Geronimo wasn’t a Native American he was an Indian
ОтветитьOne of my indigenous great great grandmothers was captured from her tribe in Chihuahua by a river by Mexicans around 11-12 years old. She was later sold to a Mexican man who’s actually Irish but then one of the first generations Mexicano, she was his slave and then adopted years later after slavery was completely abolished in both countries. This was the late 1800’s and as she was snuck across by her master, she hid and roamed the Black Range and lived in the Gila Cliff Dwellings a ruins by the Mogollon tribe in the mountains in New Mexico hiding from both U.S & Mexican military. She would have been killed on sight. She was a Chiricahua Apache and my grandma thinks her father was possibly Tarahumara. Which in those days, men joined their wife’s tribes in certain cases. She later spent the rest of her life raising horses on a ranch. Martina Morales was her Spanish slave name. But I call her Nonantzin..grandmother in Nahuatl 🌹
ОтветитьI like how they call the wars Conflicts, last time I checked they were called massacres. Stolen Land.
ОтветитьI met an elder who was telling me of the return of Apache Cherokee lands he touched my heart god bless you brothers 🙏
ОтветитьAlways a debate as to who was fiercer Comanche or Apache? I’ll say both and the Comanche only won and pushed them out of Texas because of shear numbers. I’ve read the Comanche at their zenith could count 4-5000 warriors while all the Apache bands together barely numbered 1000 warriors.
ОтветитьI spent two years outside on an old Apache trail. Unaware of the spiritual impact the Does and fawns I was seeing were about to have on my spirit. I now hear the fawns call out Mama. The same name my children call me. Not woman because I am not like the deer woman. I found myself out there and have been set free from the lies I once believed against self and my Mama and Dada. The animals know , they know
ОтветитьI'm still proud Apache woman and 3rd great grand daughter of Geronimo A'HO white Eagle 💯💯🦅🦅🦅🦅
Ответитьlost me at "jick ah rhill-ah" , its "hick-a-ree-ah" JICARILLA... SMH
ОтветитьMy father was 100 % Apache and lived in New Mexico 🇲🇽 and I was very proud of him I need to learn more about my father culture if anyone knows more about the Apache people please fill free to give me more information about them please thank y’all 😊
Ответитьthe apache are mexican
ОтветитьI’m Apache
ОтветитьPee pee
ОтветитьCochise, Geronimo, but what about Mangas Colorados? So light, one should read Dee Brown´s book and even stories of one Edgar Rice Burroughs (had served with and learned from veterans of the Apache wars) instead.
ОтветитьIts funny how white people like telling indigenous history!
ОтветитьYou should not call Geronimo a native American. He was an American, as simple as that, who fought for his people and his land. As a such he must be remembered and respected.
ОтветитьI am a United States Malya Malyau citizen and woman of freedom because a man that had a third grade education named Chester Wallace what's hired at the second seed in Ross County Ohio he very carefully read his hiring employment paperwork when he received his first paycheck he asked us to please follow directions to please stay in the house with the doors and windows locked please don't answer the door and please don't go outside all of the girls and women in the house follow the directions including myself Winchester Wallace return from the Big Bear Kroger at Chillicothe Ohio he returned with freedom pads paperwork stamps and envelopes for every girl and woman in the house I was a girl of freedom in 1984 and I am a woman of freedom in every woman and girl in the house received their freedom and so did Chester Wallace Chester Wallace was a man of freedom please follow directions
ОтветитьIf the commanche's chase the apache's out Texas how come there's still apache's in Texas & no commanche's, I know from history that the Spanish & the commanche's did sided together against the apache & chase them into mexico?
ОтветитьWhat and where did these fantasies come from Apache is not our real tribe name either just as the others common sense do they sound and spirit and energy and vibration do they sound native/indigenous NO OMG….of fictitious history where ?…..I think most people know by now and of common sense and real education history and balance and written by the winners/Victors…’s all white wash history then and now….the elite royal European(English/French/Spain/ards) the settlers of manifest destiny of genocide by the writers of our history……and now where trying to correct it and yes it’s a uphill battle but we will finally tell our real history and culture and spirit and creator above this world and universe and yes it’s who you call God same creator no different but only in white eyes as predicted but not surprised…….remember white history is totally different from native/indigenous tribes and black history they are not the same at all………….if they came to the real history table and not one of agreement yup not one….let’s make it easy and simple just look in the 17th century wall the historian writers…….”they are all elite white European educated writers period”…..not one native nor black…….all of them where elite white men……no natives and no blacks…..why because they have all the control and education and arms and lodges they changed our tribal names too why ok genus language issues and they could not pronounce……so they changed them to fit their likings historical fact research go into the rabbit hole if dare….historical fact and finally of common sense and compassion and reason of true history and spirit of heart and a conscience…..ooooooo theirs a lot more that will take months to correct it……the truth is stranger than friction and it’s obvious and just plain common sense and real street smart and true spirit with discernment
ОтветитьOn the photos not apachi But sioux and cheyennes
ОтветитьIndian didn't have the material to make guns if they did this will be their land not the white man
ОтветитьHaving married an Apache woman (her grandmother is half, truly) I would also like to add they are exceptionally beautiful!
