Epic Drops VII: Shards of Truth

Epic Drops VII: Shards of Truth


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@jacquelineauld1036 - 13.11.2024 23:40

Jedi Jenius Jason the Truth Teller.
GOD Bless you 🙏
No we really know the Truth,
The Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth.
There is only ONE Truth.
One God 🎚️and an amazing Jason Jenius Jedi ✨who Rocks,
this world!

@victoriabenjamin6484 - 13.11.2024 23:47

Most of your screen shares are out of the picture....bummer!!

@sonyak9879 - 13.11.2024 23:48


@HopefulSadie - 14.11.2024 00:27

Awesome Jason! I read that your team ( Big John) put your videos in order they were released…. That’s amazing! Thank you so much. I am grateful.
Great info with no bs 💥. Thank you to you and tour family ❤

@Jano_André - 14.11.2024 00:28

Absolute Gold... Thank you Jason for your passion... bringing light...

@sarah369. - 14.11.2024 00:58


@johnmcgraw3568 - 14.11.2024 02:22

I wish Jason could have met Jordan Maxwell before he passed away. Jordan got so dang negative before his end. I think Jason would have been a good influence on him.

@jennysmith3874 - 14.11.2024 02:43

Thanks Jason.

@IAmWithinEverything - 14.11.2024 03:03

The pyramid and eye were cut off in your video

@Goran-w4l - 14.11.2024 03:39


@eugenegardner9319 - 14.11.2024 04:08

Sorry, but your video skills need a lot of improvement. I can only see a portion of your pictures, but you are prominontly displayed at left of center.

@junedowling9677 - 14.11.2024 04:17

I know in my heart that what your saying Is True

@Bridget7521 - 14.11.2024 04:21

Hello Archaix. I will admit that I have been struggling with the idea that this world is a prison. I have heard of your explanation that we are just passing through to learn and grow and move on to the next world. I desire to believe that but it is the dungeon programing of my religious upbringing and the conspiracies that I have gathered through the years that made this very challenging for me. 🤔

@steveallsop4966 - 14.11.2024 04:30

Hi Jason,,,first of all thank you for what you are sharing , I resonate with you .2016 was a interesting year , you were released and I and my group of lightworkers were shut down , and that started another round of trials for me. We new the calendar/time line was out , thanks for sorting that out , your numbers aline with mine...do you know anything about the "quickening"?, and the red or black mist known as legion?, it removes the iron from red blood , has been shown to me as a interdimensional air born parasite that has a hive mind , when you talk about the red sky etc I see this , have known about legion for 5 or so years , I am a seer , and have looked for missing children etc...0 has a value of all or nothing , and 1 is one what?...have a great day...101

@ahnahsophia7782 - 14.11.2024 04:32

Love your mind. Your passion. ❤❤❤

@JB111-b4d - 14.11.2024 07:31

Right on 👍

@projectone5113 - 14.11.2024 08:50

Thank you Jason 🙏

@MartinezBros805 - 14.11.2024 10:12


@Mycrib410 - 14.11.2024 13:00

The most intriguing thing to me is the things they find in coal mines imbedded like coins jewelry pictures and it takes millions of years for coal to form. So we're not the first they found buildings i mean i can keep going

@georgiusvasingtonium1943 - 14.11.2024 14:57

🔊🔊 Hi Jason, any chance of you correcting the terrible sound problems you have on your videos. I respect and love your work however, you are destroying your hard work by having such terrible sound on the videos. There is either ECHO*, *Muffled*, huge increase in decibels, or *Under Water sound all the time. Surely you can get someone who understands how to get better microphones and or sound. I am not being nasty, just advising that your voice sound is not clear and causes much distress for listeners. Please take this as goodwill and not being critical. 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@Joeandfran - 14.11.2024 15:52

Genius, memory assisting use of captioning! Thank you, Jason and Archaix team!

