The BEST pre built FPV drones.

The BEST pre built FPV drones.

Benn TK

3 года назад

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@xxlegend45xx72 - 16.04.2022 04:36

Had to do a crazy amount of research and still not done. I’m looking for a receiver,transmitter, and goggles that go with this drone. Will continue to do some research to confirm they are all compatible and don’t need to mess with solder.

@devilonspeed - 19.04.2022 19:37

You say you got vaxxed... so you won't need your drones soon anymore... I can buy them cheap from you...

@istiak4841 - 26.04.2022 08:52

why I loved this video so much??? can you please tell ??!?♥️♥️♥️♥️

@SelfRelianceMI - 27.04.2022 17:19

it takes like an hour being extremely meticulous building one using decent off the shelf parts

@TravelRange - 30.04.2022 17:24

Oh man, How unlucky i was, i never saw your channel before. i was looking for some fpv reviews to buy one. and here i am at your channel. Whata treat to watch your video, what an amazing music, energy, that pulls me all into video. Just one question, as im confuse, should i buy dji fpv or iflight . keeping in mind i never fly fpv but i have quite good experience with dji mavic air2s.

@matwest711 - 02.05.2022 08:18

Travel radius 😂 Australia is so wack

@LuxeImageCompany - 04.05.2022 23:28

gave this a like from only seeing the Intro !! Well done

@discgolfprofessor7074 - 05.05.2022 15:46

Awesome intro

@ItsTheMastering - 06.05.2022 19:20

DGI is currently selling the FPV system for $999

@afanasieguler7833 - 09.05.2022 14:34

Dji just slashed the price to 1000$, for fpv, I believe it kind of makes sense to buy it for 400$ as you can reuse the goggles, if they made the controller reusable it would've been a strong buy,

@verona1pirate - 20.05.2022 08:59

10 bit color camera session

@Insanity_Wolf - 23.05.2022 00:19

You can get the nazgul with other brand controllers and transmitters for half that price. I guess when you're a die hard fan of Dji and GoPro maybe getting things from another brand is a no go for you? But to people that have an interest in the nazgul (which is a far better choice imo) you can get a great setup with the nazgul for under 600$.

@larsguntermann4181 - 28.05.2022 16:42

I love how honest your are mate!!! Thanks for that, and greetings from Germany :D

@DrinkMilk2427 - 01.06.2022 01:15

Is there a way anyone can get me the links to what he. Got in the video. On Amazon

@ZSchink - 10.06.2022 00:16

Whats a cheaper and slow starter FPV Drone that you might recommend? In the future i would love to start doing this.

@brandonsilva238 - 15.06.2022 13:09


@mitchkara2510 - 23.06.2022 08:36


@Just3adventures - 26.06.2022 19:03

wow!!! thats awesome! what do you think we should get for our channel for a different perspective? something like this or a dji fpv ?

@davidbraswell1481 - 09.07.2022 07:17

I absolutely love the dji now its not a true fpv but how would I know.....its awesome for starters like me who have never flown a drone ever.I am flying in normal mode learning everything and if something is close it auto slows the drone and for noobs like me it perfect to learn with !!

@charlessmith281 - 18.07.2022 22:19

you had to change it to TAER1234? mine wouldn't arm when i did that but when i changed to AETR1234 worked like a beaut

@RICO-BugkillerFPV - 23.07.2022 21:43

🤡 reviewing DJI FPV without ever flying a DJI FPV. 🤡DJI doesn't need to send you 💩. LAME

@Kayodoms - 31.07.2022 21:42

Can you attach a hero10 to it?

@fraughton09 - 13.08.2022 01:54

Can you use any controller and any goggles or does it have to be a certain brand

@munthay - 13.08.2022 16:32

sure i will be zero to hero

@joyaltalk4936 - 19.08.2022 11:39

Can u get me one please

@rewindd - 30.08.2022 18:18

id love to start fpv but to get a good drone with good googles and a controller, it adds up to like 700 dollars for the cheapest drone on the website.

@trollord2775 - 14.09.2022 19:49

Does the Nazgul have Geofencing as well? Or no

@IsaiahJames. - 16.09.2022 01:16

Was confused in the starting scene if this was a Sam molder video😂

@cadenglick7783 - 20.09.2022 05:02

What remote is that!?

@Cinoo90 - 06.10.2022 01:50

Get your 10th booster? 🤣

@nicholaswoolsey461 - 10.10.2022 23:18

Love the video man! I’m trying to decide between the DC and x frame on the nazgul. Do you think it would be chill videoing on the xframe? Or would you sacrifice a little bit of performance for the lower videoing angles on the deadcat version?

@rodrigolizarraga9324 - 12.10.2022 08:33

I want to start to fly FPV, I have no experience at all with FPV, which FPC should I buy, and all the equipment I Need (I know I need a GOPRO)

@DarrenAllatt - 27.10.2022 15:57

I disagree on the “pro” that you have DJI refresh.. when you can get spare parts for the Nazgûl to repair it. Sure you have to do it yourself but you can find a local store who would do it for you.

Overall, if you want to actually FLY then something like the Nazgûl is better than DJI; but, if you need a to get FPV shots then the DJI Avata is a great addition to any camera bay

@Brzzb - 29.11.2022 08:13

Any recommendations for fpv drones for beginners? looking for not too expensive, good fly time, and a fun drone to start off with :D

@Justinl12086 - 01.12.2022 07:11

How much is the tax on a Nazgul to the USA? I can't find the info anywhere on the web.

@skiroxd - 13.01.2023 02:23

What goggles and controller would you reccomend for the iflight? I would like to stay a little bit under 200€

@tekpiksapasifika3494 - 26.01.2023 08:46

For the Band option at the iflight Band Option part on their website how do you chose which one and what do they mean "ELRS 2.4G RF 500mW" versus "ELRS 868/915MHz RF 1000mW"...which one is preferable?

@CondensedBeef - 06.02.2023 00:15

Can you take photos with these drones or is it solely for video?

@oneman3236 - 20.02.2023 21:47

one question please, im new to this, do you buy the googles separate and the controllers or what please help!

@Mohammed-lw7bm - 07.03.2023 06:33

Do I need to get dji googles and controller for it to work?

@YouTubeDomGG - 23.03.2023 20:04

which frame geometry would you recomend most?

@pondrickbyzle9445 - 26.03.2023 04:19

I was the 9000th like WOOOOOOO

@aylenstudios - 29.05.2023 04:00

How low can you tilt the gopro on the x frame before you see props in view?

@Camrographer - 16.07.2023 11:29

I hope DJI will eventually make more robust frames or maybe third party manufacturers could provide them. I had one crash with my Mavic 3 pro and it was damaged enough where it was considered scrapped.

@SebaGT - 08.09.2023 01:25

you're vaccinated....compliments.....

@EinStein2431 - 11.06.2024 21:04

Intro is 🔥

@colbcolb_alien - 26.07.2024 16:08

What about ones you don’t have to attach a GoPro to?

@papijmrdrone3165 - 10.10.2024 10:06

Please for one Nazgul❤😂

@Benn_TK - 10.09.2021 06:36

Hope you enjoyed getting some insight into the world of FPV! Would just like to point out you can get much cheaper versions of the Nazgul and parts when using an analog set up. Bigger adventure videos coming soon! (: can't wait to show you all
