amen
ОтветитьOn yes papa
ОтветитьI receive papa
ОтветитьAmen amen amen I am asne and I don't have work
ОтветитьAmen I receive the Anointing
ОтветитьBushiri do not act like America ministers they are powerless and broke