Please Don't Screw this up, Blizzard... (Player Housing in World of Warcraft)

Please Don't Screw this up, Blizzard... (Player Housing in World of Warcraft)


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@ashphoenix406 - 19.11.2024 01:17

I've played a couple games with player housing and one was Aion. In that game at 20 (I think) you got your own little apartment that you could decorate and Construction was a profession you could level that let you make furniture. The apartments were instanced so you could only visit apartments if you knew the name of the player who owned the apartment. There was also houses in a zone called Pernon (if I remember right) where you could walk up to houses in neighborhoods but you had to bid against other players for these houses and pay large rents to keep them. In another game called Eden Eternal, there was player housing that was instanced again but you could throw XP buff parties and if I remember right the decor would also give temporary buffs.

I think WoW could win with player housing if they made neighborhoods with housing (no rent or bidding required to own but fancier houses could require PVE unlocks that immerse you in the zone lore you're choosing to live in). I also want them to make at least the interiors fully customizable with items that give you some fun buffs like rep gains and xp boosts and even some debuffs for fun like booze giving you a hangover debuff if you click it. Lastly, I wish for plots that make professions more fun like a barn for animal husbandry (cooking, skinning, and tailoring mats), a farm, and something reasonable for renewable mining goodies that players can choose for their community and all reap the benefits of in accordance to contribution.

@Kagarin05 - 19.11.2024 01:40

Smoking a pipe dream if you think it'll be anything but an instance based system used to shoe horn more paid for cosmetics onto the store for the collection shills

@purgatoria7290 - 19.11.2024 02:31

I would love to see guild housing as well.

@apocalipsass.6589 - 19.11.2024 03:09

I think it would be cool if it was an option to be part of a neighborhood or not; like a guild neighborhood set up in a zone of the guild's choosing. But sometimes you want something in the game that's just for you; something that you can be proud of and maybe show off to a few of your close friends, but not have strangers come in and judge your sense of taste (or lack thereof). No doubt that housing items, if not houses themselves will be on the in game shop; but as long as it's minimal and non-intrusive, I wouldn't mind it all that much.

I think the thing that would kill it the most is if everything for your house had to be crafted; like GW2 did with Homesteads. Housing items should come from every source in the game that makes even a lick of sense! You want a pedestal for Frostmourne? Go kill Lich King 2,876 times. Want a statue of yourself in your underwear? Go do a meta achievement. It would give you something to work towards that isn't mindless node farming; but more exploration, involvement and mindless achievement grinding instead. :D
Also, putting the AH and a Bank in garrisons was a bad idea; none of that or crafting stations in housing, otherwise it might as well be a single player game with online co-op.

@nestlycrunch8797 - 19.11.2024 04:42

and like maybe make it semi crafting since we got it in the game like cut trees since they grow back and such, and eventually add animals etc later on so forth, oh also like ff 14 make us do raids for certain items for house wise and dungeons which gives gear and housing items

@LucasWolthuis-j1d - 19.11.2024 06:47

If they're gonna go the easiest possible route with this, make it like ffxiv housing and warband bound or something, even if it's not open world instanced. Ffxiv housing wards are such a solid way to do it, if they're gonna add instances instead of open world, at least let em be neighborhoods

@Shadowzzzz_1 - 19.11.2024 11:53

I think being able to build a house in any expansion would really put a use to old ones like wrath for example, all of those zones are always so empty, would be cool to see some life going around in old places again. I really hope blizzard doesnt fuck this up, it's such a cool idea by itself if they do it correctly.

@SteveH1MS3LF - 19.11.2024 13:38

"Please Don't Screw this up, Blizzard..."
They will...oh they will.

@Faint0903 - 19.11.2024 14:00

How could it be NOT instanced? Youre not gonna drop millions of houses in Azeroth all of the sudden.

@kovacsegon3593 - 19.11.2024 14:07

I just want to say that i compeltely agree with what you said in the video about how the playerhousing should look like. I have been on this topic for years, and how it should be implemented, and The only way to go down for blizzard is to make this project a prestige thing. I mean at one point we all have to realize the fact that one of the biggest reasons why anyone would play an mmo is to be able to flex on other people with their stuff. This aspect totally vanished from the game in past few years as gear is basically irrelevant because you will have to grind a new set of gear every season (fine), nowadays you cant even felx with your mounts. I have over 800 moutns and no one gives a shit about that. because even the reares mounts can be aquired by 3 different ways now. Another thing that is missing from wow for a long time is the comunity aspect. The older zones are dead, you dont see anyone, the lfg is a neccessity but you dont care about other players, the events are not community events, everythign you do in this game, you do alone. The best example of a palyer housing is Final fantasy 14's. They have parties in other peoples houses, and it is a huge endgama prestige an communtiy building thing. I absolutely dont think everyone should have a house in the game because then why would anyone go to another persons house. NOT EVERYONE SHOULD BE EQUAL IN MMOS!! The whole point of them is to be able to say that i am better, stronger, richer than another player. And when i am starting an mmo and see someone that is better, stronger, richer i wanna be that guy one day. I think this is Blizzards last chance to make wow a great mmo again, and to bring the true mmo feeling into their game again. Player numbers are down, no onw cares anyome. If they dont do it, someone else will.

