Why I Got a Honda Ruckus

Why I Got a Honda Ruckus


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@KassandraTovar - 13.04.2021 22:00

Are you able to drive this with just a drivers license?

@ejae1853 - 23.04.2021 12:28

Question? Is it possible to swap a stock 200cc engine with a 90cc engine? I am a beginner to scooters. I wanted to start to a lower phase before going with higher speed. If it is possible, where can I buy a 90cc engine from Honda or Kawasaki? I hope that someone could direct me to the right direction. Thanks in advance.

@wtrf22 - 12.05.2021 03:40

Jeez... Cedar Park to Downtown ATX on a scooty-puff Jr?
That's a trip.

@gavohburg2684 - 16.05.2021 05:59

Woah dude do u live in CP?

@McMrs - 29.05.2021 07:48

Mans just blowing stop signs haha

@BlackNAVYAmericanVET - 08.06.2021 19:29

Sausage! Lol..........

@tianyangtang6108 - 18.06.2021 01:28

Between this one and Yamaha Bws 125 which one you go for?

@felixdequess7373 - 23.06.2021 23:23

So handsome, but so long winded. Of you’re going to be long winded, at least let us look at your pretty face.

@DirtRider22a - 18.07.2021 19:31

Unpopular opinion: Let’s be honest, trying to safely route yourself to any location on a 50cc is half the fun of riding one. And it’s worth noting that as a viewer I feel like this ruckus was more fun for you as a 50cc then after you finished the build. There I said it lol

@hankkingsley2976 - 21.07.2021 07:15

You will blow out the motor if you go with the aftermarket ignition that lets you do 50 with the modified variator. The variator on it's own will let you do a steady 40 with occasional mid 40's peaks at the cost of acceleration. It's like the left crank bearings get overworked and quit due to not enuff lubrication; that was a regular problem in the early ones. My 2010 blew out cuz 50 mph.

@Wog68 - 30.07.2021 15:42

Ruckus need a one gallon tank. Strange that 50cc bikes are for collection or once in a while ride for novelty here. Go to any Asian country and you will find it everywhere. Back in the 1980 royal enfield made one that would go as fast as 90 KM/hr in India (where max speed limit on highway is the same) and it need no mod to do that. It had big 4-5 inch fat tires and 3 liter tank. This littler beast would go anywhere. Local streets, highways, in the mud, dust and heavy rain. I had thousands of miles on it. Never failed in the middle of the road, what it needed was regular service.

@israelaguilar2896 - 11.08.2021 04:31

Would I need to get a motorcycle license in California to ride it?

@kauinoa2250 - 21.08.2021 22:52


@sendit1158 - 30.08.2021 21:13

You can take a Grom on lil pathway trails but if you take a cbr1000 down the same pathway people will complain

@scottevaughn - 14.09.2021 09:49

Thank you for calling the Ruckus a scooter. Most people want to call all small bikes mopeds. Obviously they have never ridden a real moped. I've owned a Batavas and Kreidler. I love my BMW's but ride my Honda Helix and Yamaha Morphous more.

@weavery2k - 07.10.2021 00:03

dude whats your $cashApp ??

@AvenelleMal - 11.10.2021 07:03

Im doing my research. I really want one .. its very popular where im from but ouu the price is 🥵..

@AllLifethingschannelyt - 14.10.2021 07:34


@CaptainPetes - 19.01.2022 15:01

Get a Tomos LX

@crzyruskie86 - 20.01.2022 08:00

BTW Banger is a British slang sausage term hahah

@jonbon7219 - 10.02.2022 21:41

What is the 0-40mph time?

@jaywinters2483 - 17.02.2022 06:24

Shut up!…. Shit up!!…. You are a total acjmo!

The sky is the classic example of someone that can make a video they can run his mouth like a whipperwhil’s‘s ass but really doesn’t know shit about shit

@benercrombie1 - 11.04.2022 17:48

Hell yes!

@moreclips805 - 02.05.2022 08:22

He gave me a wave! Lol

@wilfredogarcia6863 - 27.06.2022 01:45

Can you put a turbo on one of these??

@essicShorts - 02.07.2022 03:51

we call our selves RUCKERS

@johnnykelley7845 - 11.07.2022 23:52

I won't one just to go to work and home and go fishing close to home and have some fun too for the gassmileage it gets I think it will pay off .

