What's your theory? Share it in the comment section

What's your theory? Share it in the comment section

Lee Grinberryall

1 год назад

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@kaiyachan8744 - 19.03.2023 12:27

My theorie is that perhaps because of our siblings waking up 500 years before us and has helped khenriah is that because it's so long of a life time they were considered to be born there and apart of that world

@mmori_ueqo - 21.03.2023 08:54

my theory is that in the first cutscene where we saw the unknown god the archon war hasn't happened yet and the unknown god blocked both of the twins from entering/leaving and the twin that we didn't choose woke up before us 500 years before us and the twin that we didnt chose has travel to all of the 7 nations and the twin we didnt chose created the nation khaeriah and when the archon war happened the other twin became the abyss prince/princess and after the archon war ended the twin that we chose woke up and the reason why the other twin we didnt chose belongs in teyvat is probably the fact that he/she created khaeriah

@aella.08 - 21.03.2023 16:19

Maybe that's not the full story since nahida said records of her became fuzzy Aether and Lumine might not be siblings at all. lumine isn't lumine. Lumine's real appearance is not bright amber eyes and amber middle Length hair. maybe the Lumine we know doesn't exist. If she's belong to this it world why is aether not here with lumine? my theory is that Lumine isn't lumine. she's not the Lumine we know. maybe this person named Lumine doesn't exist and maybe because she have that bright amber eyes and hair because she might MIGHT copy aether's features. Maybe that person who's controlling lumine right now might be A god or a villain that we dont have enough strength to defeat. and why is the other records on her became fuzzy? -maybe she removed it. No one must know about her real existence expect for the seven. The god and celestia might knew about this 'lumine' and why she is in Tevyat.

or is it Something else?

@mahalimalover - 22.03.2023 17:45

Me being a Lumine main: ok

@valdineypinheirolimapinhei3736 - 21.07.2023 15:36

bro...... someone explain to me what a "descended" is? and why is the traveler the 4⁰? please?

@Im-always-tired - 06.09.2023 20:52

She has erased the erminsul records of her