@necrodiem15 - 19.11.2024 19:02

🤔 You should look at the DCUO system for housing. You buy a spot on the map, approach a building entrance, and over the door is a portal inside. You can purchase the various skins for the interior, and place objects nearly anywhere.🎉🎉

@player0851 - 19.11.2024 19:10

My time at Azeroth 😊

@valerianwinterdrake7187 - 19.11.2024 22:19


@DanaTheInsane - 20.11.2024 02:19

Garrisons were great while they lasted. I farmed so much gold I didn’t have to pay for Warcraft for over a year.

@DanaTheInsane - 20.11.2024 02:23

You could decide which race protected and guarded your Garrison’s that changed it a bit. My Garrison’s were always guarded by the forsaken

@GreenGoblin30 - 20.11.2024 02:49

Just remember... with warbands it is very unlikely that each character would have it's own housing. It is much more likely to be the next logical extension of the account-wide warband concept. I personally want it to be the next pillar of the collection systems (Mounts/Transmogs/Pets/Toys/Titles)... and have everything you "learn" be added to the housing collection. For example... I run around in a Blood elf zone... and go into a building. There should be a mechanism that would allow me to select items (chairs/Beds/painting) etc... and "add" them to my collection. There could be achievement, dungeon loot, raid loot and other rewards that can be collected. Items that can be created from professions.... and even (Hold your hat)... Archeology! Can't wait!!!

@Zenithx622 - 20.11.2024 04:53

Most likerly be like SWtor, instanced houseing, with wall hooks

@bigpoints101 - 21.11.2024 10:09

The housing zone will be instanced if not, all houses will be full instanced. Nothing will be out in the world. I like DAOC housing being a huge neighborhood zone of thousands of housing plots, the zone is separate from the main zone, but open to everyone including all decorations vendors, trophies, and decorations. DAOC did it nearly 20 years ago, maybe blizzard is capable of doing it now.

@Thvnder-Cvnt - 21.11.2024 22:27

I hope tinkers will be able to sell vacuum robots on the auction house

@Arathor82 - 22.11.2024 15:10

Who wants to bet they go the route of Fallout 76 ?

@brewerybrian - 22.11.2024 17:23

I don't think they'll allow people to just put their house anywhere they want, Clans will troll the hell out of major cities and the beautiful world we enjoy will just look like a cluttered mess. I do like the idea of instanced neighborhoods in every zone. And for decoration I think a visual achievement mixed with personal internal organization would be ok.

@Cod3_nam3 - 24.11.2024 15:48

My opinion it's a failure

@scottbyers9258 - 25.11.2024 15:56

Player housing is going to be the most disgustingly monetized feature ever added to the game. You thought $90 AH mounts were bad? Get ready guys.

@networknomad5600 - 26.11.2024 03:08

I've been waiting for housing for so long, but I genuinely don't care anymore if it's only going to be in Retail. Retail just doesn't feel like an MMO anymore, and the only state of the game that ever felt like progression mattered was in Classic.

@Takayama-sama - 26.11.2024 16:33

When I was a kid I used to pretend that my dwarf hunter lived in this house in Ironforge in the commons just outside military ward. It would be nice if I could actually own a house in Ironforge.

@SomsGames - 26.11.2024 18:19

Honestly the idea of racial specific homes doesn’t sit well with me. Just give multiple race THEMED homes and any race can choose any home, cause let’s face it a pandaren home in the barrens would look odd AF

@glr4764 - 27.11.2024 11:51

Best housing system that I ever saw by far was SWG. So many things about that game that were the best of any MMORPG, like crafting and entertainer professions as well.

@thatsrealneeto - 27.11.2024 14:59

Gonna have to take out a second mortgage to afford player housing

@oldundead - 02.12.2024 06:34


@Dragon72801 - 03.12.2024 22:21

They can do the homes like ESO did. They usually have a inn room you can get and two homes in each zone and the inn and the houses reflect the culture and race in the area it's in. It can be done.

@Dragon72801 - 03.12.2024 22:23

Players can not create HOA's.

@Dragon72801 - 03.12.2024 22:28

New World has a great house feature. Lotro housing is ok, but my fave housing feature is ESO and New World. I do like Guild Wars 2, but the house isn't in the world it is instance, but it is a large area.

