How to Find the Best Stocks to Day Trade | Deep Dive into my Favorite Trading Pattern

How to Find the Best Stocks to Day Trade | Deep Dive into my Favorite Trading Pattern

Ross Cameron - Warrior Trading

1 год назад

74,255 Просмотров

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@limitedtime5471 - 04.10.2023 03:08

Ross is a great teacher, appreciate these videos!!

@KeithHill2 - 07.10.2023 04:41

Ross, do you load your scanner with your whiteboard search criteria?

@smatthews1999 - 07.10.2023 15:47

Dear Ross, Thank you for what you give to us beginner traders free of charge. So many "teachers" are actually hooking their "platform". I'm sure your platform is great, but for those starting out, we need to find some success before we can justify that kind of expense. Your honest and practical guidance is helping beginners like me get there. I have one of your quotes posted on my monitor "Focus on Base Hits!". Your level II guidance has also been huge for me. Thanks again!

@Carnivore_Trucker - 12.10.2023 04:52

Great video.. great info!🤘🏼

@realronrambo2732 - 13.10.2023 00:00

Ross can you describe Thick Trading besides my understanding ..the Spread

@Fatherkamp - 13.10.2023 01:21

Great info! 🙏🏽

@bto9273 - 14.10.2023 07:16

New pro member here. Want to say I am learning so much from classes, live sessions, and pro mentoring sessions. Thank you.

@connorculver2172 - 22.10.2023 18:29

Awesome video with very clear explanations. Thank you for all the information you put out!

@maxsetting5021 - 27.10.2023 06:08

"Where can you find real-time news? Can you give me some free and some paid websites? The best ones, please."

@marigabymorales3553 - 30.10.2023 17:24

Ross are they any days that you decide not to trade anything because no good trade pop up for the day?

@Juandinggong - 01.11.2023 05:25

I am the moron who buys at high because of panic to cover my earlier losses. So far in 7 days of trading I have lost $2000 and made every single mistake that Ross mentioned in his videos!😢

@FFFF-td2hl - 08.11.2023 02:53

Hello ross can you talk more about fasle breakout and how to bailed out quickly. Do you sell at the bid or sell at the ask?

@robertforget1652 - 10.11.2023 05:09

I came searching for help understanding and dang man... Your explanation helps so much

@coachyamyam9666 - 18.12.2023 22:36

What stock screener did y’all use?

@coachyamyam9666 - 18.12.2023 22:37

Great content

@haydenlinder - 28.12.2023 02:12

What scanner do you recommend? Can I set one up on Trading View or TOS?

@walliswallis8099 - 15.01.2024 12:13

Where can we find the same scanner that you use ?

@budlight4855 - 01.02.2024 06:14

Where do you find these scanners

@Tash2934 - 29.02.2024 19:20

I am a new trader. I was an investor. But now I am getting into this fulltime. And TBH, I started with your videos. THANKS A LOT

@tbones1979 - 16.03.2024 16:17

awesome video, Ross...thank you for sharing.

@carriedouglas4471 - 20.03.2024 18:08


@carriedouglas4471 - 20.03.2024 18:08

great teaching...thank you

@melaniecodea3629 - 20.03.2024 23:05

Ross I love your content and also your variety of colored shirts you have :D I was thinking about getting into your academy, but I am still a beginner and living in Europe. I would like to practice first and then learn more about it, but I am having a problem in practicing, because the tools you are using and I guess also the Broker is not avalable in Europe. Do you have any suggestions for a Real-Time Demo-Broker/Paper Trading Broker that is avalable in Europe so I can get started with practicing? It is so frustrating going on TradingView and trying to trade with 15min delay. Is there any monitoring or screener you would also advice to get started with this all? Because I guess beginners will not have your Momentum Alert Scanner, also in TradingView I dont even know what to enter in the screener filter, I am getting so diferent results from your scanner. When I enter the same filter option in finviz I get too complete diferent stocks. Please help Senpai

@aroudingo - 31.03.2024 10:48

what are all these programs/websites you have setup? im brand new to this stuff and have been struggling to find a setup, or digital workspace to work off

@teefia4506 - 11.05.2024 23:25

How bout u tell us how u set up ur scanner

@DealsandThrills - 22.05.2024 07:58

44.27 now
That’s why buffet says keep your pants on have a beer come back and hold some more

@jjglad55 - 27.05.2024 20:01

What scanner do you recommend?

