Game Breaker 3 Pearl | One Take with Ronnie Russell

Game Breaker 3 Pearl | One Take with Ronnie Russell

Ebonite Bowling

6 лет назад

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@godj16 - 27.08.2018 19:08

Where is the young gun throwing this.

@Brogers97 - 27.08.2018 19:20

I'll take 10

@superfreako8 - 27.08.2018 19:56

i guess he went back to using grips lol

@brendensramek8816 - 27.08.2018 21:26

The gb3 is hybrid reactive not solid

@homegrilladvantage - 27.08.2018 22:52

I cant wait to get this ball in my hands...

@marcaquii - 28.08.2018 00:17

Big Ronnie fan, but can we get Tommy or Andrew do a one take vid? Thanks!

@joluma09 - 28.08.2018 01:39

Can we get some lefties doing these

@RysterARCEE - 28.08.2018 03:22

Throws one game, keeps moving left with both balls. Imagine how far left he would be with 9 other bowlers on the pair over the course of a 3 game league night. I get the point of showing multiple angles, but at what point is it too much for a THS?

@tjowens2448 - 28.08.2018 07:59

Well the original GB3 was a hybrid soooo

@nevinkinzel - 28.08.2018 08:35

I recently bought a couple of used Hammer Black Widow bowling balls to replace my bag being stolen from my garage, but am looking to buy one new ball for now. I was throwing an Ebonite Mission 2.0 and a Hammer Emerald Vibe and averaging about 210 on THS.

Of the new balls, which would you, Ronnie and/or Ebonite, recommend to replace the Mission 2.0? I throw a 15-lb ball, (left-handed) usually between 15 and 17 mph with a low-medium rev rate. I'll be trying to get to a demo next Monday, but am not sure I can make it.

@anthonyputtkammer6263 - 28.08.2018 19:46

Good job.....keep up the good work.....I still would like to see Bill throw some Hammers like this...

@pbgroyal2708 - 28.08.2018 23:39

Dv8 creed can tug and push down lane in the oil and leave 9 pins

@miltonaldridge4170 - 29.08.2018 03:48

Awesome video! I might be new to bowling but this is not only awesome but super informative. Definitely one of the best I've seen so far!

@nickwilliams9042 - 29.08.2018 08:48

Casually shoots 279

@nickwilliams9042 - 29.08.2018 08:49

I rarely use equip that isn’t storm, this looks like it’s gonna be an exception. As was the GB3 solid

@knightlife98 - 29.08.2018 23:32

Ronnie or anyone, I am going to be getting back into the game of Bowling. I averaged 202.00 twenty years ago, but I don't know anything about the Bowling Balls of today..... Can anyone help me choose a ball for a game, a lot like Tacket or Kent style?

@dotsonkyle60 - 30.08.2018 00:55

I think he needs more rosin😂

@pj502 - 30.08.2018 04:39

Executive strike and spare Louisville ky

@ReggieRonin - 30.08.2018 15:50

What weight ball do you use? I currently use a 15lb, but I feel it's too heavy and I cant get a good swing motion. I'm 6'2" 240lbs by the way lol

@sealance - 30.08.2018 16:34

I'm curious. What kind of audio equipment did they use for this video?

@yusufabdulrahman4740 - 30.08.2018 22:54

He is breathing too much, maybe he's a heavy smoker

@vdogg43 - 31.08.2018 07:43

I throw the ball like ass, but if I buy these two balls will I strike like you?

@mukskinkinakter6057 - 31.08.2018 22:06

they should do these with typical Joe lunch bucket house hacks because that would represent the other 99.9%.

@dr.crentist3155 - 01.09.2018 03:07

Idk. I think HE is the factor more than the ball.
How much different are the balls with an avg 150 bowler throwing them?
I have my old Ebonite Jaguar ive been using for years. I want to get a new ball but dont know if it will improve my game.
One game i roll 120, next game a 220 with a high game of 268. Frustrating lol

@WITH-THE-BUSINESS. - 03.09.2018 10:11

On A House Shot Obviously

@rodelramos9963 - 04.09.2018 05:28

too good in practice, but can't win the PBA or Regional tournament.

@yesmaybe7466 - 07.09.2018 09:08

I am thinking pin down for the win

@FearTheWeird300 - 14.09.2018 06:49

I got an original GB3 got it polished. Would that still have a different reaction than a Pearl? I was hoping the polish would keep it from rolling early but it seems kinda pearl like reaction. My house shot can be kinda dry.

@dustinchoate474 - 31.10.2018 06:40

Would that GB3 pearl be stronger than my honey badger?

@curtelliott1410 - 16.11.2018 05:01

How would this ball do on the shark pattern?

@nofaces3259 - 02.01.2019 12:38

This camera motion sucks.

@thomasbisson5791 - 11.01.2019 15:33

The Hammer Legend Perl...

@rafaelstreamer1505 - 12.01.2019 08:40

Hello dude. Do you have some bowling balls what you don't use? Can you donate some?

@gilber78 - 12.01.2019 17:40

What pattern was this on? THS?

@something6541 - 28.02.2019 06:15

This is Executive Bowl strike and spare Louisville kentucky

@ysccl - 22.03.2019 07:46

Love how he expects the Gamebreakers to fail at making strikes but instead it surprises him and he has so calm reactions lol

@Ezi0AuditoreDiFirenz - 04.05.2019 15:43

Wait is the gamebreaker 43 a solid reactive or hybrid reactive?

@jonthanthompson8573 - 29.05.2019 07:11

Yes I like it I'm gonna have to get me one of each.

@b1u3nova2 - 10.06.2019 17:58

I've had this ball for about a half a year or so and this ball is everything it's really nice on dry lanes especially

@williamgillard6247 - 23.09.2019 00:50

That's Ball sicks had one and gave it away

@michaelchen9028 - 01.10.2019 23:18

I have the GB3 pearl. I really like the ball too. I’ve bowled several 200 games with it.

@smoothcii - 26.10.2019 20:06

Least Ronnie isn’t in a pair of jeans that are three sizes too small...

@smoothcii - 26.10.2019 20:07

No strike and spare facility should ever be in a video or bowled at...

@aarontube2076 - 05.06.2020 08:55

Love Ebonite 'One take' video, I don't have their ball though.