@dvrk8887 - 12.07.2022 20:54

Bro do all bikes after a certain year have usb plug ins

@marcnissen578 - 25.07.2022 01:24

I have a blast on my kymco a-town 50 it goes as fast as the ruckus but it looks retro I drive it to work daily 10 miles round trip.on a scooter it’s not about the destination it’s about the ride and with gas prices where their at now it was a wise choice for me

@yamaharider8014 - 08.09.2022 15:13

Ruckus owner= Rucker?🤔 Cool little bikes that anyone can ride without the endorsement...👍😺

@karvast5726 - 26.09.2022 18:09

Basicaly a bare bone scooter.absolutely nothing but the utilitarian stuff and somehow it looks awesome

@dougwood2190 - 29.10.2022 02:47

How many times does he say Ruckus? Nice vid. Ruckus.

@phoenixarizona8441 - 10.02.2023 05:25

Awesome video I picked a scooter over a grom as well I have a gl1100 Cafe Racer a gs750 a Yamaha Raptor 660r Yamaha 600 twin snowmobile a Polaris Trail boss 325 Polaris 570 twin snowmobile engine a honda 300ex my son's 50cc atv and my scooter

@Winterstick549 - 12.02.2023 19:56

I highly recommend using ethanol free gas as these are carbureted.
These are also great and fun for food delivery

@joeriv1568 - 01.03.2023 18:18

Thanks for reviewing this bike. I’m 31 and never driven bikes before. As for now I had to sell my car and and need something to go to the gym. A bicycle would make more sense but it’s a total of 10mi round trip and honestly after my workout in too tired. This is going to solve the problem.

@mikehoward8201 - 25.03.2023 17:59

I bought a 2017 Ruckus that year, after riding a Goldwing 1800 for several years…crazy transition, huh? But my knees were the deciding factor. I love my Ruck, and more fun than a barrel of monkeys! Mine is still basic stock, but I added the larger rack, a fold down carton for carrying groceries, hard bags, headlight gravel guard, and a battery tender. Also brought over my seat pad from the Goldwing! Ha ha. I ride it in my metro areas as the traffic averages less than 40 mph anyway. I have had more than 8 bikes ranging in size from a 110 Honda Trail, a Yammie twin 100, a Honda 750 ACE, and the Goldwing, and now that I have lived for 73 years, the Ruck suits my life. Too much fun! One of my fav local cafes, the waitresses know me as Scooter Boy” ! Ha ha.

@mikehoward8201 - 25.03.2023 18:03

Ruckers, man! Ha ha

@Poteluz - 08.05.2023 22:37

I thought 50cc could hit 50mph if not close to it.

@mbk337 - 27.07.2023 00:10

Man, that was a great tip about using bike mode on maps. Great video overall

@lensperspective9753 - 10.08.2023 08:36

Ruckus RIders are Ruck Riders. RUCKKKK RIDEERRRSSS! Mount up!

@josephgeorgeejr7039 - 03.09.2023 09:15

Ruckus riders call themselves..

@leospeeds500 - 23.11.2023 15:05

I get when there’s multiple Ruckus you can call the them Rackets 😊. If they’re out there like it’s MLK Day then you call them a Riots.

@greghaff229 - 27.11.2023 14:18

I like the Honda Ruckus, but I don't like the $1000 - $1500. mark-up. I took a look at a Yamaha Zuma, but my local dealers will not give me a quote. I'm just supposed to sign the contract without knowing the out the door price.

@jaxen12910 - 04.02.2024 10:47

is this stock?, PLEASE ANSWER

@elikelly4948 - 16.03.2024 23:23

I just bought a 2023 Ruckus yesterday (I've been sharing a car with my mom for about a year), and I'm so excited to have a little bike to ride around town on! It's super easy to ride and its QUIET and I'm just loving it so far <3

@mkshffr4936 - 02.04.2024 23:19

Reliable and economical transportation which in my state does not even require a motorcycle endorsement... Why not?

@1manshtshowandautobodystuf891 - 25.04.2024 18:30

Every single ruckus video. "Let's cry about its speed" it's a great Enduro style scoot. Bare bones. Easily modified. And just fun.

@neftalilomeli847 - 07.05.2024 07:26

I just got one and happy about it

@calonstanni - 20.07.2024 09:05

7 years after this video...I just bought me one. I'm 62.

@Frog_Mob_Boss - 31.12.2024 06:55

Love the Ruckus. The customs make it look like shit though. Stretched and dropped ruin its style. Especially when they get rid if the headlights.