@pedrocastilhos2341 - 14.11.2024 16:52


@MyNico63 - 14.11.2024 17:51


@geraldakers5260 - 14.11.2024 18:26

I wish the pictures you are showing would show on my phone but I can't see them. But I still enjoy the information

@Hasasa27 - 14.11.2024 20:46


@terryeleeemail - 14.11.2024 21:35

Wow this is good stuff Jason, yes we are being manipulated by an outside force

@CGCAL - 15.11.2024 00:49

Never seems to disappoint me. “There could only be one JB”

@domjones9316 - 15.11.2024 03:50

Jason 901 AD cherokee in America reported the Maya leaving in what we would think as a Meteor Shower. The Maya are Pleaidians

@domjones9316 - 15.11.2024 03:51

The An Dagda in Celtic mythology
Tuatha De Danann

@user-Muggo72 - 15.11.2024 13:37

Hey Jas person maybe"?? its reversed to The Phoenix iis an Mega scale reincarn( re Instant reincarnation". plus the 144K stones are maybe inferring "A limiting limit too Get the New Robe and a New Name ie All was able to PASS if Markers were made ?'
AnOccult Police Force that protect the two oppistes ie poles. That something AIX that is digitally changes to ETHER Make up ie 2178 , Allilimia ??

@nickt2559 - 15.11.2024 16:10

Just came by to let you all know you support pedophiles supporting this guy 🤫

@rheahoover7004 - 16.11.2024 00:15

Arnt there tribes that are cannibals that paint themselves red. ? ❤ this info makes alot more sense than the meny theories that are out there.

@michellejacobs5072 - 16.11.2024 10:26

Like that you have merged various clips & the visual words! Awesome inputs as always, thx again for sharing your time line knowledge & experience. 👍👍🐝🎁

@SherryKay-g1c - 17.11.2024 18:03

Due to its high uranium content, you think the archaic water that once covered western NA, SA, etc. could have dissipated due to a huge nuclear fusion detonation by "Ninurta" using "the weapons of destruction", in a war of the Heavens, warring with "Marduc" for reasons never clarified, that left him trapped inside the depths of an Egyptian pyramid? Impressed with your research explaining and connecting dots. In Gratitude, Thanks! You are an Impressive Scholar! 🧑‍🎓

@lilmancole4230 - 18.11.2024 01:27

U probably won’t see this but I’m hoping u will, I agree that a loving God wouldn’t create a hell, but wat happens to people who are straight up evil??? Pedo’s, killers, torturers???

@john_Caji315_adams - 18.11.2024 17:28

Sup My Brother... Great Job as Always... Hope ALL is well with You & Yours....

@SalahTahar-k7o - 19.11.2024 03:48

I'm a moor Algerian north African almoravid murabit father to son. True descendant. But I have questions as why blacks claim to be moors! We the Moors ain't black. Can we discuss this fact?

@ralfschooneveld3186 - 20.11.2024 12:14

Thank you Jason

@Boypharoe - 22.11.2024 15:14

Jase how long roughly did it take Enki to dispense this new tech to the places he took it

@Vina_Ravyn - 04.12.2024 00:28

Speaking of made up history scholars like Russell Gmirkin and others make a great case that the old testament is all made up history from roughly the late 4th early 3rd century BC. Linguistically those books date themselves to the 4th 3rd century greek. Even if we accept that the old testament (as we know it) was originally in hebrew and not greek, there was no hebrew script at the time Moses supposedly existed. Just thought I'd toss that out there.

@margarettrowbridge6198 - 07.12.2024 02:53

What book did this come from written in 1919? "we were once alive but died where we came from." ? You started this around the 2min 55 sec mark in this video.
Thank you ❤

@jodo8741 - 07.01.2025 05:54

i started following you when you were on facebook with just a few hundred followers. Thanks for all your research.

@jimbojones1664 - 08.01.2025 07:51

I need a hit o these shards tday bro

@jameshadaway8621 - 19.02.2025 04:38

your clips make me laugh, because we have backwards thinking dealing with parables and chronoligical events. 😅

@Sovereign_Citizen_LEO - 09.03.2025 01:10

This is all meaningless nonsense. Our entire history including the Bible, Torah, Talmud, etc. etc. cannot be trusted. It's all an engineered false revisionist history.
