A gathering storm in South Asia today: Farahnaz Ispahani on the politics of hate in South Asia

A gathering storm in South Asia today: Farahnaz Ispahani on the politics of hate in South Asia


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@IndiaTides - 21.02.2023 15:38

We need to fight this non secular religious majoritarianism. Communalism leads to hatred. Hatred leads to disunity. Disunity fails nation. Nation must represent diversity and harmony.

@beluga9596 - 21.02.2023 15:57

Just one thing , her entire work is completely based on English language citations
Most Pakistanis ، Indian and Bangladeshi news are in vernacular which aren't quoted and will not eb quoted especially in the case of India ۔
A book based on sampling bias ، plain and simple

@kausikgupta6846 - 21.02.2023 15:57

madam do this types conversations in Pakistan/ Saudi Instead of India/US. Let's see can you alive after that?
Quran in one hand & 💣 in another hand

@gaunikarora5157 - 21.02.2023 16:03

Well how seriously can you take a historian who still believes that a minority cannot oppress and rule over the majority.. ( India a prime example where first Mughals and then Britishers colonized )

@anishabraham736 - 21.02.2023 16:08

Thank God somebody is working on these serious and deep issues of our society.

@homayuns2165 - 21.02.2023 16:54

In America Donald Trumps best speech lines are attacking minorities. His base is less educated and less informed Americans.

@keerthi321 - 21.02.2023 17:34

CAA is not anti Muslim.. Why are these intellectuals so dumb.

@sohambanerjee99 - 21.02.2023 18:07

A Great Discussion! Well said by Ms. Farahnaz! A Must Read for Modern Times! A pluralistic region pre-partition it is becoming similar to the hate-filled Europe of the early 20th century!

@biswajitbordoloi8092 - 21.02.2023 18:38

Religion is the opium of the masses. The
Common thing that common masses lack is common sense .

@sarooptube - 21.02.2023 19:08

This is pretty useless discussion. Say something we don't know already.

@youthink5552 - 21.02.2023 19:17

The stark difference in attitude of Vandana when she was interviewing Shukla from
American Hindu foundation to now interviewing farhanaz is repulsive

@antijihadi4139 - 21.02.2023 19:23

Muslim author talking abt this is oxymoron

@antijihadi4139 - 21.02.2023 19:24

Which media? NDTV Hindu newslaundry wire quint caravan?

@abagwe9887 - 21.02.2023 19:34


@abagwe9887 - 21.02.2023 19:37

Don't promote such people....

@bsp3615 - 21.02.2023 19:56

Why this one is selective?
Print, is she extrapolating the worst situation in her country Pakistan??

In fact Pakistan itself is created by whipping up religious fervour...!!!!

Or coming from the place where she witnessed what all she is telling and concluding other countries also as of that country of hers..

@RS-mn6vc - 21.02.2023 20:00

Muh khol ke itni tatti kar di isne ....

@mailtorajrao - 21.02.2023 22:47

You can always tell when the reviewer subscribes to propositions of the author/s and asks too many leading questions - the objective review element goes missing a bit ... difficult then to make a decision whether to invest time reading the book. .... Anyways, will buy it for the counterpoint since the topic is interesting and so does the author.

@sujaygupta6139 - 22.02.2023 06:01

The lady is a coward
She doesn't have the courage to tell simply that Islam & Christianity are the root cause of all the problems

@phoebusapollo4677 - 22.02.2023 07:07

Drink some Tim Horton’s coffee. Allah ho akbar — kaboom 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

@crimsonalchemist_5056 - 22.02.2023 17:17

If muslims can be a minority despite being privileged during the mughal rule due to them being lesser in numbers,then I guess white people of South Africa are a minority too. They are lesser in numbers compared to the blacks their despite the colonial rule.

@mg.f.9023 - 22.02.2023 21:56

Beautiful Brave Souls still exist!

@mg.f.9023 - 22.02.2023 22:05

The hate comments here are proof how these haters are spread out in social media to bring down humanitarianism.

@jayrajlala1916 - 23.02.2023 04:09

Hate politics is evident even in a mature democracy like the US. Only few minorities out of numerous in India are experiencing so-called "hate" just shows how tolerant the majority is 😁 This lady should first find out what Muslims around the world do in the name of God... but out of all middle eastern countries she had to pick on Israel.

@rishiraaj.580 - 23.02.2023 19:02

India is secular only Bcoz Of Hindu Majority Otherwise U Can Think..... 😐

@rishiraaj.580 - 23.02.2023 19:04

Call Ashwini Upadhayay - Supreme Court Advocate - PIL Man On Your Channel And Discuss This Topic. Who Is In Danger Majority Or Minority? 👍

@ShivankDwivedi. - 23.02.2023 20:05

Hindu minority vanished from Pakistan whereas muslims still alive and dares Hindus.