@barrelracer318 - 04.12.2024 11:37

The whole plots thing will be a disaster. Do not put plots in zones! Players DONT need to see other players plots in the zones we quest through... Final Fantasy did plots on a special Island zone made specifically for player housing. I feel that Blizz will just have a portal that warps you to the housing space and that will be the extent of it. The game engine is struggling as it is, to introduce zoned plots would be a bigger strain on the already not so hot running servers. Maybe have it where you can place your plot in the your favorite zone, but it will be invisible to others, unless they are in your party, and vice-versa... You are asking alot from the devs tho. I feel the stuff will be simple cosmetics of achievements you completed. Battle trophies on yer past... And cash shop thingies. The biggest thing I want to see from housing is storage. Give us expandable storage. Then cosmetic stuffs. I think the tie the housing cosmetics to professions would be neat idea tho. Racial themes, yes! Would love to see that, even if its just more cosmetics. House advancement system... Im not sure, that is again, asking a lot. I could see a system that could work for players to craft items for housing... heck it could be tied into that useless craft orders system... maybe people will actually use it finally. Blizz really has not been one to do things any other way than their own. The original system was instanced housing zones... will probably be that way upon release. Im not looking unrealistically here. Im not expecting huge things. I am expecting simple things, a simple system that in time could be expanded. Realistically this is what should be expected, anything further would be a boon. Anything over-expected is just setting yourself up for major disappointment.

Lets face it, keyboard warriors get way to vocal without being realistic at times. We dont need to do or say more things to put down the hard work these devs do anymore than what they are already battered with. Yeah, the decisions made on the systems of the game arent the greatest. And I still think the pre TWW tank nerf dooked so hard. Would be nice if player feedback was taken into consideration much more than it is, but they have some vision on how to progress. Whether we like it or not, it will progress that way. Maybe with the a tiny option to change here an there. But Respectfully, players need to be realistic, expect the low end and be hopeful the bar is pushed further than that. We may get lucky either way and get some of these wanted features later on, maybe not. Just keep things grounded, discuss what we would like to see, but dont get all flibberty like Gibbets if the system isnt what we were hoping...

@Aatish2k8 - 04.12.2024 22:01

I think the way this would work best, is have a huge area ADDED into the MAIN cities of each race/faction. And there, you will have to buy a prebuilt house, but design it how you like. However, there will be phasing involved. You buy a house, it's only for YOUR eyes, UNTIL you party up, just like garrisons.

@eurosonly - 07.12.2024 16:07

I'd love an entire room for hunter pets. Like a menagerie in osrs.

@doomraven0 - 08.12.2024 18:33

Blizzard, just take Wildstar's housing system. Instant win.

@Nandorion112 - 10.12.2024 03:58

I want guild housing and not player housing, or at least both. The game lacks content for guilds and communities so much. Unlocking things for a guild hall would be an awesome feature.

@Grizem472 - 25.12.2024 15:02

Blizzard quality went out the window years ago, I’d expect nothing more than a door you click in a main city to teleport you to an instance of your front room. MAYBE you can bring party members in it…

@christistratton - 28.12.2024 22:27

I liked the housing very much in Elder Scrolls, so that is where I am coming from. I would like to, say , do a dungeon, and win the boss's chair or furnishings, perhaps loot it-- and maybe I got the chair but a tailor can make me a different upholstery to put on it, or sell that on the ah. What if you do dungeons in Ravendreth if you want a goth look to your domicile? that should be in there. I do not mind doing say a house that looks just like my blood elf, but how does that affect my other toons? do they have to get their own houses? And finally-- what I am most afraid of is my main, a dwarflock, her house is one of the row houses in Ironforge, it is instanced, and inside, it looks just the same. No updating at all. bleah.

@dragonriderabens9761 - 06.01.2025 06:18

As far as neighbors go, FFXIV has that too

Except you can build any style of home in any zone.
In LOTRO you buy a home in The Shire, you get a hobbit hole

In FFXIV, you can build a Gridanian hut in Ishguard

@martintotland341 - 07.01.2025 15:13

Guild neightbourhoods

@TheShankPimp - 08.01.2025 03:47

they should just copy the way LOTRO does player housing

@russ_t_blade - 09.01.2025 19:41

I just hope they don't go the FF14 route of having to camp spots or a lottery. SWTOR's housing system is perfect imo. Model it after that.

@altraxx9731 - 15.01.2025 03:21

Would be really cool if they made the player housing something that would really benefit professions. Logically, having your own private alchemy laboratory or your own personal forge at home would offer benefits that you wouldn’t get by just going to a random profession-station in one of the major cities.

@Aerophina - 19.01.2025 14:09

Do you think it'll hurt open world RP on roleplay servers? I'm on the fence. Most people already use proxy locations out in the world or in instances to act as their private player homes for RP.

@willajer - 20.01.2025 12:40

I agree with a lot of what you said. I want it to be similar to osrs, but as you said in the world itself

@akifaiman7388 - 02.02.2025 12:50

somebody will make a dungeon out of it

@spookyandtheviking - 02.02.2025 15:36

Love your content, Nixxiom. So cozy. Not shilling. Just good hope and love for WoW.