@Kamia00248 - 15.06.2024 20:05

great video leant a lot

@kristopheralbarella740 - 18.06.2024 19:56

What scanner do you use?

@realfastboat - 01.07.2024 22:22

Thanks ross...for some reason, haven't previously seen your videos...SHAME ON ME!!! Great info, very well delivered...

@MarshalCarter-k6z - 05.07.2024 20:17

Hey I love your vids and i was wondering what market scanner do you use and if its not free are there any free alternatives?

@aamazyad6785 - 11.07.2024 23:37

Many many thaks Ross for sharing this video .

@whiskeynine - 17.07.2024 05:39

where did you get your stock scanner?

@SeasonalTradingStrategies-j7l - 22.07.2024 23:41

Stock screening is so useful!

@jacobjumba1915 - 29.07.2024 18:57

What scanner does he use?

@Top10-p6c - 14.08.2024 02:05

Thank you for actually taking the time and drawing on a white board exactly what you meant by the patterns. Ive watched a few of your videos and a few others from other people and you are the only one to explain in a clear way exactly what you are doing. Thank you for sharing your strategy. Now the only disadvantage we all have that you don't is you have that amazing technology that tracks the market for you. How can I get something like that???

@roshandsouza4038 - 15.10.2024 08:49

Thanks Ross. Another awesome video

@TheRSHelper12 - 17.10.2024 19:37

Thanks for showing that you can lose money aswell, really apriciate it!

@20check - 21.10.2024 00:18

what scanner are you using to scan

@Prod.Survival - 24.10.2024 23:37

What do you use to look at the news for these stocks??

@jointheinternet - 31.10.2024 07:32

Hey brother and team - in your experience, how long do the beneficial results of good news last? I wouldn't be surprised to hear it's mainly only the day of in cases where news came out premarket or intraday and the next day for news after market close - but is there any more nuance than that? Appreciate yall!

@carlosespinoza2092 - 15.12.2024 03:22

Hi my friend, sorry am pretty news in the stock trading field and I just want to ask you what time of the day is the best to trade and what is the best source to get the most fresh news can you advise please ??

@tintran8797 - 16.01.2025 19:42

Thank you for your clip.I am newbie and my English is not good but I am trying to hear what are you talking.

@CoinNest-f1g - 21.01.2025 06:37

Who agrees that a bear market is the best time to accumulate assets?

@raybartell9807 - 21.01.2025 23:05

Ross, I’m new to this about a month ago I opened a Robinhood account. Will this work with Robinhood? I’m 74 years old and wanted to dabble in this a little bit.

@LeviWright-k8u - 01.02.2025 14:51

I kinda wonder if this guy has some improvements to make on trading psychology. Some of his trades seem to be partially emotionally driven. Unless you are extremely experienced feel should never determine whether u make a trade or not. It is the numbers. Get an overall profitable system in place and follow the system to the letter. I’m hoping a screener helps me with this. As to later riskier trades, every loss you eliminate the more you profit. Thanks no nonsense forex, and thanks to you for the info on screeners ;)

@jorieevanoff4920 - 17.02.2025 22:04

You make it simple and easy to understand. It's really true.... If you can read the chart you don't need all the indicators to make decisions, so I'm dedicated to learning how to properly read them!

@josuahmanuel4324 - 21.02.2025 07:09

my friend for us using webull, what settings should we set our scanners to. i tried to see but i may be mistaken. much love.