ОтветитьThey say my great grandfather or my great great was full blooded apache. He was assimilated and married an irish woman. Im now mixed with 8 different things (Slovakian Irish Mexican Apache Spanish Italian Romanian Inuit) , Interesting lore that I feel so disconnected from all these timelines. However, I just moved to AZ I can feel the history here in my bones its wild.
ОтветитьIf society can continues to create crime and division... Their descendants will continue the war.
ОтветитьDon't relegate the history and culture of my people down to 12 minutes.
ОтветитьYa'et'eh im 1 💯% native american apache chiricahua male constantine joshua thunder of southern arizona we are alive still here first in arizona and southwest north america.
We are 1 race 144,000 strong 💯% native american apache men chiricahua of southern arizona is me Constantine joshua acevedo i have Q haplogroup and x haplogroup. Us chiricahua were always in the southwest arizona new mexico west texas mexico. We still from southwest not alaska. Even tho we were hunting there. You heard it
We still unconquered
We still 0% black african
We still 0% european
We stay fly! We will never give in nor surrender god is with us
I’m mostly European with a little bit of Apache mixed in. DNA test backs up the stories I heard of my Great Grandmother.
ОтветитьThe europian settlers and other immigrants made trouble every where, divided people living peacefully
ОтветитьSo called Black Peoples!
ОтветитьI have Chiricahua Apache ancestry. I love my ppl!
Ответить@CaptivatingHistory Apache and Navajo are cousins. In Apache we call ourselves Ndee', where the Navajo call themselves Dinay. Even though the languages are distinctive, there is enough similarity where a Navajo can understand some of what an Apache cousin says and vice-versa.
Ответить@CaptivatingHistory the anthropologist account from us being from the north is false, it is based on the fraudulent Berengia theory. Native folk never came from Asia, and the arrow of migration is in fact the other way. Native folk traveled by boat into the polynesians and the Asian mainland more than 30,000 years ago, because we were a sea-faring culture. This is discussed by some of the elders of our tribe. The original core of Apaches came from the Warm-Springs cave in New Mexico from before and after the flood event from younger-dryas. Even the hopi ndee' mention this. The reason for this faulty logic coming from the north is also because after younger-dryas, the area of the Apaches recieved migrants from both the North and the South. This happened more than 4000 years ago. This is what we say as Ndee' Hadaska.. meaning other people. The version of Athabaskin reflects this with both words from Northern and Southern such as the Anishinaabe, Aleutian, Nahuatl, and Mayan and even from contact later with the Aztecs(ie the Anasazi). The athabaskin language is one of the oldest languages of these lands going back more than 45,000 years. A good example of what I mean is the word Shash, which means bear. If you look at the Salish word Sasquatch which means hairy man... its possible the real interpretation is mean to say Bear-man. This is different than the word Itsa for eagle which is derived from a southern language possibly mayan where the original form is Tz'ikin. I do hope helps clarify certain things you discuss in your video.
ОтветитьThis guy gets it all wrong. The more common term of the temp housing wasn't a tipi, it was a wickiup or Nipee' which means mother's womb. Sigh... yet another epic fail.
ОтветитьSo yeah... this video is only cursory knoweldge of the Apache in order to peddle merchandise publication. The authenticity of the books is only derived from white authors who have no ties nor accredits to Native scholars. Its bs.
ОтветитьTHE APACHES ARE ORIGINALS OF MEXICO 🇲🇽 When we hear about the Apache natives, we tend to think of them as an indigenous people belonging to the United States. However, the Apaches brought together different ethnic groups that extended from northern Mexico to the south of the United States (Mexican territory annexed by the United States).
In reality, Chihuahua and Sonora are the cradle of the Apaches, in those states they are recognized as natives of those lands.
A recent study returns Mexicanness to the origins of the ethnic group, which was believed to be American, the cradle of this group is in the northern states of Mexico, according to the book by researcher Manuel Roj.
“Apaches:” Ghosts of the Sierra Madre.
They were owned by the Comanche...yet a fierce proud people...
ОтветитьYou dont know crap. Those apache were a whole different breed of people. Today olympic athletes wont compare to these Native americans could do back then
ОтветитьThe only Apaches that lived in Teepees where the JICARILLA & KIOWA. All others lived WIKIUPS.
ОтветитьIt reminds me of our history here in Ireland. At least you guys still speak your languages.
ОтветитьSo if they called Osama code name Geronimo so what do they call stupid idiot none thinking bigot white person Custer ???? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьNatives in General, not African, black, African American, brown or none of that. Natives in Tortoise Island now U S. Melanin Skin Tone People!!!!!!
ОтветитьKnow YAHWEH exists no beliefs.
ОтветитьI find it hilarious of all the negative comments against the beautiful Apache when all throughout History they are called the fiercest tribe of all including the Comanche of it were not for overwhelming number's and the gact that the Comanche became so skilled on the horse that theu teally didn't have to dismount to fight anymore. Moreover look how many forces it took combined to finally defeat my people's!! Knock it off!!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
ОтветитьThe last armed and mounted native in the United States was an Apache, his name was Geronimo. The last attack by Apaches was in 1936 on a village in the Sierra Madre !
ОтветитьNdee did not live in teepees...