what if we provide discrepancies to court. or found discrepancies..
ОтветитьMy ex is withholding My Son from me on my weekends of court ordered visitation (I have every-other weekend). She has enrolled him into boy scouts, refuses to tell Me his troop. Refuses to give me schedule for events. Tells me that sense it's his Scout weekend, he can't come. I live in New York and have filed a Violation of Visitation. It has been a month and I've Been patient. I work third shift and she even refuses to give me a time frame I can call to talk with him.
ОтветитьNo worries I got feds involved and it won't go to local judges and have all evidence and who did what
ОтветитьAnd never was in a relationship with Jim Jennings they stole money and Nancy Hughes was never my mother and never even considered it
ОтветитьDoes it apply to adoptive parents
Ответить3 reasons
1. A corrupt broken rigged "Family" court system
2. Out of touch judges
3. Greedy lawyers.
☝This lady in the video is part of the problem.
ОтветитьReason number one, they face narcissistic txrds that set them up for execution.
Those narcs will team up with an equally disgusting narcissistic lawyer (my guess is 50 percent of the profession is).
The judge is usually a blind fool that cannot see thru lies and manipulation, and the narc duo wins ❤
Easy !
Your funny too, execuse me what custody she has no kids never married an your kind needs to kick rocks with these lies you been spreading you look like a mf clown clown!! Nexts never wanted nor has!!! Nexts
ОтветитьIt's very easy to listen to somebody who is this gorgeous 🐩
Ответитьcause lawyers don't reason well & easy soborbinated for the money instead of a wining hand ..
ОтветитьYou encouraged a parent to lie to win. Unethical as you know.
ОтветитьThis was very informative. Thank you so much. I would love to see a video regarding what the parent without money for a lawyer should do when a parent with money for a lawyer challenges them for full custody. Money isn't everything a child needs, but lack of money can't just be ignored, either. However, there are times when the parent with money can behave in an aggressive manner and try to scare the one without money into believing their case is doomed from the get-go. How should the parent that can't afford representation proceed?
ОтветитьIt is not always the Dad is the bad guy. My son has 2 kids both mothers smoke dope dont work, and have had a vpo filed against the dad just so he cannot see his kids. One of them simply gave my grandson to her mom. So now even though I live a state away I have not been able to see my grandson now for 11 years. Now another heftier is pulling the exact same thing with my 1 year old grand daughter. These women are using the kids to hurt the dad. POS WOMEN
Ответить1) Having a penis
2) See #1
3) See #2
all lawyers(liars) are complicit.
ОтветитьErm.... she just admitted this is Maricopa County: We KNOW how corrupt the system is there.
ОтветитьHere are the real reasons: #1. You are a man. #2 You are a man. #3 You are a man. Disagree? Re-watch the video and notice that this woman's own examples were always "the dad this" and "the dad that". "The dad smokes pot" "The dad stays out late and brings home lots of girlfriends." There is an undeniable bias towards fathers baked into the system. And you can say "Not always", granted, but go look at the statistics. In every state, coast to coast, mother's almost always get custody, even when they are unfit. It's anywhere from 65% to 95% of custody cases in some states, referred to as "Mother states". You can have a decent job, vehicle, home, no criminal record, and the courts will STILL give the child to the mother, even if she's jobless, has no vehicle, poor living conditions, an addict and has a rap sheet as long as your arm. Started back in the 70's when the government subsidized single motherhood.
ОтветитьY’all are disgusting for making a game of this.
ОтветитьQuick ladies lie lie lie to get what you want
Ответить1. Legalized misandry in "family" court.
2. Corrupt judges enriching the state off of Title-IV D
3. Silver Bullet Divorces.
Campaign to reform family court by allowing criminal prosecution of judges for their decisions that contribute to suicide, homicide or adverse and extreme health conditions of the mothers and children in their system. Time to hold judges accountable for domestic violence.
