I’ve heard some men say they like some amount of drama or problems otherwise if you’re both goody goody all the time it gets boring to them or something
ОтветитьI wish i discover this channel before but i may not have been ready for it. Game on 😊
ОтветитьWhat if something happened health wise that ruined your teeth and you can’t afford to fix them because you’ve wasted all your time doing 50/50 just to survive and be miserable with dusties?
Genuine question lol trying to make that leap.
For a relationship to really work, both parties should chose EACH OTHER at all times. That is what I read and I 1000% agree.
ОтветитьPhotography is my hobby and editing photos. Its a creative hobby, maybe it can be an inspiration for those who are trying new hobbies 😊 I would definitely try to get a better camera and lenses if i have a sugardaddy
Ответить“How many animals print are you wearing at the same time” that annoys my eyes 😂
ОтветитьK&W 😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьShera!!! I just recently found you you're often referenced in other women's videos and they make compilations of you making your points and your SO on point and sharp and FUNNY!!! You're a beautiful woman also but so much more you're so intelligent and well spoken, I had to share your video with my younger niece I have so many nieces and 5 sisters we came from an insane family so the girls were told we had no worth growing up and abused. I've since simply ceased on the dating I've just been too traumatized it would take such a gentleman to ever consider but you lovely you know what it's about I wish I'd known you so long ago I wish I'd had a woman like you but now I do I'm 40 years old and now just kind of an observer and lover of nature I go to the woods to get away from people yes I do indeed I'm returning to my feral roots and I'm alright. But thank you so much Shera you're wonderful and advice is priceless 🙏
ОтветитьI dated a couple guys and they thought i was too skinny. They kept telling me but i didn't listen. Now i gained about 14 lbs and lol they were right i look bette rwith meat on my bones. Got some thighs and butt on me.
ОтветитьThis is so funny. Order from the side menu and water to get his ass back on track 🤣🤣🤣
ОтветитьYou get treated like a man when you don't dress like a girly girl, these bright colours colourful womanly clothing is a reminder to men that you are a WOMAN!
ОтветитьMy older man loves my medium nails for back scratches
ОтветитьGod's blessings and healing to all Amen 🍀🙏😇😇🙏😇🙏
ОтветитьSuch a hard pill to swallow
ОтветитьTreat yourself as a garage for expensive cars, just for Ferrari or Bentley etc,. When dusties about to park, he will see those flashy cars and will find a way out himself. 😂😂😂
ОтветитьYou're a writer🤲🏾😊
ОтветитьIf you do all of these things and still can't find a man, be grateful that at least you are able to repel the dusties. (To get a provider man you just need to go to a wealthier part of town.)
ОтветитьEverything you speak about actually works! Sprinkle sprinkle!
Ответить"how many animal prints are you wearing at the same time?" - Shera
Let’s be clear if you’re a woman who is obese and out of shape, it’s less desirable and you will lower your chances of attracting men with money. Think about it, why would they have to settle for a woman who js out of shape, if they know they can attract a woman who is more physically fit and attractive. 🤔
ОтветитьThank you 333k ❤
ОтветитьFirst impressions wigs weaves lace fronts extensions etc to hide the brillo pad afro head 🤮
ОтветитьI'm 26 and I'm definitely done with dusties!
ОтветитьWhere do you get your lipstick
ОтветитьR yall trying to live like soap opera characters or movie stars.
ОтветитьU look dated shera. Like a 1950s housewife.
ОтветитьIf u didn't find out beforehand if he couldnt pay for lunch or dinner that's u being embarrassed.
ОтветитьListening to Shera is like a free therapy to me. Growing up being a people pleaser and a pick me without knowing, It heals me listening to you my dear. I am getting happier and feeling really validated. Sprinkle sprinkle.
ОтветитьDating old farts is not the way lol…most successful men are provider level by 33 to 35.
ОтветитьShit as a single 32 year old father that works 3 jobs I’m happy shera giving the game up dating now is different from 10 years (married wife past of cancer) cause I met this 21 year old who tries this I be thinking in my head I already know exactly what you about to do or say and game plan around it
ОтветитьI’m in ✅✅✅
ОтветитьTrue its a set up a narcist done this to me i was naiv 8 years i wasted on him
ОтветитьWhat to do when you have a friend who always trying to push men away everytime they approaches you?
ОтветитьIf a man tells me he doesn’t trust women because of what happened in the past, I would tell him he should date men.
ОтветитьI’ve never been on a date with a man who says he couldn’t pay. Even in my early 20s that never happened to me. I’ve always had more self-respect to know better than someone like that
ОтветитьYou should read the question to is before you answer. The answer is irrelevant if we dont know the question. Just a suggestion.
ОтветитьLooks like a psychopath
Ответитьany of yall ever get results based on this? im curious
ОтветитьAs a lady who hates having long nails , and at times doesn't like the press and goes I have found nail rings are a great lifesaver and the nice thing is you can take them off whenever you want without having to soak them
ОтветитьLooks is what matters first to a man of means, but unfortunately, common sense isn't all that common, and it should be