Ответитьmy wife ask for divorce and she has a violation against the kids, she is fighting with them, never care about their needs or food and she did not spend money on them, she always ask me to pay her for their needs and she lied about buying food or stuff that they needs, and she is getting really mad and hitting my kids whenever I do ask to get approval that she ordered something with the money that I sent. She also travel outside the home for several days for unknown place or another state and she may have another man. She threatened our ourlives several times and I called the police department to know what to do but they never advice me well.
Ответитьthere are very few courts who take into account the best interest of the child.. They would rather put your child with a drug addict and endanger your child to make a buck for child support, you have to prove without a shadow of a doubt the other parent is unfit and you have to govern yourself accordingly.. My son is my only child and the mother has walked out on 4 of her previous ones to chase her addiction.. My son is best in my care and the courts even know it, however they are all about getting that money, My ex is a severe alcoholic and is very violent when she runs out of alcohol, she could die from it and by doing so neglect him and put his life in danger, she has to sober up in and emergency room and what then leave my child alone or with one of her addict or drunk friends? I love my son more than anything, to her He is just a means to stay at home and get drunk or do drugs..
The way the courts think is to re unify the family, however they do not take into account the dangers involved in allowing the other parent in your home. The minute she comes back my son will be in danger of losing both parents all due to a lie his mother will make up..
The only chance I have to prove her unfit is to allow her to have the full custody and allow her to show the courts who she truly is, even then they turn a blind eye because she is a woman. if the shoe is on the other foot they would not hesitate to lock me up and throw away the key, never allowing me to be with my son.
I do not drink or do drugs and have everything set up to raise my son, home, car, damn good job, and all the right tools to raise my son well. all it takes is for mother to lie in court and that will be it, all gone.
They’re like a game of chess, but when the mother is an attorney and friends with a senior judge in the family court, it’s a big issue and a big problem. The mother also needs a psychiatric assessment. She’s withholding the children. She doesn’t let them speak to the father she won’t even let them have a children’s lawyer. She’s venomously against it because she knows the children will speak the truth about what goes on with her. I’ve never seen anything like this and I’m divorced and I’ve gone through family court. This is unacceptable most specifically in Los Angeles.
ОтветитьThey’re like a game of chess, but when the mother is an attorney and friends with a senior judge in the family court, it’s a big issue and a big problem. The mother also needs a psychiatric assessment. She’s withholding the children. She doesn’t let them speak to the father she won’t even let them have a children’s lawyer. She’s 100.% against it why?because she knows the children will speak the truth about what goes on with her. I’ve never seen anything like this and I’m divorced and I’ve gone through family court. This is unacceptable most specifically in Los Angeles.
ОтветитьI really need help with my case my rights have been violated
Lots of corruption
Ur strategy is and should always be a good parent and focus in what matters (the kids) and them alone honestly it's not hard to be a normal human being and a loving parent
Ответить1. Attorneys who are negligent (this is being nice). 2. CPS and pediatricians who make defamatory statements 3. judges who don't engage with evidence or refuse to hear evidence. Blaming the people, when it's the system itself that is corrupt, is terrible. Not to mention police who refuse to investigate crimes, corrupt GALs, custody evaluators who are horrible. The system is full of people who are unaccountable. Then there are the power tripping visitation supervisors, who are some of the most miserable and power-hungry people I've ever met. Ask yourself, how do any of these people actually get fired? They can't! Everyone is obligated to use their services. Family law attorneys can totally botch your case, and what is your option? Get a new attorney (who will botch your case), or sue them. And good luck finding an attorney willing to sue another attorney.
ОтветитьThis is why I will never have children.
ОтветитьThey don’t care if you’re the good parent.
ОтветитьThe judge handed my daughter over to her abusive father, after my poor daughter was unwittingly suffering the effects of parental alienation, something she admitted to me she could not help or control, while she was with me in my care opposing me rejecting me not going to school for me,.. and father used our daughter’s behavior against me and against her..
Behavior he induced and behavior he was responsible for, but that my daughter demonstrated with me in my care …
A determined alienator , will sacrifice the child’s safety and psyche. It doesn’t matter and they will use the child to try to make the healthy parent look bad… however the child is complicit in his care because she’s scared of him.. this looks like a situation that should be encouraged because the child is complicit and going to school. However, this is a very dangerous situation for this child..
And the father has made it impossible for us to evident to any health professional because he is threatening the child not to tell what she is experiencing the very behaviors that are responsible for how she presents an act with her mother
As a business owner I have first hand experience with the legal system. Going to court does not mean you will get justice.
The whole thing is rigged and there are no winners. They will play on your emotions to make it as messy as possible so courts, lawyers and the police all have their cake. Why do you think large corporations settle even when they didnt do anything wrong?
Even if you have all the evidence the judge on purpose will rule something not in both parties favor forcing both to appeal and sucking both in further.. If you don't appeal you lose and the lawyer will just blame an incompetent judge and take more fees to continue the case. Ask a lawyer if the case is a guranteed win and they will not answer.
The best way is to mutually work it out and use a lawyer just to close the deal contractually after you are settled.
Judges & lawyers pick Pockets citizens by consente of one party , is criminal activity & a commerce clause violation, stealing property children & elders Inheritance ⌛️handled accordingly worldwide 🌐
ОтветитьPlease HELP Pass MassSenate bill S.1131 CROOKED LAWYERS FOOL CROOKED JUDGES TO PICK POCKET AMERICAN CITIZENS THEIR PROPERTY, CHILDREN and Elders Inheritance ☎️ call Mr Musto Boston Massachusetts give testimony
ОтветитьThanks for being honest it’s a game.
ОтветитьCan she look at my case in Texas? its total corruption....
ОтветитьIn texas, I disagree. A person, a parent, should NEVER lose custody just because they "dont know what to do" . its disgusting. The court is not supposed to overreach. A judge should ALWAYS put kids first, not "procedure"
ОтветитьYou can lose custody of your child, a FUNDAMENTAL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT for the following three reasons
1. You do not know what to do.
2. Being prideful.
3. You are incapable of doing what the court ask you to do.
What about having been convicted of a CRIME?
Two sets of rules for married vs couples involved in litigation.... Got it... Men in this country... This crap will go on for as long as we let it...
ОтветитьIf you research the entire system is rooted deep in Dixie Democrat policy. Originally used to target the black community and rolled into people of low income. The goal is to separate the father from the family and make the mother dependent on the state. Absolutely despicable that Americans are tolerating their children being used as weapons of the state.
ОтветитьWhen the court has had insurmountable evidence against the dad for being abusive, when the judge put out a child protection order against the dad for physical, psychological and emotional abuse but turns around and puts the mother who was the primary caregiver under duress to give the child to the abusive dad that they also suspected of sexually abusing the child but because of judges accepting bribes from the dad and being bias, as the family court that hears the case is a part of constitutional corruption and unethical practices, then there's nothing fair about any so called hearings that follow. The the child concerned should rightfully by law be with the mother!
ОтветитьYou can say that it creates a bad environment for the child or negative influences.
ОтветитьIn court one can not get upset and frustrated when a child is taking away to be handled over to a total parents that never tried to be in a child life but as soon as get serve with child support paper then they want to force other parents for visitation rights to traumatizes a child that never met the others is not right. Maybe is better for the child life time vy time to built trusted to be allowed into the kids life. Not make them feel that they been abandoned by the people who been in their live . Courts could care less the damage they are causing the child. Great job for our court system
ОтветитьThis is wild…. My girlfriends daughter has been acting out like crazy (she’s 7) her mother and I just started seeing each other, out of knowhere she tells her grandmother I tried to snap her neck….. THEN SHE TELLS HER SHE LIED…. Guess what…now her dad has the kids.
ОтветитьI dont subscribe to jack squat. But this was so good I hit that sucker. Good Job maam. Well done.